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Scripture Verse

An angel of the Lord appeared…and…said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:9–11


Words: Phi­la B. B. Smith, in the Kin­der­gar­ten Re­view (Spring­field, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Mil­ton Brad­ley), vol­ume 21, num­ber 4, De­cem­ber 1910, page 218. Some hym­nals show the ly­ri­cist as Phi­la But­ler Bow­man.

Music: Tru­ro, from Psal­mo­dia Ev­an­ge­li­ca, by Tho­mas Will­iams, 1789 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Smith (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


’Tis Christ­mas night. ’Tis Christ­mas night,
Judea’s plains are bathed in white,
And faint and far a ris­ing star
Gives pro­mise of a fair­er light.

’Tis Christ­mas night. Hushed old earth is,
A mo­ther wakes from pain to bliss
And clasps her Boy in ho­ly joy
And wor­ships, while she bends to kiss.

’Tis Christ­mas night. Where skies are rift,
A cloud of an­gels earth­ward drift.
The song they sing through time shall ring,
The hearts that wea­ry, to up­lift.

’Tis Christ­mas night. By track­less road
The wise men haste with pre­cious load,
And kneel­ing, bring the in­fant King
The hom­age that a world hath owed.

Oh, world of sleep­ers, lift your head.
Today, anew, the word is sped
That Christ is born this Christ­mas morn
And hate and fear and gloom are dead.

Still shines the star on Christ­mas night.
Still an­gels sing be­yond our sight.
And He who came in low­ly fame
Shall lead us into per­fect light.