Scripture Verse

Many spread their garments in the way, and others cut down branches off the trees, and strew them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Mark 11:8–9


Words: Dwight M. Pratt, in Hymns of Chris­tian En­dea­vor, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel W. Ad­ri­ance (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Unit­ed So­ci­ety of Chris­tian En­dea­vor, 1888), num­ber 31.

Music: Taun­ton Charles C. Treat, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • All Saints Old Darm­stadt Ge­sang­buch, 1698 (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pratt or Treat (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


See from Be­tha­ny ad­vanc­ing
Joyful throngs by Je­sus led;
Loud ho­san­nas rend the hea­vens,
Garments rich His path­way spread;
Shout, ye saints! your tri­umph sing!
Blessèd is the com­ing King!

Now the sac­red gates are lift­ed,
Zion’s king is pass­ing through.
All the glo­ry of the ci­ty
And the tem­ple rise to view;
Zion, shout, your Sav­ior own,
David’s Son, on Da­vid’s throne!

King of peace, Je­ho­vah’s chos­en!
King with highest glo­ry crowned!
Honored by the hosts of Hea­ven,
By the earth­ly Zion owned.
Take Thy scep­ter, rule the throng
Praising Thee with hal­lowed song!

Sad, ah, sad the change­ful mo­rrow,
Bitter scorn for ar­dent praise;
They who’d build a throne of glo­ry,
Now a cru­el cross up­raise.
Yet, O Zion, tri­umph sing!
Christ be­trayed is Sav­ior, king!

See! the tem­ple veil is rend­ing,
Mountains quake, the dead arise;
Darkness hides the day’s full glo­ry,
Lightnings fill the black­ened skies;
Still, O Zion, tri­umph sing!
Christ the ris­en Lord, is king.

From His low­ly tomb are roll­ing
Sealèd rock and mid­night gloom;
O’er the realm of death vic­to­ri­ous,
Christ, the ris­en Lord, has come.
Shout, ye ran­somed! prais­es sing,
Christ, the ris­en Lord, is king!