He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.
Isaiah 53:3
Words: Matthew Bridges, The Passion of Jesus (London: Richardson & Son, 1852), pages 22–24, alt.
Music: Košice. Arranged by Nicola A. Montani, from a Slovak hymnal,
1920 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good photo of Bridges or Montani (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Man of sorrows, wrapped in grief,
Bow Thine ear to our relief:
Thou for us the path hast trod
Of the dreadful wrath of God:
Thou the cup of fire hast drained
Till its light alone remained:
Lamb of Love! We look to Thee,
Hear our mournful litany!
By the garden, fraught with woe,
Whither Thou full oft wouldst go:
By Thine agony of prayer
In the desolation there!
By the chains of sleep, which bound
Watchers in their trance profound;
Lord! Behold our bended knee,
Listen to our litany!
By the conflict foul and fell
With the loosened fiends of hell:
By the darkness of the hour
Shadowed with the tempter’s power:
By the dire and deep distress
Of that mystery fathomless;
Lord! our tears in mercy see
Mingling with our litany!
By the vision then, which stole
Looming o’er Thy spotless soul,
Of the pride and guilt of man,
Since his fall from grace began,
Seas of sin, with billowy waves,
Yawning into countless graves;
Lord! ourselves from shipwreck free,
Hear our solemn litany!
By the chalice, when it came
Pregnant with a hell of flame:
By those lips, which fain would pray
That it might but pass away:
By the Heart, which drank it dry,
Lest a rebel race should die;
Let Thy pity be our plea,
Hear our solemn litany!
Man of sorrows! Let Thy grief
Purchase for us our relief:
Lord of mercy, bow Thine ear,
Slow to anger, swift to hear:
Let the garden Thou hast trod
Draw us to the throne of God;
So Gethsemane shall be
Sweet in every litany!