Scripture Verse

One like the Son of man came with the clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of days. Daniel 7:13


Words: Frank Flet­cher, 1921.

Music: Char­ter­house Da­vid Ev­ans, 1927 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Flet­cher or Ev­ans (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Son of Man, our he­ro strong and ten­der,
Whose ser­vants are the brave in all the earth,
Our liv­ing sac­ri­fice to Thee we ren­der,
Who shar­est all our sor­rows, all our mirth.

O feet so strong to climb the path of du­ty,
O lips di­vine that taught the words of truth,
Kind eyes that marked the li­lies in their beau­ty,
And heart that kin­dled at the zeal of youth.

Lover of child­ren, boy­hood’s in­spi­ra­tion,
Of all man­kind the Ser­vant and the King;
O Lord of joy and hope and con­so­la­tion,
To Thee our fears and joys and hopes we bring.

Not in our fail­ures on­ly and our sad­ness
We seek Thy pre­sence, com­fort­er and friend;
O rich man’s guest, be with us in our glad­ness,
O poor man’s mate, our low­li­est tasks at­tend.