Scripture Verse

Go…and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19


Clara Brooks (1882–1980)

Words: Cla­ra M. Brooks, in Songs of Grace and Glo­ry, ed­it­ed by An­drew L. By­ers, Otis Teas­ley & Henry C. Clausen (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1918), num­ber 96.

Music: D. Otis Teas­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Brooks,

D. Otis Teasley (1876–1942)


A plaint­ive plea comes o’er the sea
From na­tions in dis­tress;
From dark­est night they ask for light,
Their ru­ined land to bless.


A plaint­ive plea comes o’er the sea;
How long, O Lord, still must they wait?
Oh, hast­en there with faith and pray­er,
Or soon ’twill be too late.

The rip­ened grain on In­dia’s plain,
Still waits for reap­ers true;
Hours swift­ly fly while dai­ly die
The mill­ions in their woe.


The strong command to ev­ery land—
Go, spread the Gos­pel news!
Then haste away, till truth shall sway
Its scep­ter o’er the seas.


A plaint­ive plea, oh, can it be
Their souls are doomed and lost?
Go save them now till all shall bow
Before the Sav­ior’s cross.
