If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive…and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
Words: John Love, Jr., in Joyful Song, edited by John R. Sweney & William J. Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1889), page 147.
Music: John J. Lowe (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Love or Lowe (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus calls thee, wand’rer, come;
Calls today, calls today,
Longs to bid thee welcome home,
Home today, home today;
Wondrous love His heart doth feel,
Wondrous love He would reveal,
For His own thy life would seal,
Seal today, seal today.
Come today, come today,
Hear the blessèd Savior say:
I will cleanse thy sins away;
Why delay? why delay?
Patiently He waits for thee,
Waits today, waits today,
Offers full salvation free,
Free today, free today;
Wouldst thou know His saving grace?
Wouldst thou feel His strong embrace?
Thro’ thy life His favor trace?
Yield today, yield today.
He will cleanse your sins away,
All away, all away;
Why delay the glorious day?
Why delay? why delay?
Oh, the joy you might receive
If on Him you would believe,
Thought nor fancy can conceive:
Don’t delay, don’t delay.
Now He pleads with tender voice,
Pleads today, pleads today,
Make His love your sacred choice,
Choose today, choose today;
Shall His pleading be refused?
Shall His mercy be abused?
Come, by grace divine enthused,
Come today, come today.