
Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
BablerBabler State Park, Ches­ter­field, Mis­sou­ri.Stone Rolled Away, The
A Babe Is BornBabe Is Born, A
Babylon’s Streams
  1. Among th’As­sem­blies of the Great
  2. I Cried to God in My Dis­tress
  3. Lord Je­sus, When We Stand Afar
  4. Now Is the Heal­ing Time De­creed
Baca (Brad­bury)The val­ley in Psalm 84:6.
  1. As Thirsts the Hart for Wa­ter Brooks
  2. Come, Gra­cious Spir­it, Heav’n­ly Dove
Baca (Ha­ve­rgal)I Gave My Life for Thee (Mal­ay­alam)
BachComposer Jo­hann Se­bas­ti­an Bach.In Thy Great Name, O Lord, We Come
Back LaneBehold, the Grace Ap­pears!
Back to Zi­onCome, All Ye Sons of God
Bad Can­stattBad Can­statt, Ger­ma­ny.I Will Ear­ly Seek the Sav­ior
BadajozBadajoz, Spain.O Thou That Hear­est Pray­er, Now from Thy Throne
BadeaThe fruit Pas­si­flo­ra qua­dran­gu­lar­is.
  1. Fools in Their Heart Have Said
  2. Use Me (Bo­nar)
BaghdadBaghdad, Iraq (بغداد).Prodigal’s Re­turn, The
BagintonBaginton, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Fred­er­ick Gooch died.My Heart Is Rest­ing, O My God
BagnoletBagnolet, France.Close to My Door
BaguioBaguio, Phil­ip­pines.Spirit Ho­ly
BahamasThe At­lan­tic ar­chi­pe­la­go.Let Go the An­chor
  1. Blow, Gold­en Trum­pets
  2. Now Be My Heart In­spired to Sing
BajaBaja Ca­li­for­nia, Mex­ico.Trusting in Je­sus (Keel­er)
BakhmutBakhmut, Ukraine (Бах­мут). For­mer­ly known as Ar­tem­ivsk (Ар­тём­овск).Laboring and Hea­vy La­den
BakersfieldBakersfield, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Come Lead Me to Some Lof­ty Shade
  2. Upheld by Hope
BakuBaku, Azer­bai­jan (Ba­kı).We Shall Rise
Balboa ParkBalboa Park, San Di­ego, Ca­li­for­nia.Savior, Bro­ther, Friend
BalcluthaBalclutha, New Zea­land.Easter Morn Is Break­ing
BalikpapanBalikpapan, In­do­ne­sia.In Our Dear Lord’s Gar­den
BallardBallard, Wash­ing­ton.Come, Ho­ly Spir­it (Whit­tle)
BallermaPalermo, Si­ci­ly.
  1. Alas, What Hour­ly Dan­gers Rise!
  2. Approach, My Soul, the Mer­cy Seat
  3. Hail, Sac­red Truth!
  4. Happy the Souls to Je­sus Joined
  5. Jesus, Who Bought Us with His Blood
  6. O Fa­ther, Kind­ly Deign to Hear
  7. O Hap­py They Who Know the Lord
  8. Plunged in a Gulf of Dark Des­pair
  9. See, World, up­on the Bloody Tree
  10. Though I Am Poor and Sor­row­ful
  11. Thus I Re­solved Be­fore the Lord
BalhamBalham, Lon­don.God, Who Hath Made the Dai­sies
BalıkesirBalıkesir, Tür­ki­ye.Like a Shep­herd
BallingtonPossibly Ball­ing­ton Booth.Lord, I Will Bless Thee All My Days
Balliol Col­legeBalliol Col­lege, Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty.Day of Christ, The
BallwinBallwin, Mis­sou­ri.
  1. Take Not Thought for Food or Rai­ment
  2. Labor’s Strong and Mer­ry Child­ren
  3. Years Are Com­ing
BalmAs Pants the Hart for Wa­ter Brooks
BalochistanBalochistan, Pa­ki­stan (بلوچستان).Sing the Song, the Tri­umph Song
BaltimoreBaltimore, Ma­ry­land.
  1. Father, Bless Our School To­day
  2. I Am Hat­ed, Lord
  3. Sin, When Viewed by Scrip­ture Light

Also see Hol­ly­wood

BamakoBamako, Ma­li.When Christ Was Born in Beth­le­hem (Ne­vin)
BandelierBandelier Na­tion­al Mo­nu­ment, New Mex­ico.Tell Je­sus (Mar­tin)
BandungBandung, In­do­ne­sia.There Is a Glo­ri­ous World of Light
BanesBanes, Cu­ba.Now in Part­ing, Fa­ther, Bless Us
BanffBanff, Ca­na­da.Showers of Bless­ing
BangaloreBengaluru, In­dia (ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು).Lord Will An­swer Pray­er, The
BangkokBangkok, Thai­land (กรุงเทพมหานคร).Mine Eyes Shall Be­hold Him
BangladeshThe Asian coun­try.Home of the Soul, The
BangorBangor, Wales.
