Scripture Verse

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2


Henry M. King (1838–1919)

Words: Hen­ry M. King, cir­ca 1881.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


An op­en Bi­ble for the world—
May this our glo­ri­ous mot­to be!
On ev­ery breeze its flag un­furled
Shall scat­ter bless­ings rich and free.


Blest Word of God! send forth thy light.
O’er ev­ery land and every sea,
Till all who wan­der in the night
Are led to God and Heav’n by thee.

Where’er it goes its gold­en light,
Streaming as from an un­veiled sun,
Shall dis­si­pate the clouds of night,
Undo the work that sin has done.


It shows to men the Fa­ther’s face,
All ra­di­ant with for­giv­ing love;
And to the lost of Ad­am’s race
Proclaims sweet mer­cy from above.


It of­fers rest to wea­ry hearts,
It com­forts those who sit in tears;
To all who faint, it strength im­parts,
And gilds with hope th’eter­nal years.
