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Scripture Verse

Glory ye in His holy name. 1 Chronicles 16:10


Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., in On Wings of Song, by George C. Hugg (Phi­la­de­lphia, Penn­syl­van­ia: George C. Hugg, 1896), page 217.

Music: Flo­rence W. Fal­con­er (🔊 ). Some hym­nals give the com­pos­er as Flo­rence W. Will­iams, Fal­con­er’s maid­en name.

If you know where to get a pho­to of Fal­con­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Oat­man, would you send us an e-mail?


Loudly, loud­ly, East­er bells are ring­ing,
Gladly, glad­ly, hap­py voic­es sing­ing:
Christ the Lord is ris­en, from His gloomy pri­son,
Glory to His ho­ly name!

Ringing, ring­ing, keep the joy bells ring­ing,
Gladly, glad­ly, voic­es join in sing­ing,
Blessèd tri­bute bring­ing, up­ward songs are wing­ing,
On this hap­py East­er day.

Praise Him, praise Him, while the bells are ring­ing;
Glory, glo­ry, may each heart keep sing­ing,
Tho’ the grave en­fold Him, yet it could not hold Him,
Laud and mag­ni­fy His name!

Hearken, heark­en, clear the bells are ring­ing;
Join them, join them, hearts and voices sing­ing,
To the Sav­ior cling­ing, now with joy up­spring­ing,
Praise Him on this East­er day.

Once more, once more, set the bells to ring­ing,
Louder, loud­er, may each voice keep sing­ing,
Swell the bless­èd sto­ry, Je­sus lives in glo­ry,
Blessèd be His ho­ly name!

Praise Him, praise Him, while the bells are ring­ing;
Glad news, glad news, ev­ery­where keep sing­ing,
Heaven’s gates are swing­ing, an­gels join in sing­ing,
Praises on this East­er day.