Scripture Verse

Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Revelation 19:6


Words: J. Thur­low Kom­mer, 1911.

Music: Ol­iv­er George E. Ol­iv­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kom­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George E. Oliver (1856–1941)

About four years ago J. Thur­low Kom­mer, a Phi­la­del­phia [Penn­syl­van­ia] bu­si­ness man, wrote, Sing out your hal­le­lu­jahs, and of its in­cep­tion he writes, I had been think­ing of God’s tre­men­dous love, par­ti­cu­larly as ex­pressed in the gift of His Son, and the great ob­li­ga­tion rest­ing up­on all His crea­tures to give Him praise. Mr. Kom­mer has been writ­ing re­li­gious verse for about ten years.

Carl Fowl­er Price
The Christ­ian Ad­vo­cate, No­vem­ber 28, 1912


Sing out your hallelujahs,
Ye ransomed of the Lord!
Sing praise to God our Fa­ther,
By myriad hosts adored!
Sing of His grace and glo­ry,
Sing of His love and might!
Join with the choir of Hea­ven
To sound His praise aright!

Sing out your hallelujahs!
Sing of the vic­to­ry won
O’er Satan’s demon forces
By God’s eter­nal Son!
Sing of the fount of cleansing!
Sing of the lost restored!
Sing praises without ceasing
To your redeeming Lord.

Sing out your hallelujahs,
And let your voices rise
In loudest acclamation
Until they reach the skies!
Sing till the songs of Hea­ven
Shall blend with songs of earth
In glo­ry, laud and honor
To our Re­deem­er’s worth.