Also see
Abashed Be All the Boast of Age!
Across the Templed Hills
Advent Song
Afar from the East
Again the Christmas Board Is Spread
Ah, Dearest Jesus
Ah! Lord God, the World’s Creator
Air Is Filled with the Echoes, The
All Glory to God
All Glory to God in the Sky
All Hail! Bright Morning Star
All Hail! Happy Day
All Hail, Holy Day!
All Hail, Thou Night, Than Day More Bright
All Hail to Thee, O Blessèd Morn!
All Hail, Ye Merry Folk Today
All in the Silent Night
All My Heart This Night Rejoices
All My Heart with Joy Is Springing
All of You Who Walked in Darkness
All Praise to Thee, Eternal God
All the Skies Tonight Sing o’er Us
All Wise, All Good, Almighty Lord
All This Night Bright Angels Sing
Alleluia! Lord Most Holy
Almighty Framer of the Skies
Amplest Grace in Thee I Find
Ancient Law Departs, The
And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell?
Angel Choirs in Accents Sweet
Angel Chorus, The
Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came, The
Angelic Messenger, Repeat
Angels Adore Him
Angels’ Chorus (DeArmond), The
Angels’ Chorus (Wakeman), The
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels from Their Home in Glory
Angels’ Hymn, The
Angels in Bright Attire
Angel’s Message, The (Earle)
Angel’s Message, The (Murray)
Angel’s Message, The (Yeakel)
Angel’s Proclamation, The
Angels’ Song, The
Angel’s Song (Johnston), The
Angel’s Song (Lowry), The
Angels Proclaim the Happy Morn
Angels Rejoiced and Sweetly Sung
Angels Sang One Starry Night, The
Angels Sing Around the Stall, The
Angels Speak, Let Man Give Ear
Angels’ Song (Brooklyn)
Angels’ Song (Brown), The
Angels’ Song (Jameson), The
Angels’ Song (Wheeler), The
Angels’ Sweet Refrain, The
Angels We Have Heard on High
Annunciation, The
Anthem the Angels Were Singing, The
Arise and Hail the Sacred Day
Arise and Sing, Dispel Your Fears
Around the Christmas Tree
As Each Happy Christmas
As I Kept Watch Beside My Sheep
As Jonah, Issuing from His Three Days’ Tomb
As Joseph Was a Walking
As on the Night Before
As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun
As the World Around Was Sleeping
As with Gladness, Men of Old
At Christmas Time (Bush)
At Christmas Time (Metcalf)
At Hour of Silent Midnight
At the Birth of Christ Our King
Awake, Arise, Behold the Day
Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue
Awake with Joy, Salute the Morn!
Awake with Joyful Strains of Mirth
Awake, Ye Nations of the Earth
Away in a Manger
Away! with Loyal Hearts and True
Away with Our Fears!
Babe in Bethlem’s Manger, The
Babe Is Born, A
Babe Is Born in Bethlehem, A
Babe of Bethlehem (Dyer), The
Babe of Bethlehem (Latta), The
Babe of Bethlehem (Pitt), The
Babe of Bethlehem (Smith), The
Baby of Bethlehem, The
Ballad of the Cross, The
Ballad of Wise Men, A
Band of Herdsmen Tarried Late, A
Be Merry All
Be Ye Joyful, Earth and Sky
Beaming Bright
Beautiful (Floyd)
Beautiful Bethlehem Bells
Beautiful Christmas (Hall)
Beautiful Christmas (Slade)
Beautiful Christmas Tide
Beautiful Star (Anderson)
Beautiful Star (Hewitt)
Beautiful Star (Jones)
Beautiful Star (Thomas)
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Beautiful Story
Beautiful Story of Old, The
Because It Is Christmas Time
Begin a Joyful Song
Behold, a Lucid Light Appears
Behold! Behold! What Wonders Here!
Behold, the Grace Appears!
Behold the Great Creator Makes
Behold, the Joyful Day Is Nigh
Behold, the World’s Redeeming Light
Behold What Splendor, Hear That Shout
Bells Are Calling, The
Bells Are Ringing, The
Bells Are Ringing Clear and Sweet, The
Bells of Christmas
Bend to Our Hymns, Redeemer
Beside the Manger
Beside Thy Manger Here I Stand
Best That Heav’n Could Bring, The
Bethlehem (Bennett)
Bethlehem (Frost)
Bethlehem in Land of Judah
Bethlehem Land
Bethlehem Lullaby
Bethlehem, of Noblest Cities
Bethlehem Rejoices
Bethlehem Sleeps Beneath the Stars
Bethlehem Song, The
Bethlehem Star, The
Bethlehem’s Beautiful Star
Bethlehem’s Star (Crosby)
Bethlehem’s Star (Earle)
Birth of Christ the Lord
Birth of Our Savior, The
Birthday of a King, The
Birthday of Jesus, The
Birthday of Our King (Bennett), The
Birthday of Our King (Jones), The
Birthday of the King, The
Blasts of Chill December, The
Blessèd Babe, The
Blessèd, Bright and Shining Star
Blessèd Gift
Blessèd Night, When First That Plain
Blessèd Songs of Christmas
Blest Christmas Morn
Blest News! To Us a Child Is Born
Blithely from the Moated Churchyard
Boar’s Head Carol, The
Book—Let All Bow Down and Read, The
Born to Bless Us, Born to Save
Boy Is Born in Bethlehem, A
Branch of Jesse’s Stem, Arise
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
Bright and Glorious Is the Sky
Bright and Joyful Is the Morn
Bright Angel Hosts Are Heard on High
Bright Angels on the Wing
Bright, Bright in Silver Light
Bright o’er Bethlehem’s Lowly Mangers
Bright Was the Guiding Star That Led
Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning
Brightness of the Father’s Glory
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
Burden of the Bells, The
Burning Babe, The
Calm on the Listening Ear of Night
Calm Was the Hallowed Night!
