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Scripture Verse

Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me. Psalm 25:5


Hans Hassler (1564–1612)

Words: Lu­cy A. Ben­nett, in Me­lo­dies of Grace and Truth (Glas­gow, Scot­land: Will­iam Mc­Ew­an, 1908).

Music: Pass­ion Chor­ale Hans L. Hass­ler, Lust­gar­ten neu­er teutsch­er Ge­säng 1601. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1729 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Lucy Bennett (1850–1927)


O teach me what it mean­eth,
That cross up­lift­ed high,
With One, the Man of Sor­rows,
Condemned to bleed and die!
O teach me what it cost Thee
To make a sin­ner whole;
And teach me, Sav­ior, teach me
The val­ue of a soul!

O teach me what it mean­eth,
That sac­red crim­son tide,
The blood and wa­ter flow­ing
From Thine own wound­ed side.
Teach me that if none oth­er
Had sinned, but I alone,
Yet still Thy blood, Lord Je­sus,
Thine on­ly, must atone.

O teach me what it mean­eth,
Thy love be­yond com­pare,
The love that reach­eth deep­er
Than depths of self-des­pair!
Yes, teach me, till there glow­eth
In this cold heart of mine
Some fee­ble, pale re­flect­ion
Of that pure love of Thine.

O teach me what it mean­eth,
For I am full of sin,
And grace alone can reach me,
And love alone can win.
O teach me, for I need Thee,
I have no hope be­side—
The chief of all the sin­ners
For whom the Sav­ior died!

O teach me what it mean­eth
The rest which Thou dost give
To all the hea­vy la­den
Who look to Thee and live.
Because I am a re­bel
Thy par­don I re­ceive
Because Thou dost com­mand me,
I can, I do be­lieve.

O in­fi­nite Re­deem­er!
I bring no oth­er plea;
Because Thou dost in­vite me
I cast my­self on Thee.
Because Thou dost ac­cept me
I love and I ad­ore;
Because Thy love con­strain­eth,
I’ll praise Thee ev­er­more!