Scripture Verse

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2


Henry M. King (1838–1919)

Words: Hen­ry M. King, cir­ca 1881.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


An open Bi­ble for the world—
May this our glo­ri­ous motto be!
On ev’ry breeze its flag unfurled
Shall scatter blessings rich and free.


Blest Word of God! send forth thy light.
O’er every land and every sea,
Till all who wander in the night
Are led to God and Heav’n by thee.

Where’er it goes its golden light,
Streaming as from an unveiled sun,
Shall dissipate the clouds of night,
Undo the work that sin has done.


It shows to men the Fa­ther’s face,
All radiant with forgiving love;
And to the lost of Ad­am’s race
Proclaims sweet mercy from above.


It offers rest to weary hearts,
It comforts those who sit in tears;
To all who faint, it strength imparts,
And gilds with hope th’eter­nal years.