Carol, Brothers, Carol
Carol, Carol, Children!
Carol, Carol, Christians
Carol, Children
Carol, Christian Children
Carol for Christmas Eve
Carol His Natal Day
Carol, Merrily Carol!
Carol of Redemption
Carol, Sweetly Carol
Caroling, Caroling All Thro’ the Night
Caroling On
Cedar of Lebanon, The
Cedars and the Pines, The
Celestial Chorus, The
Cheerily, Cheerily, Sing We All
Cheerily, Cheerily Singing
Cherry Tree Carol
Child and the Shepherd, The
Child Divine
Child for Us Is Born This Day, A
Child in the Manger
Child Is Born in Bethlehem, A
Child Is Born—The Birth Proclaim, A
Child Jesus Comes from Heav’nly Height
Child of Bethlehem, The
Child This Day Is Born, A
Childling of a Maiden Bright
Children, Hail the Holy Stranger
Children, Hearken
Children, Lo, the Days Are Here
Children, the Wide World Over
Children’s Carol, The
Christ at Bethlehem
Christ Comes to Earth, The
Christ Is Born (Belden)
Christ Is Born (Davis)
Christ Is Born (Gething)
Christ Is Born (Highfield)
Christ Is Born (Oatman)
Christ Is Born (Rowe)
Christ Is Born (Sherman)
Christ Is Born (Wilbor)
Christ Is Born, and Heav’n Rejoices
Christ Is Born, Go Forth to Meet Him
Christ Is Born, Go Tell the Story
Christ Is Born of Blessèd Mary
Christ Is Born! Tell Forth His Fame!
Christ Is Born, the Promised Savior
Christ Is Born Today
Christ Is Come
Christ Is King (Merritt)
Christ the Lord Is Born
Christ the Lord, the Lord Most Glorious
Christ the Savior Born
Christ Was Born in Bethlehem
Christ Was Born on Christmas Day
Christ Was Born on Christmas Night
Christ Was Once a Little Baby
Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn
Christians, Carol Sweetly
Christians, Listen, While We Sing
Christians, Lo, the Star Appeareth
Christians, Sing Out with Exultation
Christmas Anthem
Christmas Bells (Black)
Christmas Bells (Blenkhorn)
Christmas Bells (Brine)
Christmas Bells (Chapman)
Christmas Bells (Clark)
Christmas Bells (Cross)
Christmas Bells (Kieffer)
Christmas Bells (Sherman)
Christmas Bells, The
Christmas Bells Are Gaily Ringing
Christmas Bells Are Ringing, The
Christmas Bells Peal Merrily, The
Christmas Brings Joy to Every Heart
Christmas Carol (Abbey)
Christmas Carol (Crosby)
Christmas Carol (Smith)
Christmas Carol (Turner)
Christmas Carol, A
Christmas Chimes, The
Christmas Comes!
Christmas Comes Again
Christ Comes to Earth, The
Christmas Day (Johnston)
Christmas Day (Seymour)
Christmas Day Joyous
Christmas Day Song
Christmas, Glad Christmas (Irvine)
Christmas! Glad Christmas! (Weston)
Christmas Hymn
Christmas Hymn, A
Christmas Hymn, The
Christmas Is Here
Christmas Is the Dearest Day
Christmas Joy
Christmas Legend, A
Christmas, Merry Christmas
Christmas Message, A
Christmas Message, The
Christmas Morn
Christmas Morning (Bennett)
Christmas Morning (Field)
Christmas Morning (Froelich)
Christmas Morning (Johnson)
Christmas Morning (Meigs)
Christmas Morning (Phipps)
Christmas Music
Christmas Night (Prutz)
Christmas Night (Smith)
Christmas Night, The
Christmas Picture, A
Christmas Praises
Christmas Rejoicing, A
Christmas Song (Cannell)
Christmas Song (Partridge)
Christmas Song (Swift)
Christmas Song (Webb)
Christmas Stars Are Shining, The
Christmas Story, The
Christmas Tears
Christmas Time
Christmas Time (Kurzenknabe)
Christmas Time Draws on Apace, The
Christmas Time Is Come Again
Christmas Tree, The
Christ’s Birthday
Christ’s Natal Day
Christus! Anointed One!
