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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Wesley Hughes (1852–1932)

Words: Har­ry V. Vogt, in The Ser­vice of Praise, by J. Lin­coln Hall et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­sy­lvan­ia: Hall-Mack, 1900), num­ber 34.

Music: J. Wes­ley Hughes (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Vogt (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Art Thou watch­ing o’er me from Thy seat on high?
Are the an­gels with Thee far up in the sky?
From Thy home in Heav­en watch­ing where I go,
Lighting up the dan­gers of my path be­low?
Yes, I’m watch­ing—al­ways watch­ing
O’er My loved ones there be­low,
Never wear­ying, ev­er cheer­ing,
All My child­ren where they go.

Art Thou watch­ing o’er me in the si­lent night,
When I say my pray­er for Thee to guide me right?
Do the ang­els love me—list­en what I say—
Asking Thee for mer­cy when I kneel to pray?
Yes, they love thee, al­ways love thee,
Ever with thee to re­joice,
Never tir­ing, ever sing­ing,
In their hap­py sweet­est voice.

Art Thou watch­ing o’er me when I am asleep,
And my spir­it’s wan­der­ing thro’ the dreamy deep?
Art Thou real­ly with me just as it does seem?
Do I see the an­gels when I sleep and dream?
Yes, I’m with thee—al­ways with thee,
Not a mo­ment from thy side;
Never doubt­ing, ev­er lov­ing—
Always in My trust abide.

Art Thou watch­ing o’er me when some voice I hear
Sweetly calls to wake me from my dream­land sphere?
Art Thou there to greet me in the morn­ing bright
When I pray and ask Thee for Thy guid­ing light?
Yes, I’ll greet thee—al­ways greet thee
In the fresh and ear­ly morn—
Never ab­sent—ev­er pre­sent;
Never from My side be torn.