Scripture Verse

I…heard the voice of many angels…ten thousand times ten thousand. Revelation 5:11


Wilhelm A. Wexels (1797–1866)

Words: Wil­helm A. Wex­els, 1846 (O taenk naar en­gag samles skal). Writ­ten for the ge­ne­ral con­ven­tion of the Nor­we­gian Mis­sion So­ci­ety, July 1846. Trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish by George A. T. Rygh (1860–1942).

Music: Lobt Gott ihr Chris­ten Ni­ko­laus Her­mann, 1554 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rygh (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Nikolaus Hermann (1500–1561)


O happy day when we shall stand
Amid the heavenly throng,
And sing with hosts from every land
The new celestial song,
The new celestial song.

O blessèd day from far and near
The servants of the Lord
Shall meet His ransomed children there
Who heard God’s saving Word,
Who heard God’s saving Word.

O what a mighty, rushing flood
Of love without surcease
Shall surge about the throne of God
In joy and endless peace,
In joy and endless peace!

Lord, may Thy bounteous grace inspire
Our hearts to watch and pray,
That we may join the heavenly choir
Upon that glo­ri­ous day,
Upon that glo­ri­ous day.