Clap Your Hands for Joy
Clear upon the Night Air Sounding
Clearly in the East It Shone
Cold Was the Night
Come, All Ye Shepherds
Come, and Christ the Lord Be Praising
Come, Children, Raise Your Voices
Come Children, with Singing
Come Hither, Ye Children
Come Hither, Ye Faithful
Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
Come, Let Us Sing with Joyful Mirth
Come, Listen to My Story
Come, Listen to the Story
Come, Nations, Come
Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing
Come, Shepherds, Come!
Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth
Come to the Manger (McLaughlin)
Come to the Manger (Morton)
Come to the Manger (Young)
Come to the Manger, in Bethlehem
Come with the Wise Men
Come, Ye Lofty
Come, Ye Redeemèd of the Lord
Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
Coming One, The
Coronation Day
Coventry Carol
Cradled All Lowly
Cradled in a Manger, Meanly
Crib and the Cross, The
Crown Him with Rejoicing
David’s City Dimly Lies
Dawning Fair, Morning Wonderful
Day, a Day of Glory, A
Day of Days
Day of Days, The
Day of Joy and Gladness
Day of Redemption
Day the Christ Child’s Tender Eyes, The
Dear Christian People All, Rejoice
Dear Little One
Dear Little Stranger
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Do You Know the Song That the Angels Sang?
Dost Thou in a Manger Lie?
Down from Heav’n Winging
Down from His Glory
Down from the Skies
Down from the Worlds of Radiant Light
Earth Has Many a Noble City
Eastern Sages Sought Their Lord, The
Echoed Song, The
Echoes of Bethlehem
Eternal Glory of the Sky
Evergreen, Holly and Laurel
Everywhere, Everywhere, Christmas Tonight!
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains
Farewell, Bright Christmas
Father, Our Hearts We Lift
Father’s Sole Begotten Son, The
Favor and Peace on Earth
Fear Not
of Christmas-Tide, The
Fear Not!
the Angel Said
First Christmas Night, The
First Christmas Song, The
First of Cities, Bethlehem
First Noel, The
Flocks Were Wrapped in Slumber, The
Fly Abroad, and Tell the Story
Following the Star
For unto Us a Child Is Born
Foreglow, The
Friendly Beasts, The
From Church to Church
From Dayspring’s Faintest Eastern Goal
From East to West, from Shore to Shore
From Every Spire on Christmas Eve
From Far Away
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
From Highest Heaven, on Joyous Wing
From Lands That See the Sun Arise
From the Deep Star-Laden Sky
From the Eastern Mountains
From the Far-Blazing Gate of Morn
From Virgin’s Womb This Christmas Day Did Spring
From Yonder World I Come to Earth
Gabriel’s Message
Gather and Sing
Gather Around the Christmas Tree
Gentle Jesus, Pure and Holy
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
Gentle Savior, Day and Night
Gentle Star of Bethlehem
Gently Falls the Winter Snow
Gift Divine, The
Gifts We Bring
Give Heed, My Heart
Glad Angel Voices
Glad Christmas Bells
Glad Christmas Comes Again
Glad Tidings (Bennett)
Glad Tidings (Crosby)
Glad Tidings (Gabriel)
Glad Was the Message
Gloomy Night Embraced the Place
Glorious, Beauteous, Golden-Bright
Glorious Yuletide
Glory Be to God on High! (Monsell)
Glory Be to God on High (Wesley 2)
Glory in the Highest (Bronner)
Glory in the Highest! (Brownlie)
Glory in the Highest (Ford)
Glory in the Highest (Hughes)
Glory to God in the Highest (Jones)
Glory in the Highest (Lorenz)
Glory in the Highest (Mason)
Glory in the Highest! (Thorne)
Glory in the Highest (Walker)
Glory in the Highest (Zimmerman)
Glory to Bethlehem
Glory to God (Edel)
Glory to God (Prentice)
Glory to God! (Robinson)
Glory to God (Rosborough)
Glory to God (Tillotson)
Glory to God (Weckerly)
Glory to God in the Highest (Boyd)
Glory to God in the Highest (Crosby)
Glory Be to God on High (Wordsworth)
Glory to God! We Were in Bitter Need
Glory to God Who Reigns Above
Go and Tell Jesus (Gibbs)
Go Bear the Joyful Tidings
Go Forth to Meet Him
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
God Almighty in His Wisdom
God from on High Hath Heard
God Give Ye Merry Christmas Tide
God of Israel Is Real, The
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
God with Us
God’s Best Gift
God’s Dear Son Without Beginning
Golden Bells, The
Golden Carol, The
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Good Christian People All
Good Day and Welcome, Dear Christmas Tree
Good King Wenceslas
Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring
Good News from the Hills
Good News on Christmas Morning
Good People, Give Ear
Good Tidings
Good Will
Gospel Bells, The
Great and Mighty Wonder (Lutheran), A
Great and Mighty Wonder (Neale), A
Great God of Heaven, The
Great King! From Heaven’s High Throne
Hail, All Hail the Joyful Morn!
Hail, Blessèd Babe!
Hail, Blessèd Morn!
Hail! Blessèd Christmas Day
Hail Brightest, Happiest Morn
Hail! Ever Hail! Auspicious Morn
Hail, Hail, Hail
Hail! Happy Morn
Hail! Happy Morn (Blenkhorn)
Hail Progeny Divine!
