Scripture Verse

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Henry E. Fox (1841–1926)

Words: Hen­ry E. Fox, 1899.

Music: Om­bers­ley Will­iam H. Glad­stone, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

William H. Gladstone (1840–1892)


Send forth the Gos­pel! Let it run
Southward and north­ward, east and west;
Tell all the earth Christ died and lives,
Who giv­eth par­don, life and rest.

Send forth Thy Gos­pel, migh­ty Lord!
Out of this cha­os bring to birth
Thine own cre­ation’s pro­mised hope;
The bet­ter days of Heav­en on earth.

Send forth Thy Gos­pel, gra­cious Lord!
Thine was the blood for sin­ners shed;
Thy voice still pleads in hu­man hearts;
To Thee Thine oth­er sheep be led.

Send forth Thy Gos­pel, ho­ly Lord!
Kindle in us love’s sac­red flame;
Love giv­ing all, and grudg­ing naught
For Je­sus’ sake, in Je­sus’ name.

Send forth Thy Gos­pel! Tell it out!
Go, bro­thers, at the Mas­ter’s call;
Prepare His way, who comes to reign,
The King of kings, and Lord of all.