I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Ida L. Reed, in Crown of Gold, by William T. Giffe & Frank M. Davis (Logansport, Indiana: Home Music, 1892).
Music: Lilliard William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊
I cannot drift beyond Thy love,
Beyond Thy tender care;
Where’er I stray, still from above
Thine eye beholds me there.
I cannot drift so far away
But what Thy love divine
Upon my path, by night and day,
In mercy sweet doth shine.
I cannot drift beyond Thy sight:
Dear Lord, the thought is sweet;
Thy loving hand will guide aright
My weary, wandering feet.
When rough and dark my lonely way,
I shall not be forgot;
Thro’ all life’s changeful, shadowed day
Thou wilt forsake me not.
I cannot drift away from Thee,
No matter where I go;
Still Thy dear love doth gladden me,
Thou all my way dost know.
Where’er I journey Thou art there,
In wind and wave I hear
Thy voice, in tones of music rare,
And know that Thou art near.