Hail, Sweet Babe, So Pure and Holy
Hail the Day, When in the Sky
Hail the Holy Night
Hail the Lord of Glory
Hail the Night, All Hail the Morn
Hail to the Morn That Dawns on Eastern Hills
Hail to the King
Hail to the Virgin Born
Hallowed Night
Hang the Holly Garlands
Happiest Day, The
Happy Christmas Comes Once More, The
Happy Christmas Day
Happy Christmas Morn, The
Happy Christmas Morning
Happy Christmas Time (Hoffman)
Happy Christmas Time (Perkins)
Happy Words of Cheer
Hark! A Burst of Heavenly Music
Hark! A Glad, Exulting Throng
Hark! Eastward and Westward
Hark from on High Those Blissful Strains!
Hark! Hark! the Notes of Joy
Hark, Hark! The Sweet, Sweet Chiming
Hark! Hark! What News the Angels Bring
Hark! Hear Ye Not the Angel Song?
Hark! Heard Ye Not the Ancient Seer?
Hark! How the Bells
Hark! The Angels Singing
Hark, the Angel Choirs Proclaim
Hark the Angels’ Song
Hark the Bells (Reed)
Hark the Bells (Schmidt)
Hark! The Full-Voiced Choir Is Singing
Hark, the Heav’nly Voices Sing
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Hark! The Heralds from the Sky
Hark, the Hosts of Heaven Are Singing
Hark! The Merry, Merry Bells
Hark! The Skies with Music Sound
Hark! The Song of Choirs Angelic
Hark! The Sound of Angel Voices
Hark, the Sounds Melodious Stealing
Hark! The Voice of Angels Singing
Hark! Upon the Morning Breezes
Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?
Hark! What Celestial Sounds
Hark! What Sounds Are Sweetly Stealing?
Harken, Ye Children
Hasten, Ye Faithful
Hasten, Loyal Mortals
Have You Seen the Star?
He Became Incarnate
He Cometh, Father, as He Came of Old
He Has Come, the Christ of God
He Is Born
He Shall Be Called
He That Lay in Lowly Manger
Hear the Angels Singing
Hear the Bells
Hearken, All! What Holy Singing
Heavenly Stranger, The
Heavens Declare Thy Glory (Wordsworth), The
Herdsmen Keeping Lonely Vigil
Here Again
Here Is Joy for Every Age
Here We Come A-Wassailing
High Let Us Swell Our Tuneful Notes
High Word of God
Him Whom the Skies, the Earth, the Sea
Hither, Ye Faithful
Holly and the Ivy, The
Holy Babe, Our Great Salvation
Holy Son of God Most High, The
Hosanna to King David’s Son
Hosanna to the Son of God
Householder Sending Forth His Son, The
How Beautiful the Mystery
How Blest Is the Season
How Blest Were They on Bethlehem’s Plain
How Bright Appears the Morning Star
How Brightly Beams the Morning Star!
How Fair upon the Mountains
How Great Our Joy
How I Wish I Knew
How Sang the Heavenly Army
How Vain the Cruel Herod’s Fear
How Vain Was Impious Herod’s Dread
Hush, All Ye Sounds of War
Hush, My Dear
Hush! The Virgin’s Song Is Ringing
Hymn for Christmas
I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
I Come from th’Lofty Heav’ns Today
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
I Know Not How That Bethlehem’s Babe
I Love to Hear Sweet Voices Sing
I Love to Hear the Story
I May Not Go Tonight to Bethlehem
I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
I Sing the Birth Was Born Tonight
I Would Be
Immanuel, God with Us!
Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise
Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise (Schlicht)
Immortal Babe, Who This Dear Day
In a Feed Box, in a Stable
In a Manger Laid
In a Manger Laid So Lowly
In a Lowly Manger Sleeping
In Bethlehem, That Noble Place
In Bondage to the Law
In Her Lord His Church Rejoices
In His Rude Manger-Bed Sleeping
In Sweetest Accord
In the Bleak Midwinter
In the Bliss of Old Predicted
In the Country Nigh to Bethlehem
In the Early Morning
In the Early Morning, Early
In the Field with Their Flocks Abiding
In the Hallowed Manger
In the Lowly Manger Lying
In the Lonely Midnight
In the Same Country
In the Silence of the Night
In the Wintry Heaven
In Triumph, Joy and Holy Fear
Incarnation Hymn
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Infant Lay Within a Shed, An
Infant So Gentle
Invitation, The
Is Thy Heart Athirst to Know?
It Came upon the Midnight Clear
It Never Shall Pass Away
Jacob’s Star Is Ris’n at Last
Jesu, Redeemer of the World
Jesu, the Father’s Only Son
Jesu, Who from Thy Father’s Throne
Jesus, Call Thou Me
Jesus Is Born
Jesus, Redeemer, Ere the Light
Jesus the Lord Is Born
Jesus, Thou Everlasting Word
Join All Ye Joyful Nations
Joseph Dearest
Joy Bells Are Ringing
Joy Fills Our Inmost Hearts Today!
