Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Words: Harry Showalter, 1914, alt.
Music: Ithaca Philip P. Bliss, 1871 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good photo of Showalter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Often when we sit and ponder
O’er the cares that life may bring,
We can only look to Jesus,
Our Redeemer and our king;
Tho’ sore trials may surround us,
Or our way may be more smooth,
’Tis by blessings or afflictions
That He doth our motives prove.
While mistakes are ever near us,
And our motives miss their aim,
We should not become discouraged,
But believe that Christ, the same
Yesterday, today, tomorrow,
Will forgive us if we come
With a heart of godly sorrow,
And an honest, pleading tongue.
Disappointments may surround us,
Chastenings may come severe,
But we have the blessèd promise
That a comforter is near;
Whom the Lord loves He will chasten,
And He scourgeth every son,
Who, received thus into glory,
Ever says, His will be done.
In our upward, pilgrim journey,
May we to each other show
Love unchangeable, unfading,
That in peace we onward go;
Till the summons at death’s portals
Shall our weary eyelids close,
Then we meet those gone, immortal,
Who are free from cares and woes.