Go work today in My vineyard.
Matthew 21:28
Words: John W. Kounse, in Riches of Grace, by Edmund S. Lorenz et al. (Dayton, Ohio: Lorenz & Company, 1897), number 143.
Music: Asilomar John H. Tenney (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Kounse (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Hear the loving voice of Jesus,
Saying kindly unto all,
In My vineyard go and labor,
And obey the earnest call.
Work for Jesus in His vineyard
While the morning sun is bright;
For the day will soon be ended,
Soon will fall the shades of night.
Give to Jesus faithful labor,
Sow the precious seed divine;
And the fruitage of the harvest
Shall rejoice that heart of thine.
We must ever toil for Jesus,
And along the ages dim,
Angel bands will reap the fruitage,
Gathering up the fruit for Him.