He is risen, as He said.
Matthew 28:6
Words & Music: C. Austin Miles, 1903. Appeared in The Voice of Praise (New York & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Hall-Mack, 1904), number 217 (🔊
Easter bells, Easter bells,
Pealing forth the message
Of a risen king;
Easter bells, joyous bells,
With your music all the world shall ring.
To and fro they swing in merry chime,
Easter bells, joyous bells,
Tell the story of the Easter time,
O what gladness your music tells.
Easter bells, Easter bells,
Now the world is free from
Terror of the tomb;
Easter bells, joyous bells,
Jesus, risen, drives away its gloom.
Easter bells, Easter bells,
Tell the story of a
Life with Christ on high;
Easter bells, joyous bells,
Tell that Jesus lives, no more to die.
Easter bells, Easter bells,
Ring a promise of a
Life beyond the tomb;
Easter bells, joyous bells,
Jesus, risen, has dispelled all gloom.