He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
Words: Mrs. Gustavus Remak, in Songs of Praise and Salvation, edited by Henry Gilmour, William J. Kirkpatrick, George A. McLaughlin & Charles J. Fowler (Chicago, Illinois & Boston, Massachusetts: Christian Witness Company, 1902), number 97.
Music: Henry L. Gilmour (🔊
If you know Remak’s full name, or where to get a good photo of her (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Under the shadow of Thy wing,
Dear Savior, let me hide;
From sin’s fierce storm and sorrow’s sting
There safely I’ll abide;
Let not earth’s fleeting dreams of joy
Or pleasure’s siren song,
My soul from virtue’s path decoy,
To selfishness and wrong.
He that dwelleth in the secret place,
In the secret place of the Most High,
Shall abide under the shadow,
Shall abide under the shadow
Of the Almighty.
Under the shadow of Thy wing,
My spirit shall rejoice;
From thence my help and strength I bring,
And there I hear Thy voice;
Oh! may I hear Thy voice divine
Whisper, Come unto Me,
Thou weary, heavy laden one,
My peace I’ll give to thee.
Oh! give Thine angels charge o’er me,
In all Thy ways to keep
My heart—that often strays from Thee
Thro’ dangers dark and deep—
Wanders, alas! ’til wearily
I weeping turn aside,
Unto Thine arms of mercy flee
And in Thy shadow hide.
Under the shadow of Thy wing
I shall not be afraid,
Of plague—or evil—there I’ll sing—
The Lord my strength is made
He is my rock and hiding place,
My God! My king! My friend!
In Him, I’ll trust—He’ll give me grace,
And keep me to the end.