Scripture Verse

God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet…God is the King of all the earth…God reigneth over the heathen. Psalm 47:5–8


Words: Ma­ria A. West, in The Bea­con Light, ed­it­ed by John H. Ten­ney & Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1881), num­ber 108.

Music: Bi­ały­stok Hen­ry S. Per­kins, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of West (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Henry S. Perkins (1833–1914)


Hark! the wail of hea­then na­tions,
List! the cry comes back again,
With its so­lemn, sad re­proach­ing,
With its sor­row­ful re­frain.
We are dy­ing fast of hun­ger,
Starving for the Bread of Life!
Haste, O hast­en ere we per­ish,
Send the mes­sen­gers of life!


Sound the trum­pet! Wake God’s peo­ple,
Open, op­en, heart and hands!
And so sure­ly His best bless­ings
Quickly shall o’er­flow all lands.

Send the Gos­pel fast­er, swift­er,
Ye who dwell in Chris­tian lands!
Care ye not that we are dy­ing
More in num­bers than the sands?
Heed ye not His words, your Mas­ter,
Go ye forth to all the world?
Sound the Gos­pel fast­er, fast­er
Let its ban­ner be un­furled!


Christian! can you sit in si­lence,
While this cry fills all the air,
Or con­tent your soul with giv­ing,
Merely what you well can spare?
For no gifts the Fa­ther crav­eth,
When He asks you for His own.
Will you dole Him from your trea­sure,
A poor pit­tance for a loan?