Joy of Christmas, The
Joy to the Sons of Men
Joy to the World (Holme)
Joy to the World (Watts)
Joy to the World (Tillotson)
Joyful Morn Is Breaking, The
Joyful Tidings of a Savior
Judah’s Star Is Risen
Kind Friends Have Decked the Christmas Tree
King, Messiah, Long Expected
King Might Miss the Guiding Star, A
Kings of the East Are Riding, The
Kings of the Orient
Lamb, Whose Blood for All Men Streamed
Lands That Long in Darkness Lay, The
Lead, Guiding Star!
Lead On
Leave, Shepherds, Leave, Your Peaceful Flocks
Led by the Star
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let All Adore the Immortal King
Let Angels and Archangels Sing
Let Earth and Heaven Combine
Let Earth Resound Again
Let Every Voice for Gladness Sing
Let Heaven with Music Ring
Let Heav’n and Earth Rejoice and Sing
Let Music Break on This Blest Morn
Let Myriad Chords This Day Be Strung
Let Our Gladness Have No End
Let Sighing Cease and Woe
Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
Let the Laurel Twine
Let Us All with Gladsome Voice
Let Us All with Grateful Praises
Let Us Go to Bethlehem
Let Us Haste to Bethlehem
Let Us Now Go to Bethlehem
Lift High Your Cheerful Voices
Lift Up Your Heads in Joyful Hope
Light of Bethlehem (Lee), The
Light of Bethlehem (Tabb), The
Light of Heaven, The
Light of the World, Come Nigh and Bless
Lightly Bound My Bosom, Ringing
Like Silver Lamps in a Distant Shrine
Like the Sound of Many Waters
Linked in the Bond of Peace
List Our Merry Carol
Listen, Lordings, unto Me
Listen to the Bells
Listen to the Wondrous Story
Listen to Those Happy Voices
Little Child Is Born Tonight, A
Little Child So Fair and Bright, A
Little Children, Can You Tell?
Little Children, Do You Know?
Little Children, Rise and Sing
Little Child’s Gift Carol
Little Christ Asleep, The
Little Lord Jesus, The
Lo! A Star, Ye Sages Hoary
Lo, a Fair Rose Ablooming
Lo, God, Our God, Has Come!
Lo! He Comes, an Infant Stranger
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Lo, in the East Appears a Star
Lo, the Clouds of Night Are Rending
Long Ago
Long Ago a Shining Throng
Long Ago in Bethlehem (Beale)
Long Ago in Bethlehem (Burnard)
Long Ago in Bethlehem’s Plain
Long Ago, in Solemn Midnight
Long Ago on Christmas
Long Ago on Christmas Day
Long Did Both Kings and Prophets Wait
Long Expected Hour Draws Near, The
Long, Long Ago in Manger Low
Long Years Ago in Bethlehem
Long Years Ago o’er Bethlehem’s Hills
Long Years Ago, on Christmas Morn
Lord at First Had Adam Made, The
Lord Is Come, The
Lord Jesus Christ, All Praise to Thee
Love Came Down at Christmas
Lowly Child, The
Lowly Shepherds of Judea
Made of a Woman
Magi Came from Lands Afar, The
Make Thee Ready, as Best Thou Art Able
Maker of the Sun and Moon, The
Manger Story, The
Manger-Babe, The
March of the Three Kings
Mary Heard the Angel’s Message
Mary’s Boy Child
Mercy Triumphs, Christ Is Born
Merry Christmas (Holmes)
Merry Christmas (Kinsey)
Merry Christmas (Leslie)
Merry Christmas Bells (Latta)
Merry Christmas Bells (Smith)
Merry Christmas Bells, The
Merry Christmas Bells Are Ringing (Bourne)
Merry Christmas Bells Are Ringing (Waite)
Merry, Merry Chiming Bells
Merry, Merry Christmas! (Cook)
Merry, Merry Christmas! (Latta)
Merry, Merry Christmas Day
Merry, Merry Christmas Time
Message of Christmas Time
Message of the Bells, The
Meteor Bright Its Wondrous Light, A
Midnight’s Sable Hour Is Passing
Mortals Awake, with Angels Join
Mummers’ Carol
Murder of the Innocents
Music of the Angels
Music on Christmas Morning
My Heart, So Like the Manger Lowly
Nations That Long in Darkness Walked
Nativity, The
Never Shone a Light So Fair!
New Heaven, New War
New Prince, New Pomp
New-Born Child This Early Morn, The
Newborn King, The
Newborn King Who Comes Today, The
Night Has Closed the Gates
Night in Silence
Night of Nights
Night of Wonder
Night Rested on Judea’s Plains
Night’s Canopy over Judea Now Hung
No Room for Jesus
No Room in the Inn
No Room in the Inn (Hawes)
No Room in the Inn (Skilton)
No War nor Battle’s Sound
Now Are the Days Fulfilled
Now Dies in David’s City
Now Israel’s Hope in Triumph Ends
Now Join We All with Holy Mirth
Now Let Us Sing the Angels’ Song
Now Lift the Carol
Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One
Now Sing We, Now Rejoice
Now the Long Expected Savior
Now We Bring Our Christmas Treasures
Now Yield We Thanks and Praise
Nowell: Hail, Gentle King
Nowell! Nowell!
