Scripture Verse

Whether we live…or die, we are the Lord’s. Romans 14:8


Words: Isa­dore Gil­bert, in The Sig­net Ring, by Jo­seph P. Web­ster (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ly­on & Hea­ly, 1868), page 122, alt.

Music: A Lit­tle King­dom Alon­zo P. How­ard, 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gil­bert or How­ard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


What sound of lof­ty praise is this,
Suffusing all the air?
What ago­ny, what un­told bliss,
Are meet­ing, striv­ing there?
Earth’s last great sha­dow—end­less life
On one same thresh­old stand;
Immortal peace—earth’s dark­est grief,
Both call from dist­ant land.

God owns me, Mo­ther! thus he spake,
What rest, what ra­di­ant joy!
Peace, stormy soul! For his dear sake,
Be still—God owns my boy.
A strange, cold sha­dow comes and goes
In those clear star-like eyes;
Life flick­ers now, it faint­ly glows,
A voice calls, Spir­it, rise!

Lift up your heads, ye gold­en gates—
Once more that sound of joy!
God owns me, Mo­ther: Je­sus waits
To wel­come home your boy.

Thy rest is glo­ri­ous, brave child!
Thy tri­umph ear­ly won!
Thy soul’s young tem­pest soon was stilled;
Thou’rt wait­ing—we will come.