Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 26:42


William T. Matson (1833–1899)

Words: Will­iam T. Mat­son, The In­ner Life (Lon­don: El­li­ott Stock, 1866), num­ber 40, alt.

Music: Di­man Jo­seph E. Sweet­ser (1825–1873) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of Sweet­ser (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Oh, bless­èd Life! The heart at rest,
When all with­out tu­mul­tu­ous seems,
That trusts a higher will, and deems
That high­er Will, not mine, is best.

O bless­èd Life! The mind that sees,
Whatever change the years may bring,
A mer­cy still in ev­ery thing,
And, shin­ing through all mys­te­ries.

O bless­èd Life! The soul that soars,
When sense of mor­tal sight is dim,
Beyond the sense, be­yond to Him,
Whose love un­locks the heav’n­ly doors.

O bless­èd Life! Heart, mind, and soul,
From self-born aims and wish­es free,
In all at one with De­ity,
And loy­al to the Lord’s con­trol.

O Life, how bless­èd, how di­vine!
High life, the ear­nest of a higher!
Savior, ful­fill my deep de­sire,
And let this bless­èd Life be mine!