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Jean Baptiste de Santeüil




Born: May 12, 1630, Pa­ris, France.

Died: Au­gust 5, 1697, Di­jon, France.

Buried: Originally at the Church of Saint-Eti­énne (Église Saint-Eti­énne) in Di­jon, later re-in­terred at the Ab­bey of St. Vic­tor (Ab­baye Saint-Vic­tor), Pa­ris, France.

Pseudonym: San­to­li­us Vic­to­rin­us.



Jean Bap­tiste was son of Claude de San­teüil and Ma­de­laine Bouch­er, and bro­ther of Claude de San­teüil.

He stu­died at the Col­lege of Sainte Barbe in Par­is, then with Fa­ther Cos­sart, a Je­su­it.

He be­came one of the re­gu­lar Can­ons of St. Vic­tor, at Pa­ris, and gained a re­pu­ta­tion as a dis­ting­uished writ­er of La­tin po­et­ry.

Many of his hymns ap­peared in the Clu­ni­ac Bre­vi­ary of 1686, and the Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary, 1680 and 1736.

His Hym­ni Sac­ri et No­vi was pub­lished at Pa­ris in 1689, and en­larged in 1698.

Known as the prince of French hym­no­gra­phers, he was con­tin­ual­ly writ­ing po­ems, ins­crip­tions for the pub­lic mo­nu­ments of Pa­ris, or son­nets for friends.

He was ad­mired by the learned men of his day, the two Princ­es de Con­dé, fa­ther and son, and by King Lou­is XIV, who gave him a pen­sion.

