Scripture Verse

Thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee. 1 Kings 17:4


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, in A Col­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns from Va­ri­ous Au­thors, by Ri­chard Con­yers, third edi­tion (Lon­don, 1774), num­ber 267. Ev­ery Crea­ture at God’s Com­mand.

Music: Green Fields from The Pea­sant Can­ta­ta (Mer hahn en neue Ob­er­keet), by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1742. Ar­ranged by Lew­is Ed­son in The Cho­ris­ter’s Com­pan­ion (New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut: 1782) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Johann Bach (1685–1750)


Elijah’s ex­am­ple de­clares,
Whatever dis­tress may be­tide,
The saints may com­mit all their cares
To Him who will al­ways pro­vide,
When rain long with­held from the earth
Occasioned a fa­mine of bread,
The pro­phet, se­cured from the dearth,
By ra­vens was con­stant­ly fed.

More like­ly to rob than to feed,
Are ra­vens who live up­on prey;
But where the Lord’s people have need,
His good­ness will find out a way:
This in­stance to those may seem strange,
Who know not how faith can pre­vail;
But soon­er all na­ture shall change,
Than one of God’s pro­mis­es fail,

Nor is it a sin­gu­lar case;
The won­der is oft­en re­newed;
And ma­ny may say to God’s praise,
By ra­vens He sen­deth them food.
Thus world­lings, tho’ ra­vens in­deed,
Tho’ greedy and self­ish their mind,
If God has a ser­vant to feed,
Against their own wills can be kind.

Thus Sa­tan the ra­ven un­clean,
That croaks in the ears of the saints,
O’erruled by a pow­er un­seen,
Administers oft to their wants;
God teach­es them how to find food
From all the temp­ta­tions they feel:
This ra­ven who thirsts for my blood,
Has helped me to ma­ny a meal.

How safe and how hap­py are they
Who on the good Shep­herd re­ly!
He’ll give them aught strength for their day,
Their wants He will sure­ly sup­ply,
He ra­vens and li­ons can tame;
All crea­tures ob­ey His com­mand:
Then let me re­joice in His name,
And leave all my cares in His hand.