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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Carl Rosenius (1816–1868)

Words: Carl O. Ro­se­ni­us, Pie­tist­en 1847, num­ber 6 (Var jag går, i skogar, berg och dalar). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Vic­tor O. Pe­ter­sen (1864–1929).

Music: Var Jag Går Os­kar Ahn­felt, Sång­er 1868 (🔊 ).

If you know when the trans­la­tion was done, or where to get a good pho­to of Pe­ter­sen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Oskar Ahnfelt (1813–1882)


Wheresoe’er I roam thro’ val­leys drea­ry,
Over mount­ains, or in path­less wood,
Ever with me is a friend to cheer me,
Warning, com­fort­ing as none else could.
’Tis the Shep­herd, who once dy­ing, bleed­ing,
Still through all eter­ni­ty shall live;
Following His flock, pro­tect­ing, feed­ing,
He the ten­der­est care doth give;
Following His flock, pro­tect­ing, feed­ing,
He the ten­der­est care doth give.

All my needs eter­nal­ly sup­ply­ing,
All in all to me that Friend shall be;
Everything for which my heart is sigh­ing,
He per­ceives, and helps me lov­ing­ly.
Tho’ I oft­en feel for­sak­en, lone­ly,
He is ev­er near, for He did say:
I am with you al­way, and this on­ly
Gives me cour­age on my way;
I am with you al­way, and this on­ly
Gives me cour­age on my way.

Piercèd Heart, with love o’er­flow­ing, guide me,
Help me through life’s de­sert find my way,
Let my faith, no mat­ter what be­tide me,
Find as­sur­ance in Thy wounds for aye.
To Thy bo­som—for this life is fleet­ing—
Take me, wash my gar­ments in Thy blood,
And aris­ing may I, at Thy meet­ing,
Cry with joy, My Lord and God!
And aris­ing may I, at Thy meet­ing,
Cry with joy, My Lord and God!