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Scripture Verse

Watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Mark 13:33


Words: John S. B. Mon­sell, Hymns of Love and Praise (Lon­don: Bell & Dal­dy, 1863), pag­es 11–12, alt.

Music: Störl Jo­hann G. C. Störl, 1744 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Störl (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

John Monsell (1811–1875)


O’er the dist­ant mount­ains break­ing
Comes the red­den­ing dawn of day;
Rise, my soul, from sleep awak­ing,
Rise, and sing, and watch, and pray;
’Tis the Sav­ior, bless­èd Lord,
On His bright re­turn­ing way.

O Thou long ex­pect­ed! Wea­ry
Waits my anx­ious soul for Thee;
Life is dark, and earth is drea­ry,
When Thy light I do not see;
O my Sav­ior, bless­èd Lord,
When wilt Thou re­turn to me?

Long, too long, in sin and sad­ness,
Far away from Thee I pine;
When, O when, shall I the glad­ness
Of Thy Spir­it feel in mine?
O, my Sav­ior, bless­èd Lord,
When shall I be whol­ly Thine?

Nearer is my soul’s sal­va­tion,
Spent the night, the day at hand;
Keep me in my low­ly sta­tion,
Watching for Thee, till I stand,
O my Sav­ior, bless­èd Lord,
In Thy bright, Thy pro­mised land.

With my lamp well trimmed and burn­ing,
Swift to hear and slow to roam,
Watching for Thy glad re­turn­ing
To re­store me to my home.
Come, my Sav­ior, bless­èd Lord,
O my Savior, quick­ly come!