Scripture Verse

If this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, Thy will be done. Matthew 26:42


Words: Will­iam J. Eld­ridge, in Con­se­crat­ed Hymns, ed­it­ed by Ad­am Gei­bel, R. Frank Leh­man & H. C. Lincoln (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Gei­bel & Leh­man, 1902), num­ber 7: Dy­ing words of the late [Am­eri­can] Pre­si­dent Willi­am Mc­Kin­ley (who was as­sas­sin­at­ed the year be­fore).

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of El­dridge (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


The Chris­tian’s life is born of faith
And tri­umphs in the hour of death;
It cries, while sinks life’s west­ern sun,
It’s God’s way, His will be done.


God’s way! by faith we un­der­stand;
His will be done, we see His hand;
Not ours! we learn it thro’ His Son;
It’s God’s way, His will be done.

With Je­sus in the gar­den there,
We wres­tle in heart-searching pray­er;
But, yield­ing, find the vic­to­ry won,
It’s God’s way, His will be done.


‘Tis hard to trail our hopes in dust
And yield our wills in child­like trust;
This is our tri­umph in God’s Son,
It’s God’s way, His will be done.


Nor sud­den shock of Sa­tan’s hand,
Nor pain, nor tri­al can with­stand
The faith that simp­ly rests up­on
It’s God’s way, His will be done.


We strain our vi­sion’s eyes to see
The rea­son for life’s mys­te­ry;
But find, when life’s great race is run,
It’s God’s way, His will be done.
