The Lord said unto my Lord,
Psalm 110:1Sit Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool.
Words: J. Johnson, Jr., in The Well-Spring, edited by Asa Bullard (Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society), volume 3, number 26, June 26, 1846, page 104, alt.
Music: Progress (Melodist), in the Sabbath School Melodist, edited by William Byrnes (Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 1850), number 96 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know Johnson’s full name, or where to get a good picture of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How sweetly the morn
Of the Sabbath arose,
When Jesus the conqueror
Had vanquished His foes,
Ascended from darkness,
Dispelling the night,
When dawned on the nations
The Gospel’s fair light.
And soon the bright morning
Spread swiftly and wide,
And awed into silence
The hosts that defied.
The band of disciples
A banner unfurled,
The Gospel’s white banner,
To float o’er the world.
Still onward, and onward,
The brightness advanced,
From river and glacier
The sunny beam danced;
The heathen rejoiced
In the warmth of the ray,
And welcomed in gladness
Messiah’s mild sway.
A darkness, a darkness—
All shrouded in gloom—
Oh, say, hath the Savior
Returned to the tomb?
The world—must it wander
In sorrow again?
Oh, was the great standard
Unfolded in vain?
All hail the white banner!
’Tis waving again;
Adieu then to darkness,
And error, and pain.
For Briton, and Gaul,
And the Switzer, there’s rest,
And light in the beautiful
Land of the west.
Strive on then, ye Christians,
Be valiant and strong;
Ne’er faint in the conflict,
Although it be long—
And never refrain
Till all error is flown,
And earth bright and pure
For the blessèd One’s throne.
Make room! we are coming,
The gentle and young;
Though weak now, and humble,
We soon shall be strong.
The hosts of the heathen
Shall hear of the Lamb,
And nations uncounted
Shall honor His name.