O Babe! in Manger Lying
O Bethlem Town Tonight Is Cold
O Blessèd Day of Days
O Blessèd Jesus, This
O Chief of Cities, Bethlehem
O Child of Lowly Manger Birth
O Christ, Redeemer of Our Race
O Christmas Bells, Ring Out!
O Christmas Night!
O City of David
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O, Come, Little Children
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O Come, Redeemer of Mankind
O Dark Was the Night
O God, Today We May Forget
O Guiding Star
O Happy Earth
O Happy Place That Heard the Voice
O Happy Time! Auspicious Morn!
O Highest Love, in Lowliest Guise
O Holy Night
O How Shall I Keep My Christmas?
O Jesu Christ, All Praise to Thee
O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is
O Jesus, King of Glory
O Joy of Earth!
O Joyful Bells of Christmas-Tide
O King of Glory, David’s Son (Henkel)
O King of Glory! David’s Son! (Winkworth)
O Let Your Mingling Voices Rise
O List to the Notes
O Little Babe of Bethlehem
O Little One Who Art So Great
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Lord, Our God, in Adoration
O Lovely Star
O Lovely Star (Geibel)
O Lovely Voices of the Sky
O Lowly, Sacred Stable
O Mercy Divine, O Couldst Thou Incline
O Miracle of Love and Might!
O Night of Nights!
O Night of Nights, Supreme Delights
O Radiant Morn
O Ring, Glad Bells
O Savior of the World Forlorn
O Savior, Whom This Holy Morn
O Seed of David
O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
O, Sing We a Carol
O Star of Matchless Splendor
O Starry Night
O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful
O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide
O’er Bethl’hem’s Hill, in Time of Old
O’er Judah’s Plains
O’er the Hill and o’er the Vale
O’er the Hills of Old Judea
Of All the Happy Golden Days
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Oh, Come, Little Children
Oh! Had I the Voice of an Angel
Oh, How Wondrous Is the Story
Oh Realm of Light
Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly
Old Story, The
On a Christmas Morning (Bradbury)
On a Christmas Morning (Ogden)
On Christmas Day (Cooke)
On Christmas Day (Dodge)
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
On a Day When Men Were Counted
On Eastern Plain Reclining
On Judah’s Hills a Lowly Band
On Judah’s Plains as Shepherds Kept
On the Birthday of the Lord (Littledale)
On the Birthday of the Lord (Washburn)
On This Night, Most Holy
Once Again, O Blessèd Time
Once Again the Olden Story
Once in Bethlehem of Judah
Once in Royal David’s City
Once More, with Songs of Rapture
Once o’er Judea’s Hills by Night
One Special Night
Only Son from Heaven, The
Our Christmas Song
Our Christmas Tree
Our Day of Joy Is Here Again
Our Infant Redeemer
Our Loving Hearts, O Savior Dear
Our Message
Our Messiah Came
Our Royal Christmas Gift
Out from the Rising of the Sun
Over Hills and Over Plains
Out of Every Clime and People
Outside the Inn
Over Bethl’em’s Hillside
Over the Town of Bethlehem
Palms, The
Peace and Good Will
Peace on Earth (Doane)
Peace on Earth (Hunt)
Peace upon Earth
Peaceful the Wondrous Night
Peal Forth Your Joyous Music
Praise Be to Our Infant Savior
Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
Praise to Jesus
Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Christians!
Precious Child, So Sweetly Sleeping
Precious Story, The
Prince of Peace, The
Prince of Peace Is Come, The
Princely City Passing By, The
Promised Star Appeareth, The
Race That Long in Darkness Pined, The
Redeemer Is Come, The
Rejoice in Jesu’s Birth
Rejoice, Our Nature Christ Assumes
Rejoice, Rejoice (O’Kane)
Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn
Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians
Rejoice Today
Remember Me
Remember the Time When Our Saviour Was Born
Ring Merrily!
Ring, Merry, Merry Bells
Ring On, Ye Bells
Ring On, Ye Joyous Christmas Bells
Ring Out, Chiming Bells
Ring Out, Merry Bells
Ring Out, O Bells, in Gladness
Ring Out, O Bells, Your Peals Today
Ring Out, Ring Out, O Christmas Bells
Ring Out the Bells
Ring Out the Bells for Christmas
Ring Out, Ye Bells
Ring Out, Ye Throbbing Stars of Night
Ring, Ring the Bells, the Joyful Bells
Ring the Bells (Mack)
Ring the Bells, the Christmas Bells
Ring the Christmas Bells Again
Ring, Sweet Bells
Ring, Sweet Bells of Christendom
Ring, Ye Bells!
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
Rod of the Root of Jesse
Rosy Dawn, with Locks of Gold
’Round Our Sparkling Christmas Tree
Royal Day That Chaseth Gloom
Salvation Morning
Saved by Believing
Savior of the Nations, Come
Savior, of the Virgin Born, The
Saw You Never, in the Twilight?
