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Scripture Verse

Why stand ye here all the day idle? Matthew 20:6


Words: Brown Row­land, in The High­way Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Char­lie D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Georg­ia: Char­lie Till­man Song Book Com­pa­ny, 1915).

Music: Sam­uel W. Beaz­ley (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Row­land (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Samuel Beazley


Stand no long­er idle, heed the call;
Go to work for Je­sus, one and all;
Fields are wait­ing for your hands to­day;
Take up your sick­les and speed away.


Go in­to the field, ga­ther in the yield;
Labor for the Lord, gain the great re­ward;
Reapers, the hours are speed­ing,
Jesus your help is need­ing;
Shall He call in vain?
Go in­to the field, reap the gold­en yield;
Heed His lov­ing plea, true to Je­sus be;
Love for the Mas­ter show­ing,
Work while the sun is glow­ing;
Gather now the grain.


There to shield and help you He will be;
Fruitage of your la­bors you shall see;
His dear voice shall cheer you thru the day;
Singing a car­ol, O speed away.


Jesus will re­ward for what you do;
Life’s fair crown of glo­ry give to you;
Perfect rest when ends life’s lit­tle day;
Reapers, get ready and speed away.
