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Scripture Verse

I died, but now I am alive forevermore. Revelation 1:18


Words: George D. Wild­es, 1871.

Music: From Child­ren’s Praise, by Ju­li­us H. Wa­ter­bu­ry (Ro­ches­ter, New York, and New York Ci­ty: D. M. Dew­ey and Pott, Young & Com­pa­ny, 1871), num­ber 86 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wil­des (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The Resurrection
Carl H. Bloch (1834–1890)

Jesus lives! O day of days!
Glad we bring our grate­ful praise;
He is ris­en! Gone the gloom,
Angels sit with­in the tomb.
Vain the taunt of Jew de­ny­ing,
Vain the vaunt o’er Je­sus dy­ing,
Heav’nly voic­es, from the grave,
Now pro­claim His pow­er to save.


He is ris­en! Come and see,
How He tri­umphed migh­ti­ly!
Conqueror thus o’er all His foes,
Jesus from the dead arose.

Lord and Pro­phet, spake He not?
Have ye His own words for­got,
Telling, while in Ga­li­lee,
Thus the vic­to­ry should be?
How through scorn and dire af­flict­ion,
Thorny way and cru­ci­fix­ion,
Vanquished death, and rent the grave—
Christ the King should live to save.


Tearful to the se­pul­cher
Mary comes in grief and fear;
Sees the stone now rolled away,
Hears the wait­ing an­gels say:
Why the dead among the liv­ing
Seek ye?
Lo! The Lord life-giv­ing
Rises, vain the watch, the grave:
Prince of Life, He lives to save!


Welcome then, the day of days!
Lord, ’tis Thine our tune­ful praise;
Thine, for us, the Tempt­ed, Tried,
Thine, for us, the Cru­ci­fied;
Thine for us the Re­sur­rect­ion,
Thine the Life, the Sure Pro­tect­ion.
Savior! So­ver­eign ov­er the grave,
May we know Thy pow­er to save.

He is ris­en! joy­ful­ly,
Lord! we raise our song to Thee,
Conqueror thus o’er all His foes,
Jesus from the dead arose.