Scene Around Me Disappears, The
See Amid the Winter’s Snow
Sent from His Heav’nly Throne on High
Servant of God, and Son of Man
Shades of Silent Night Dividing
Shepherd Band Their Flocks, A
Shepherds, The
Shepherds, Hail the Wondrous Stranger
Shepherds of Bethlehem (Cushing), The
Shepherds of Bethlehem (Hopkins), The
Shepherds on Fair Bethlehem’s Plain, The
Shepherds, Rejoice! Lift Up Your Eyes
Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep
Shepherds, Tell Your Beauteous Story
Shepherds Their Watch Amid Their Flocks
Shepherds Watching o’er the Plain
Shepherds Watching on the Plain
Shepherds Went Their Hasty Way
Shepherds, What Joyful Tidings
Shiloh Has Come
Shine Calm and Bright, Ye Moonbeams Light
Shine On
Shine On, Bethlehem’s Star
Shine On, O Star! (Harrington)
Shining Out of Darkness
Shining Star, A
Shout of Mighty Triumph, A
Shout the Glad Tidings
Shout, Ye Lower Sons of Men
Signal Star, The
Silent Night
Silent Night! Hallowed Night!
Silently o’er Bethlehem
Silver Star, The
Sinful Earth Was Sunk in Woe, The
Sing Again That Sweet Story
Sing Alleluia!
Sing and Rejoice
Sing, Christmas Bells
Sing His Praise
Sing, O Children
Sing, O Children, Sing with Gladness
Sing, O Sing, This Blessèd Morn
Sing Out Your Gladsome Carols
Sing, Sing for Christmas!
Sing Sweet Carols
Sing We Merry Christmas
Sing We Now of Christmas
Sing We Now of Joy and Gladness
Sing, Ye Ransomed Nations, Sing
Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
Sky Can Still Remember, The
Sleep! Holy Babe
Sleep, Little Baby
Sleep, My Little Jesus
Sleep, My Savior, Sleep
Sleep, Weary World
Slowly Fall the Snowflakes
Slumber, Sweetly Slumber
Snow Lay on Ground, The
So Ends the Ages’ Vigil
Softly the Night Is Sleeping
Softly upon Bethlehem’s Plains
Son of God! All Glorious Savior
Song and a Carol for Christmastide, A
Song and the Star, The
Song for Christmas
Song for Christmas Eve, A
Song in the Night, A
Song of Christmas, The
Song of Christmas Eve
Song of Old, The
Song of Peace, The
Song of the Ages
Song of the Angels, The
Song of the Shepherds
Song the Herald Angels Sang, The
Song the Shepherds Heard, The
Song the World Is Singing, A
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
Sons of Men, Behold from Far
Soul Wherein God Dwells, The
Stable at Bethlehem, The
Star, a Star Is Burning, A
Star and the Angels, The
Star, Beautiful Star
Star in the East (Campbell), The
Star in the East (Lowrie)
Star of Beauty (Belden)
Star of Beauty (Hewitt)
Star of Bethlehem (Cheyney), The
Star of Bethlehem (Huntington)
Star of Bethlehem (Ray)
Star of Bethlehem (Skoog), The
Star of Bethlehem (Worrell)
Star of Fulfillment
Star of Joy, The
Star of the East (Mack)
Star of the East (Hull)
Star of the East (Jackson)
Star of the East, How Sweet Art Thou
Star Proclaims the King Is Here, The
Stars All Bright Are Beaming
Stars of December
Stars of Glory, Shine More Brightly
Stars of the Night
Story of the Shepherd
Story of the Wise Men
Story That Never Grows Old (Gray), The
Stranger, The
Stupendous Mystery!
Sweet Carols
Sweet Child Divine
Sweet Christmas Time
Sweet Is the Light, Whate’er It Be
Sweet Peace on Earth
Sweet Savior, Once Again This Year
Sweeter Sounds That Music Knows
Sweetest Music, Softly Stealing
Sweetest New-Born Baby
Sweetly Sang the Angels
Tale of the Olden Time, A
Tell Me of the King
Tell Me the Sweet Story
Tell the Christmas Story
Tell the Joyful News
Thank God for Bethlehem
That Little Babe in Bethlehem
Thee, O Immanuel, We Praise
There Burns a Star o’er Bethlehem Town
There Came a Little Child to Earth
There Came a Message from the Sky
There Dwelt in Old Judea
There Rose on the Air
There Was No Angel
There Was No Room for Them in the Inn (Kimball)
There Was No Room for Them in the Inn (Repplier)
There Were Whisperings in the Heavens
There’s a Song in the Air
There’s a Wonderful Star
There’s a Wonderful Tree
They All Were Looking for a King
They Come from Far a King to Seek
They Gave Him Their Treasures
They Seek the Babe
They Speak to Me of Princely Tyre
This Blessèd Night
This Day a Child Is Born
This Endris Night
This Is Merry Christmas Day
This Is the Happy Christmas Morn
This Night a Wondrous Revelation
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Thou Fairest Child Divine
Thou Hast, O God, the Work Begun
This the Winter Morn
Thou, Whose Coming Seers and Sages
Though Rude Winds Usher Thee, Sweet Day
Thousand Years Have Come and Gone, A
Three Kings from Out the Orient
Three Kings of Cologne, The
Three Kings’ Song
Thrice Joyful Night
Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We
Time by Heaven Foretold Is Come, The
’Tis Christmas Day
’Tis Christmas Eve
’Tis Christmas Morn
’Tis Come, the Time So Oft Foretold
To Adam Thus Jehovah Spake
To Be Like Him
To Christ the Lord!
