Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
QingdaoThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Complete in Him
QinghaiThe Chi­nese pro­vince.Give Me Thy Heart
QomThe Iran­i­an ci­ty.Following Je­sus Home
Quam Di­lec­taLatin for how love­ly.
  1. My Fa­ther, Hear My Pray­er
  2. We Love the Place, O God
QuanzhouThe Chi­nese ci­ty.For Love of Me
QuebecSee Hes­per­us
Quem Pas­tor­es [Den die Hir­ten]
  1. Come, Your Hearts and Voic­es Rais­ing
  2. Father, Who on Man Dost Show­er
  3. Gabriel, from the Hea­ven Des­cend­ing
  4. Jesus, Good Above All Other
  5. Lord, the Wind and Sea Obey Thee
  6. Shepherds, Tell Your Beau­te­ous Sto­ry
  7. While Their Flocks the Shep­herds Tend­ed
  8. With the Shep­herds, Ad­o­ra­tion
Queen StreetYoung Men and Maid­ens, Raise
Queen’s CrossQueen’s Cross Church, Glas­gow, Scot­land.
  1. Mercy and Judg­ment Are My Song
  2. Vain Man, on Fool­ish Plea­sures Bent
QueensThe New York Ci­ty bo­rough.Easter Li­lies Pure and Love­ly
QueensboroughShepherds, Hail the Won­drous Strang­er
QueenslandThe Aus­tra­li­an state.Lord, a Sav­ior’s Love Dis­play­ing
QueenswoodQueenswood School, Hart­ford, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.O God of Truth
QuezonThe Phi­lip­pine ci­ty.He Cares for Me (Cros­by)
QuietudeQuiet Hour, The
QuincyThe Mas­sa­chu­setts town.Pilgrim’s Home, The
QuinnipiacOh! The Love That Sought Me
Quintana RooThe Mexi­can state.To Thee, O God, Whose Fa­ther Hand