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Scripture Verse

…a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:12


Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)

Words: Ly­dia W. Bald­win, in Song-Hym­nal of Praise and Joy (Jack­son, Min­ne­so­ta: Plu­ma M. Brown, 1897), num­ber 412.

Music: Brown­well Franz J. Hay­dn (1732–1809) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bald­win (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O Christ di­vine, up­lift my sight,
That I my nob­ler self may see;
Give strength to the clear, in­ner light
In which my soul doth wor­ship Thee!
The still small voice I wait to hear,
Thrill deep the si­lence, sweet and clear.

Attune my fee­ble, wan­der­ing thought,
That ea­ger ser­vice it may yield;
On ev­er swift­er pin­ions brought,
To la­bor in a vast­er field;
To all hu­ma­ni­ty I’d bring
The trea­sure of Thy love, my king!

Refine and ele­vate my faith
To feel Thee in the small­est things;
O Love su­preme! what fi­nite breath
Speaks joy that from Thy great heart springs;
This heav­en­ly river of de­light
Flows not be­yond our in­ner sight.

I crave the large­ness of Thy peace,
Which com­fort­eth our earth­ly state;
One note to sound and nev­er cease,
One will to do, ear­ly and late;
Give me, dear Lord, swift ea­ger­ness,
My lowly, com­mon way to bless.