The Cyber
The Advocate
The Bread from Heaven
The Conqueror
The Cornerstone
The Friend
The Healer
The High Priest
The Intercessor
The King
The Lamb
The Leader
The Light
The Prince of Peace
The Redeemer
The Refuge
The Savior
The Shepherd
The Word
Accepting Him
Being Close to Him
Following Him
Loving Him
Obeying Him
Praising Him
Seeking Him
Serving Him
Trusting Him
His Abiding Presence
His Ascension
His Birth
His Blood
His Call
His Care
His Compassion
His Death
His Example
His Glory
His Invitation
His Love
His Mercy
His Name
His Power
His Presentation
His Promises
His Resurrection
His Return
His Transfiguration
His Unchanging Nature
His Voice
His Will
Christ’s Name
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
All in Him
At the Name of Jesus (Noel)
At the Name of Jesus (Werdebaugh)
Blessèd Be the Name (Clark)
Blessèd Be the Name (Pickett)
Celebrate Immanuel’s Name
Come Ye That Love the Savior’s Name
Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
Dearest of All the Names Above
Dearest of Names, Our Lord, Our King!
Down at the Cross
Glory Be to Jesus’ Name
God with Us! O Glorious Name!
He Keeps Me Singing
Holy Name of Jesus
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
Hymn on the Titles of Christ
I Know of a Name
I’ll Praise Him While I Live
I’m Happy in Jesus
Jesu, Accept the Grateful Song
Jesu! Name All Names Above
Jesu, Name of Sweetest Thought
Jesu! the Very Thought Is Sweet
Jesu’s Precious Name Excels
Jesus! Dear Name, How Sweet It Sounds!
Jesus, Delightful Name!
Jesus, I Love Thy Charming Name
Jesus Is His Name
Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Jesus, Thy Name Has Power to Bless
Jesus! The Name High over All
Jesus, Thy Name I Love
Jesus, We Look to Thee
Jesus! Wonderful Name!
Join All the Glorious Names
Just the Whispered Name of Jesus
Lo! the Lord, the Mighty Savior
Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name
Loving Name—Jesus, The
Name of Jesus (Cushing), The
Name of Jesus (Martin), The
Name of Jesus, Softly Stealing
Name Which I Whisper, The
No Other Name (Bliss)
No Other Name (Crosby)
No Other Name (Shacklock)
Now to the Lord a Noble Song
O Hallelujah, Praise His Holy Name
O How I Love Jesus
O Let the Heart Beat High with Bliss
O Lord, Our Lord, How Wondrous Great
O Name, All Other Names Above
Of All in Earth or Heaven
Oh, Wondrous Name!
Only One Name
Peerless Name, The
Praise of Jesus’ Name, The
Precious Name
Ring Out the Name of Jesus
Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name
Since I Have Been Redeemed
Surrounded by a Host of Foes
Sweeter Than All Is Jesus
There Is No Name so Sweet on Earth
There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
Thou Dear Redeemer, Dying Lamb
Thrice-Holy Name!
Thy Name Alone Can Save
’Tis for Conquering Kings to Gain
’Tis Jesus
To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
To the Name of Our Salvation
To the Name That Is Salvation
Yes, There Is Pardon for You
Yesterday, Today, Forever