Send out Thy light and Thy truth.
Psalm 43:3
Words: Sarah W. Livermore, in the Cheshire Pastoral Association’s Christian Hymns for Public and Private Worship, 1844.
Music: Manoah, arranged from Gioachino A. Rossini (1792–1868) in the Collection of Church Music, by Henry W. Greatorex, 1851 (🔊
Our pilgrim brethren dwelling far,
O God of truth and love,
Light Thou their path with Thine own star,
Bright beaming from above.
Wide as their mighty rivers flow,
Let Thine own truth extend;
Where prairies spread and forests grow,
O Lord, Thy Gospel send.
Then will a mighty nation own
A union firm and strong;
The scepter of th’eternal throne
Shall rule its councils long.