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Scripture Verse

The angels of God in Heaven. Matthew 22:30


Words: A. T. Gor­ham, in On Joy­ful Wing, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney & Will­iam Kirk­pat­rick (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1886), num­ber 19.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 ).

If you know Gor­ham’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William J. Kirkpatrick


The gold­en spires are gleam­ing
Just on the oth­er side!
I see the tur­rets glist­en
Hard by the flow­ing tide;
The pear­ly gates are op­en,
The high­way’s large and free;
And an­gel bands are wait­ing
To wel­come you and me.


Waiting, wait­ing,
Beautiful forms I see;
The an­gel bands are wait­ing,
To wel­come you and me.

The fade­less flow­ers are bloom­ing,
Just on the oth­er side,
And down life’s shin­ing riv­er
The crys­tal wa­ters glide;
The sons of glo­ry ling­er
Beneath each spread­ing tree,
And an­gel bands are wait­ing
To wel­come you and me.


With joy we soon shall ga­ther
Just on the oth­er side,
While end­less songs of tri­umph
Come float­ing o’er the tide;
In Ed­en’s star lit man­sions
Our home shall ever be,
And an­gel bands are wait­ing
To wel­come you and me.


Yes, wait­ing, ev­er wait­ing
Just on the oth­er side—
Beyond the roll­ing riv­er,
Across the surg­ing tide;
Yes, wait­ing, ev­er wait­ing
Upon the jas­per sea,
And an­gel bands are wait­ing
To wel­come you and me.
