Increase our faith.
Luke 17:5
Words: Neal A. McAulay, in Songs of Sovereign Grace, by J. Lincoln Hall, William J. Kirkpatrick & Winfield S. Weeden (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Hall-Mack, 1897), number 35. Some hymnals misspell the author’s name as McAnlay.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
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O God of grace, increase my faith!
Help me to daily trust Thy Word;
Give me the strength that always comes
From leaning on my blessèd Lord.
O God of grace, in Jesus’ name
Increase my faith, upbuild my hope,
My heart with zeal inflame,
Send down Thy Spirit from above,
Till faith and hope are lost in love.
O God of grace, upbuild my hope!
Let not a doubt my spirit sway;
Be Thou my constant shield of light
That I may walk the narrow way.
O God of grace, inspire my love!
Fill my cold heart with holy fire,
That I may live each passing day
As my Redeemer doth desire.