  1. Alas! By Na­ture How De­praved
  2. Awake, My Drow­sy Soul
  3. Dear Lord! Be­hold Our Sore Dis­tress
  4. Eternal God, We Look to Thee
  5. Father and Canst Thou Me Re­ceive?
  6. Foes of Zi­on Quake for Fright, The
  7. Great God, the Ter­rors of Thy Wrath
  8. Hark! From the Tombs a Dole­ful Sound
  9. How David, When by Sin De­ceived
  10. Long Has Di­vine Com­pas­sion Strove
  11. O God of Mer­cy, Hear My Call
  12. O Zi­on Open Wide Thy Gates
  13. See, Gra­cious God, Be­fore Thy Throne
  14. Spring, Great God, at Thy Com­mand, The
  15. Terrible Thought, Shall I Alone
  16. When Wild Con­fu­sion Wrecks the Air
  17. Why Doth the Lord Stand Off So Far?
  18. Yonder Am­az­ing Sight I See
Bangor (To­ron­to)
  1. Eternal Spir­it, Come
  2. Fly, to the Mount­ains Fly
  3. Hymn on the Ti­tles of Christ
  4. Sinners, Your Hearts Lift Up
BanhamBanham, Nor­folk, Eng­land.O’er Ju­dah’s Plains
BaniasBanias, Golan Heights (בניאס, لحولة)We Rise to Praise Thee
Banja LukaBanja Lu­ka, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Risen To­day
BankingtonA port­mant­eau of Bank and Is­ling­ton, Lon­donWelcome, Sweet Day of Rest
BannerHold Up the Ban­ner
BanneuxBanneux, Bel­gi­um.I Will Sing the Won­drous Sto­ry
BannockburnBannockburn, Scotland.Thou, Whose Wide Ex­tend­ed Sway
BanyuwangiBanyuwangi, In­do­ne­sia.Bringing the World to Christ
  1. Blest Is the Man Whose Bow­els Move
  2. Elisha, Struck with Grief and Awe
  3. For Ev­er Shall My Song Re­cord
  4. Great God, to Thee My Voice I Raise
  5. O God, Great Fa­ther, Lord and King!
  6. World Is Sad with Hopes That Die, The
Bar HarborBar Harbor, Maine.There Is a Land Im­mor­tal
BarbadosBarbados, Car­ib­be­an.Thy Hand Up­hold­eth Me
BarbicanBarbican, Lon­don.See! The Morn­ing Star
BarbudaBarbuda, Car­ib­be­an.
  1. Fain Would I, Lord, the Word Re­ceive
  2. Happy the Man, Who Poor and Low
  3. Land of Rest (Man­ville)
  4. Thoughtless Brute His Mas­ter Knows, The
BarbySee St. An­drew (Tan­s’ur)
BarcelonaBarcelona, Spain.Long Ago in Beth­le­hem’s Plain
BardenBound up­on th’ Ac­curs­èd Tree
BarfordBarford, War­wick, Eng­land.Being of Be­ings
BarkingsideBarkingside, Lon­don.God Holds the Fu­ture in His Hands
Barmouth (Frost)Barmouth, WalesBounteous Spir­it, Ev­er Shed­ding
Barmouth (Mac­far­ren)At Thy Feet, O Christ
BarnabasThe man in Acts 14:1O the Depth of Love Di­vine
BarnardGive of Your Best to the Mas­ter
BarnbyComposer Jo­seph Barn­byCome Hi­ther, Ye Faith­ful
BarnettPossibly Bar­net, Lon­don.Ye Ang­els Who Stand Round the Throne
BarnsdallBarnsdall, Ok­la­ho­ma.Star, a Star is Burn­ing, A
BaronySee Cour­age
BarrO, Wea­ry Wan­der­er, Come Home
BarraghBarragh, Ire­land.
  1. Glory to That Vic­to­ri­ous Grace
  2. O Lord, to Whom the Spir­its Live
  3. Spirit of Heav’nl­y Coun­sel, Come
  4. Ye Ang­els, Put the Sic­kle In
BarranquillaBarranquilla, Co­lom­bia.
