Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand.
Joel 2:1
Words: Katherine S. Burr, in Showers of Blessing, edited by John R. Sweney & William Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1888), number 6.
Music: Chillicothe William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊
) (repeats first four lines of each verse).
Sound the trumpet loud and long,
The temple gates fling wide,
Lo! He comes, the Great, the Strong,
In Zion to abide.
Not as in the former days
A man of sorrows He;
Nations join to give Him praise,
And bow th’adoring knee.
Blow the trumpet’s joyful blast,
Return, ye wanderers, home;
Your oppressor’s power is past,
The Jubilee is come:
David’s Son and Lord shall reign,
His throne secure shall be;
Speed the news o’er land and main,
His people all are free.
Blow the trumpet, shout and sing,
Let all the vales rejoice;
Let the hills and mountains ring,
And utter forth their voice:
Zion’s bulwarks firmly stand,
Her walls in beauty shine;
Strong her great Deliverer’s hand,
His majesty divine.