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Scripture Verse

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Jeremiah 8:22


Words: Un­known au­thor, 6th or 7th Cen­tu­ry (Ηθε­λον δάκ­ρυ­αιν έξά­λει­ψαι). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by Jack­son Ma­son in Sup­ple­ment­al Hymns to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889.

Music: St. Om­er Charles S. Jek­yll, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ma­son or Je­kyll (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Fain would I, Lord of grace,
With pe­ni­ten­tial tears
The re­cord of my sins ef­face,
That in Thy book ap­pears:

Fain would I jour­ney hence,
In garb of stain­less white,
And made by mine own pe­ni­tence
Well pleas­ing in Thy sight.

Fond idle dream! the foe
But lures and fools my soul;
Not all my tears can peace be­stow—
Thou on­ly mak­est whole.

Hath ev­er sail­or tossed,
Or suf­fer­er racked in pain,
Within Thine an­chor­age been lost,
Or found Thy Gi­le­ad vain?

Maker and hope of all!
Wounded and sick am I:
Great Heal­er, save me, lest I fall
And per­ish ut­ter­ly.

Can bound­less love re­ject?
Shall mer­cy say me nay,
Who cry with all Thine own elect
Before Thee, night and day?