  1. Hail, Sweet Babe, So Pure and Ho­ly
  2. Mercy, O Thou Son of Da­vid!
BarrePossibly Barre, Ver­mont.
  1. Jerusalem My Hap­py Home
  2. Praise Ye the Lord, for He Is Good
BarrieBarrie, Ca­na­da.We Shall Know Each Oth­er There (Pear­son)
BarrowBarrow-in-Fur­ness, Cum­bria.O Hap­py Is the Man Who Hears
Bartholdy [Sel­wyn]Composer Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn Bar­thol­dy.
  1. Come, Sav­ior, Je­sus, from Above
  2. Dear Ties of Mu­tu­al Suc­cor Bind
BartimeusThe blind man in Mark 10:46.Onward, Her­ald of the Gos­pel
BartimaeusThe blind man in Mark 10:46.Jesus, Full of All Com­pas­sion
BartinBartin, Tür­ki­ye.Every Flow­er That Blos­soms
BartlettComposer Mar­lo Bart­lett.
  1. Jehovah, God, Thy Gra­cious Pow­er
  2. Jehovah, God, Who Dwelt of Old
BartowOur Fa­ther! Through the Com­ing Year
Bas-QuercyBas-Quercy, France.
  1. God of All Pow­er, and Truth, and Grace (1749)
  2. Whence Come This Rush of Wings?
Bas-RhinBas-Rhin, France.He’s Com­ing
BaselBasel, Swit­zer­land.Hear Me, O God! When Near Thy Throne
BashanThe lo­ca­tion in Ge­ne­sis 14:5.No More, My God
BasilicataBasilicata, Ita­ly.Unto Us a Child is Born (Kirk­land)
BassettPossibly Frank­lin Bas­set, teach­er of com­pos­er Pat­ty Stair.Father, Whose Will Is Life and Good
BatamBatam, In­do­ne­sia.Christian’s Pen­te­cost, The
BatangasBatangas, Phil­ip­pines.Salvation Morn­ing
BataviaBatavia, Il­li­nois.Love of God (Ly­on), The
Batchellor [On­slow]Composer Da­ni­el Bat­chel­lor.Father, We Thank Thee
BatemanAgain Our Earth­ly Cares We Leave
Bath (Cooke)Bath, England.
  1. Friend Af­ter Friend De­parts
  2. Why Do the Peo­ple Rage?
Bath (Har­mo­nia)Triumphs of the Saints, The
BatisteComposer An­toine Ba­tiste.Glory to Je­sus
Baton RougeBaton Rouge, Lou­isi­ana.Blood of Je­sus, The
BatterseaBattersea, Lon­donWe Ga­ther
BattleLong Did I Toil
Battle CreekBattle Creek, Mi­chi­gan.Give This Year to Je­sus
Battle CryRise at the Cry of Bat­tle
Battle HymnEternal Fa­ther, Thou Hast Said
Batty [El­ler­ker]
  1. Jesus, While Our Hearts Are Bleed­ing
  2. Lord, Re­buke Me Not in An­ger
  3. Sweet the Mom­ents, Rich in Bless­ing
BaurComposer Ben­ja­min Baur.What the World Needs Is Je­sus
BavaSavior of All, to Thee We Bow
BavariaBavaria, Ger­ma­ny (Bay­ern)O God, Thy Sol­diers’ Great Re­ward
BavenoBaveno, Ita­ly.Hark! The Gos­pel News Is Sound­ing
BawardyVictorious Love
Bay RidgeBay Ridge, Brook­lyn, New York.When This Song of Praise Shall Cease
BayamónBayamón, Puer­to Ri­co.Blessèd Sav­ior
BayburtBayburt, Tür­ki­ye.Days Grow Long­er
BayonneBayonne, New Jer­sey.God Make My Life a Lit­tle Light
BaytownBaytown, Tex­as.Onward, Up­ward, Home­ward
Be Thou Ex­alt­edBe Thou Ex­alt­ed
Beach Spring
  1. God of Love, We’ve Heard the Teach­ing
  2. God, Whose Love Is Al­ways Strong­er
  3. Listen, Sis­ters! Listen, Bro­thers!
  4. Prayer for Cre­ation
BeachleyBeachley, Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.See Cott­man
Beacon HillBeacon Hill, Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. Are Ye Able?
  2. Go Ev­an­gel­ize the Na­tions
  3. Through the Ag­es Saints Have Won­dered
BeallCassie Beall Smith.Is Thy Heart Athirst to Know?
BealothBealoth, Ju­dah (Jo­shua 15:24).
