Scripture Verse

Our father which art in Heaven. Matthew 6:9


Words: Ann T. Gil­bert, Hymns for In­fant Minds 1810.

Music: Hol­ley George Hews, 1835 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hews (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Ann T. Gilbert (1782–1866)

Gil­bert’s bi­og­ra­pher says of this hymn:

It may not be too much to say that the man­ner of the Di­vine Teach­er has been sel­dom more near­ly ap­proached. Such might have been the lit­tle child whom He set in the midst. In such words might the most ma­ture Chris­tian ad­dress his fa­ther in Hea­ven.

Memorials, 1874, p. 224


Great God! and wilt Thou con­des­cend
To be my fa­ther and my friend?
I but a child—and Thou so high,
The Lord of earth and air and sky!

Art Thou my fa­ther? Canst Thou bear
To hear my poor im­per­fect pray­er?
Or stoop to list­en to the praise
That such a lit­tle one can raise?

Art Thou my fa­ther? Let me be
A meek, obe­di­ent child to Thee;
And try, in word and deed and thought,
To serve and please Thee as I ought.

Art Thou my fa­ther? I’ll de­pend
Upon the care of such a friend;
And on­ly wish to do and be
Whatever seem­eth good to Thee.

Art Thou my fa­ther? Then, at last,
When all my days on earth are past,
Send down, and take me, in Thy love,
To be Thy bet­ter child above.