The Cyber
The Advocate
The Bread from Heaven
The Conqueror
The Cornerstone
The Friend
The Healer
The High Priest
The Intercessor
The King
The Lamb
The Leader
The Light
The Prince of Peace
The Redeemer
The Refuge
The Savior
The Shepherd
The Word
Accepting Him
Being Close to Him
Following Him
Loving Him
Obeying Him
Praising Him
Seeking Him
Serving Him
Trusting Him
His Abiding Presence
His Ascension
His Birth
His Blood
His Call
His Care
His Compassion
His Death
His Example
His Glory
His Invitation
His Love
His Mercy
His Name
His Power
His Presentation
His Promises
His Resurrection
His Return
His Transfiguration
His Unchanging Nature
His Voice
His Will