  1. And Must This Bo­dy Die?
  2. Come Ye That Seek the Lord
  3. Father, Our Hearts We Lift
  4. Help, Lord! The Bu­sy Foe
  5. O Night of Nights!
  6. Signal Star, The
  7. Sinners, the Call Obey
  8. Spirit of Faith, Come Down
  9. Thou Fair­est Child Di­vine
Bear ButteBear Butte, South Da­ko­ta.Rejoice, and Be Glad
Beata No­bis Gau­diaSing We Tri­um­phant Hymns of Praise
Beati Im­ma­cu­la­tiLatin for bless­ed are the blame­less.
  1. As Now Thy Child­ren Low­ly Kneel
  2. Blest Be the Wis­dom and the Pow­er
  3. Blest Is the Man Who Shuns the Place
  4. Blest Is the Na­tion Where the Lord
  5. Hear What the Lord in Vi­sion Said
  6. I Love the Lord; He Heard My Cries
  7. Jesus Has Lived!
  8. Lift Up to God the Voice of Praise
  9. My Fa­ther, for An­oth­er Night
  10. Now from the Roar­ing Li­on’s Rage
  11. Now Plead My Cause, Al­migh­ty God
  12. Saints Should Nev­er Be Dis­mayed, The
  13. We Walk by Faith (Al­ford)
  14. With My Whole Heart I’ll Raise My Song
BeatitudoLatin for hap­pi­ness or con­di­tion of bless­ed­ness. Ro­man states­man Mar­cus Tul­li­us Ci­ce­ro is said to have coined the word.
  1. Abundant Fields of Grain Shall Wave
  2. Christmas Hymn, The
  3. Come, Let Us Join with One Ac­cord
  4. Earth For­ev­er Is the Lord’s, The
  5. Father, How Wide Thy Glo­ries Shine
  6. Here at Beth­es­da’s Pool
  7. Lamp of Our Feet
  8. Life Is a Span, a Fleet­ing Hour
  9. Like as a Mo­ther Com­fort­eth
  10. My Lord, My Love, Was Cru­ci­fied
  11. My Times of Sor­row and of Joy
  12. O Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life
  13. O Thou, from Whom All Good­ness Flows
  14. One Pray­er I Have
  15. Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase
  16. Son of the Car­pen­ter, Re­ceive
  17. That Lit­tle Babe in Beth­le­hem
  18. Today Be Joy in Ev­ery Heart
  19. Try Us, O God
  20. Well of Sy­char, The
  21. What Poor Des­pis­èd Com­pa­ny
  22. When Mus­ing Sor­row Weeps the Past
  23. Will God for Ev­er Cast Us Off?
  1. Name of Je­sus, Soft­ly Steal­ing
  2. Part in Peace: Is Day Be­fore Us?
BeatusLord, to Our Hum­ble Pray­ers At­tend
Beau Val­lonBeau Val­lon, Sey­chelles.We Bless Thee, Lord
BeaufortPossibly Beaufort, South Carolina.O Trou­bled Sea of Ga­li­lee
BeaumontBeaumont Scout Re­ser­va­tion, near High Ridge, Mis­sou­ri.Sweet Peace on Earth
BeauraingBeauraing, Bel­gium.Light of Life, Se­ra­phic Fire
BeauvaisBeauvais, France.Jasper Sea, The
BeavertonBeaverton, Ore­gon.Morning Pray­er (Baltz­ly)
BeazleyComposer Sam­uel Beaz­ley.After the Mid­night
BecclesBeccles, Suf­folk, Eng­land.Great Fore­run­ner of the Morn, The

Also see Ach Gott und Herr

BechlerSing Hal­le­lu­jah, Praise the Lord!
BecontreeBecontree, Lon­don.Perfect Peace (San­ford)
BedfordBedford, Bed­ford­shire, England. The home town of com­pos­er Will­iam Wheale.
  1. Come, Let Our Souls Adore the Lord
  2. If God Is Mine
  3. Let Ev­ery Tongue Thy Good­ness Speak
  4. O Help Us Lord, Each Hour of Need
  5. Spirit of Truth, on This Thy Day
  6. With Songs and Hon­ors Sound­ing Loud
  7. Ye Who the Name of Je­sus Bear
BeebeCome, Ye Dis­con­so­late
BeecherHenry Ward Beech­er.
