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Scripture Verse

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


Words: Will­iam Eb­el, in Songs of Grace and Glo­ry, ed­it­ed by An­drew L. By­ers, Da­ni­el O. Teas­ley & Hen­ry C. Clau­sen (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1918), num­ber 230.

Music: Ele­phant and Cas­tle Pe­ter J. Goerz. Har­mo­ny by Henry J. K. Goerz, 1918 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Eb­el or the Goerz­es (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Oh, be still, thou soul of mine,
Thou art not for­sak­en;
Tho’ the pow­ers of sin may rage,
Thou shalt be un­shak­en.
He who gave His life for thee,
Thus per­mits that thou shouldst be—
For thy good, as thou shalt see—
Tempted for a sea­son.

Be cou­rag­eous, firm and true
When life’s bat­tle’s wag­ing;
Oh, be still, my soul, and rest
When the tem­pest’s rag­ing.
He who doth our sor­rows share
In His love and ten­der care—
Trials more than thou canst bear,
Will not let thee suf­fer.

Why shouldst thou so fear­ful be
At the tempt­er’s roar­ing?
Simply trust in God alone,
Satan’s wrath ig­nor­ing.
See God’s ten­der­ness, and prove
With the saint­ed hosts ab­ove,
His un­fail­ing, won­drous love,
Ever for thee car­ing.

Yes, dear Lord, I will be still,
I will trust Thee ev­er;
I’ll sub­mit to all Thy will,
Cling to Thee for­ev­er.
Lord, Thou know­est what is best,
Confident in this I’ll rest,
Till I dwell with all the blest,
And with Thee in Heav­en.