Scripture Verse

Be still, and kno that I am God. Psalm 46:10


Words: H. D. Wi­nant, in Hymns of the Chris­tian Life No. 3, ed­it­ed by Al­bert B. Simp­son, May A. Ste­phens & Mar­ga­ret Simp­son (New York: Al­li­ance Press, 1904), num­ber 32.

Music: Mar­ga­ret M. Simp­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know i­nant’s full name, or here to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Margaret M. Simpson (1878–1958)


What shall I do
When my way is all cloud­ed,
When o’er my path
Shines no bright guid­ing ray;
All is ob­scure,
And with dark­ness en­shroud­ed,
Never a voice say­ing, This is the way.


Be si­lent to God!
Still the voice of thy griev­ing;
Turn from thy think­ing
And ago­nized pray­er.
Patiently wait,
In His lov­ing hands leav­ing
All of thy hopes,
And thy bur­dens and care.

When hope de­ferred
Brings thy heart nigh to break­ing,
With up­ward look­ing
Thine eyes seem to fail;
When thy poor heart
Has grown wea­ry with ach­ing,
And pow’rs of ev­il thy spir­it as­sail.


Still then thy heart
For the voice that would guide thee,
Hush ev­ery thought
That His word you may hear.
Fear not the way,
For whate’er may be­tide thee,
He will be with thee
To help and to cheer.