To Shepherds as They Watched by Night
To the Music of the Bells
To Thee My Heart I Offer
To Thee, O God, the Shepherd Kings
To Us a Child Is Born from Heav’n
To Us a Child of Hope Is Born
To Us a Child of Royal Birth
To Us, to Us a Child Is Born
To Weary Shepherds Sleeping
Today Be Joy in Every Heart
Today in Bethlehem Hear I
Today We Celebrate the Birth
Triumph, Ye Heavens!
Truth’s Advent
’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
’Twas in the Winter Cold
Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star
Two Thousand Troubled Years
Unto Us
Unto Us a Boy Is Born
Unto Us a Child Is Born
Unto Us a Child is Born (Kirkland)
Unto Us a Child Is Born (Minstrelsy)
Unto Us a Child Is Born (Sanders)
Under the Stars
Unto Him Be Glory
Upon Judea’s Midnight Plains
Virgin Is Hushing Her Baby to Rest, The
Virgin Most Pure, A
Virgin Mother, Oh, Rejoice!
Virgin Pure, Both Meek and Mild, A
Virgin Unspotted, A
Virgin Stills the Crying, The
Voice of the Christ Child, The
Waits’ Song, The
Wake All Music’s Magic Pow’rs
Wake! And Tune Your Youthful Voices
Waken! Christian Children
Waking Out of Silence
Watching in the Meadows
Watching on Judea’s Plain
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
Wave the Banners
We Christians May Rejoice Today
We Come Today
We Come with Song Rejoicing
We Have Heard the Wondrous Story
We Sing Hallelujah!
We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise
We Sing of God, the Mighty Source
We Sing to Thee, Immanuel
We Three Kings
We Would See Jesus (DeArmond)
We Would See Jesus (Park)
We’ve Been Told a Joyful Thing
Welcome Be Our Heavenly King
Welcome, Blessèd Jesus
Welcome, Christmas, Welcome Here
Welcome God’s and Mary’s Son
Welcome Song (Helper)
Welcome to Christmas
Welcome, Yule
We’ll Sing, in Spite of Scorn
Wexford Carol, The
What a Shout Was Heard!
What Angel Can the Grace Explain
What Are These Ethereal Strains?
What Child Is This?
What Good News the Angels Bring
What Is the Message?
What Means This Glory Round Our Feet?
What Offering Shall I Bring to Thee?
What Shall I Bring?
What Shall We Bring to Thee?
What Soul Inspiring Music
What Star Is This, with Beams so Bright?
When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Beesley)
When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Davis)
When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Housman)
When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Nevin)
When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Taylor)
When Christ Was Born of Mary Free
When Christmas Morn Is Dawning
When Christ’s Appearing Was Made Known
When First This Matchless Story
When from the East the Wise Men Came
When Jordan Hushed His Waters Still
When Joseph Went with Mary
When Marshaled on the Nightly Plain
When Mary Hugged Her Newborn Son
When Mother Love Makes All Things Bright
When War on Earth Suspended
When Wise Men Came Seeking
Whence Appears This Brilliant Star?
Whence Come This Rush of Wings?
Whence Those Sounds Symphonious?
Where Is the Holy Heav’n-Born Child?
Where Is This Stupendous Stranger?
While Angels Sing
While Humble Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
While to Bethlehem We Are Going
While Shepherds in Jewry
While Shepherds Kept Their Flocks by Night
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Fisher)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Tate)
While Stars of Christmas Shine
While the World Awaited
While Their Flocks the Shepherds Tended
Whilst Bethlehem’s Shepherds Kept Their Flocks
Whispering Winds Softly Sighing
Who Is He in Yonder Stall?
Who Is This Babe So Lowly?
Who Is This in Bethlehem’s Town?
Who Is This So Weak and Helpless?
Why, Cruel Herod, Dost Thou Fear? (Husenbeth)
Why Do Bells at Christmas Ring?
Why, Herod, Unrelenting Foe
Why, Herod, Why the Godhead Fear?
Why, Impious Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear?
Winds Were Wailing, The
Winter Night Was Dark and Still, The
Wise May Bring Their Learning, The
Wise Men Saw a Light Afar, The
Wise Men’s Offering, The
With No Pomp of Earthly Splendor
With Songs of Hallelujah
With the Shepherds, Adoration
Wonder of the Story, The
Wonder Working Master, The
Wonderful Christmas Story, The
Wonderful, Counselor!
Wonderful Jesus, The
Wonderful Love for Thee and Me
Wonderful Night!
Wonderful Star (Hull), The
Wonderful Star (Ray), The
Wondrous Birth, The
Wondrous Word, A
Worcester Christmas Carol, The
Word Made Flesh, The
Word of God, Eternal Son
World Was Dark with Care and Woe, The
World Was Hushed in Silence Deep, The
World’s Delight, The
Ye Crowned Kings, Approach Ye
Ye Flaming Hosts Enthroned in Light
Ye Happy Bells
Ye Heavenly Choir
Ye People, Cease from Tears
Ye Shepherds, Lend a Listening Ear
Ye Simple Men of Hearts Sincere
Young Men and Maidens
Yule Returns
Zion Is Glad This Glorious Morn