Scripture Verse

All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3


Words: Charles S. Nut­ter, in Zi­on’s He­rald, Oc­to­ber 21, 1908.

Music: Jef­fe­ry Frank M. Jef­fe­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Jef­fe­ry (or a bet­ter one of Nut­ter) (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles S. Nutter

About the time when [this hymn] was writ­ten Dr. Nut­ter had been read­ing more or less on the im­ma­nence of God in the works of Pro­fes­sor Bor­den P. Browne and oth­er phi­lo­so­phers, and be­liev­ing the doc­trine both scrip­tur­al and beau­ti­ful he gave his thoughts this po­et­ic ex­pres­sion.

Carl Fowl­er Price
The Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate
, No­vem­ber 28, 1912


Our God is in the sun­shine gay,
And in the dark­en­ing shade;
His pre­sence crowns the mount­ain height,
And fills the si­lent glade.
His pow­er is in the ris­ing mist,
And in the fall­ing rain;
His life is in the spring-time seed
And in the rip­en­ing grain.

The tiny flow­ers lift their heads
And smile in­to His face;
All beau­ty is His ho­ly gift,
All ex­cel­lence His grace.
Religion is but peace with Him,
His peace in mer­cy giv­en;
All strife with Him is sin and death,
And har­mo­ny is hea­ven.