Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm, in Uplifting Songs, by C. Harold Lowden & Rufus W. Miller (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Heidelberg Press, 1917), number 24.
Music: E. Lester Thurman (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Thurman (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I have seen a loving mother
Clasp her child upon her breast,
While her lips, with warm affection,
To its own were fondly pressed.
But there’s love that’s deeper, stronger—
If you ask, How could it be?
Look where Christ my blessèd Savior
Died on Calvary for me!
How much greater! how much greater,
Than the truest human love could be
Is the love of Christ my Savior,
Willing thus to die for one like me.
Songs I’ve heard of pure devotion,
Sweet as songs of birds in spring,
Voice the heart’s supreme emotion—
Songs that only love can sing—
But I think of One who loves me,
More than lover, more than friend,
Love that nothing e’er can sever,
That will never, never end.
When I was a sinful wand’rer,
All unlovely, all undone,
Even then the Father loved me,
Gave for me His only Son!
Wondrous love! it passeth knowledge,
Higher than the highest heav’n,
Jesus crucified and dying,
That my sins might be forgiv’n.
Ties of friendship, ties of kindred,
Sacred bands that hold us, here,
Love for faithful ones that love us,
How they all our life endear!
But the love of Christ my Savior,
How it doth my heart enthrall!
For I know He loves me better,
And I love Him best of all.