Scripture Verse

Awake, awake, Deborah…utter a song. Arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive. Judges 5:12


Jael Shows Sisera Lying Dead to Barak
James Tissot (1896–1902)

Words: From The Psalms, Hymns, and Spi­ri­tu­al Songs of the Old and New Tes­ta­ment, 25th edi­tion (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Da­ni­el Hench­man & Tho­mas Han­cock, 1742), pag­es 297–301. Adapt­ed by Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, Ja­nu­ary 7, 2020 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: A Lit­tle King­dom Alon­zo P. How­ard, 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of How­ard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Because He Is­ra­el hath re­venged,
Bless ye there­fore the Lord:
Because the peo­ple of­fered up
Themselves of free ac­cord.
Give ear, O kings, ye princ­es hear,
Sing to the Lord I will;
I, ev­en I’ll sing to the Lord,
The God of Is­ra­el.

Lord, when Thou went­est from Se­ir,
Didst march from Ed­om’s field;
The earth did trem­ble, hea­vens drop,
The clouds their show­ers yield;
And in the pre­sence of the Lord,
The mount­ains melt­ing fell,
E’en Si­nai drooped be­fore the Lord,
The God of Is­ra­el.

In days of Sham­gar, An­ath’s son,
The roads in Ja­el’s days,
Abandoned were: the tra­vel­ers
They walked in lost by-ways.
And vil­lag­ers did cease to be,
They ceased in Is­ra­el:
Until I, De­bo­rah, arose,
Mother in Is­ra­el.

New gods they chose, then cru­el wars
Entered their gates wit­hin;
With for­ty thou­sand Is­ra­el­ites
No shield or spear was seen.
My heart to Is­ra­el’s rul­ers is,
That did of free ac­cord
Present them­selves among the folk:
Bless ye there­fore the Lord.

Speak ye your minds, all ye that do
Upon white ass­es ride;
Ye that in judg­ment sit, and ye
That walk the way be­side.
Who from the arch­ers’ noise are freed,
There shall they now re­cord,
In plac­es where they wa­ter draw,
The just acts of the Lord.

His righte­ous works to them who dwell
In Is­ra­el’s towns re­late,
Then shall the peo­ple of the Lord
Go down un­to the gate.
Awake, O De­bo­rah, wake and sing;
And now, Ba­rak, arise,
Abinoam’s son, to dry the tears
From Is­ra­el’s cap­tive eyes.

Unto the rem­nant he gave rule
Above the no­bles then
Among the folk: the Lord gave me
Rule ov­er migh­ty men.
From Eph­ra­im a root against
Proud Ama­lek there was:
Thy fol­low­ers, O Ben­ja­min,
Among thy folk did pass.

From out of Ma­chir gov­er­nors
Descended al­so then,
And out of Ze­bu­lun came they
That wield the writ­er’s pen.
From Is­sa­char marched prin­ces out,
His peers with De­bo­rah went,
And al­so was Ba­rak on foot
Into the val­ley sent.

Because of those di­vi­sions that
In Reu­ben did ap­pear,
Great fears and an­xious thoughts of heart
Among them then there were.
Why didst thou with the sheep folds stay?
The bleat­ing flocks to hear?
For Reu­ben his di­vi­sions sad
Heart search­ings great there were.

Beyond the Jor­dan Gi­le­ad sat;
Why Dan in ships re­side?
On sea­shore why Ash­er did stay,
And in his creeks abide?
But Ze­bu­lun and Nap­tha­li
Were peo­ple who did yield
Their lives in dan­ger un­to death
Upon the op­en field.

Thus Is­ra­el’s kings came to the fray,
And crowns of Ca­naan fought,
In Tan­ach by Me­gid­do’s streams;
No gold­en coin they sought.
They warred from Heav’n—the stars in course
Fought Si­se­ra that day;
And Kish­on’s ri­ver, an­cient brook,
Swept all his strength away.

O thou, my soul, hast trod down strength,
The hors­es brok­en were;
By plung­ing, tramp­ling, gal­lop­ing
Of migh­ty princ­es there.
O curse Me­roz, her peo­ple curse,
Jehovah’s an­gel said:
For they came not to help the Lord,
’Gainst Si­se­ra to aid.

Jael the Ken­ite, He­ber’s wife,
’Bove wo­men blest shall be:
Above the wo­men in the tent,
Most bless­èd one is she.
He wa­ter asked; she gave him milk,
In lord­ly dish she fetched
Him but­ter forth, then to the nail
She forth her left hand stretched.

Her right the work­man’s ham­mer held,
To strike Si­sera dead:
She struck and pierced his tem­ple through,
And then cut off his head.
So at her feet he bowed, he fell,
Before her laid he down;
He breathed his last, and joined the dead,
Destroyèd on the ground.

Through lat­ticed win­dow Si­se­ra’s
Mother looked, and feared his fate;
O tell me why, in his re­turn,
Why is my son so late?
His cha­ri­ot wheels, why tar­ry they?

Her la­dies wise re­plied,
But to her­self she an­swer made,
Have they not sped? she cried.

The spoil to each, a maid or twain,
Divided not have they?
With Si­se­ra have they not shared
A many co­lor­ed prey?
Of di­verse col­ored nee­dle­work,
Wrought cu­ri­ous on each side,
Of va­ri­ous col­ors, meet for necks
Of those who spoils di­vide?

So per­ished are Thine ene­mies,
O Lord; but let all those
Who love You, be they like the sun
That in his strength forth goes.
Then came a rest of for­ty years,
With peace through­out the land;
Then Is­ra­el turned again from God,
And fell in Mi­di­an’s hand.