  1. Church of God, Be­loved and Cho­sen
  2. Gentle Je­sus, Pure and Ho­ly
  3. God Our Fa­ther, We Ad­ore Thee
  4. Holy Spir­it, Source of Glad­ness
  5. In a Feed Box, in a Sta­ble
  6. Lord, Thou Lov’st the Cheer­ful Giv­er
  7. Love Di­vine, All Loves Ex­cel­ling
  8. Mary Heard the Ang­el’s Mes­sage
  9. Now with Joy­ful Ex­ul­ta­tion
  10. O’er the Track­less Ocean Guid­ed
  11. On This Morn We See the Dawn­ing
  12. One Day There’ll Be New Earth and Hea­ven
  13. Through the Night of Doubt and Sor­row
  14. Your Mis­sion
BeechwoodGod, Who Made the Earth
Beer-SheanThe ci­ty at the junc­tion of the Jor­dan River and Jez­reel val­leys (al­so known as Beit She’an and Bei­san). The bo­dies of Saul and his sons were dis­played on the ci­ty wall there af­ter they died in bat­tle (1 Sam­uel 31:10–12).Zion, Awake, Thy Strength Re­new
BeethovenLudwig van Beet­ho­ven.Father, Whose Ev­er­last­ing Love
Beethoven (Ma­son)How Sweet to Leave the World Awhile
BefiehlThy Way and All Thy Sor­rows
BeginningsThis Is a Day of New Be­gin­nings
Behold the Bride­groom (Wer­de­baugh)Behold the Bride­groom (Me­tho­di­us)
BeijingBeijing, Chi­na (北京市).We Shall Sleep, but Not For­ev­er
BekasiBekasi, In­do­ne­sia.Sabbath Ev­en­ing
BelarusBelarus (Бе­ла­русь).Use Me
BeldenComposer Frank­lin Bel­den.We Would See Je­sus (War­ner)
BelénSpanish for Beth­le­hem.Christ’s Ev­er­last­ing Gos­pel
BelfastBelfast, North­ern Ire­land.Child, Your Fa­ther Calls
BelfieldWith Songs and Hon­ors Sound­ing Loud
BelfortBelfort, France.Help Me, Dear Sav­ior
BelgiumSeeds of Pro­mise
BelgradeBelgrade, Ser­bia.Blithely from the Moat­ed Church­yard
BelgraveBelgrave Square, Lon­don.When All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
BeliefSee Camp­meet­ing
BelizeBelize, South Am­eri­ca.Mother’s Grave
BellevilleBelleville, Il­li­nois.Lord, Thou Hast Pro­mised Grace for Grace
Bellefontaine Neigh­borsBellefontaine Neigh­bors, Mis­sou­ri.Invitation, The
BellendenPeace Be to This Ha­bi­ta­tion
BelllinghamBelllingham, Wash­ing­ton.O Lit­tle Town of Beth­le­hem
BellmanHearts to Hea­ven and Voic­es Raise
  1. By Cool Si­lo­am’s Sha­dy Rill
  2. Christmas Hymn, A
  3. Come, Let Us Who in Christ Be­lieve
  4. How Sweet to Be Al­lowed to Pray
  5. I Wor­ship Thee, Sweet Will of God
  6. I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord
  7. Into Thine Hand, O God of Truth
  8. Is There a Friend in Earth or Heav’n
  9. Lord, All I Am Is Known to Thee
  10. Lord, Thou on Earth Didst Love Thine Own
  11. O Thou Whose Boun­ty Fills My Cup
  12. Offering on the Al­tar Burned, The
BeloitBeloit, Wis­con­sin.
  1. I Thirst, Thou Wound­ed Lamb of God
  2. My Shep­herd Is the Liv­ing Lord
  3. O How I Love Thy Ho­ly Word
  4. O Lord, Thou Judge
BelovedRedeemer of Is­ra­el
Belsize (Hy­att)Belsize, Lon­don.O for the Tongue of an An­gel
Belsize (El­li­ott)Before Eli­sha’s Gate
BelvilleBelville, Ohio.Lord My Pas­ture Shall Pre­pare, The
Bemerton (Cas­wall)Bemerton, Eng­land.
  1. Glory Be to Je­sus
  2. Holy Spir­it, Hear Us (Mohr)
  3. Jesus, Stand Among Us
  4. Wise Men Seek­ing Je­sus
Bemerton (Great­or­ex)
  1. How Help­less Guil­ty Na­ture Lies
  2. O Thou, to Whom All Crea­tures Bow
Ben Av­onBen Avon, Penn­syl­van­ia.
  1. All Peo­ple That Dwell on the Earth
  2. Escape from the Per­il­ous Plain
  3. How Frail Are These Bo­dies of Clay!
  4. Seedling of Jes­se Shall Flow­er, A
Ben Rhy­ddingBen Rhy­dding, Eng­land.
  1. My Soul, Re­peat His Praise
  2. When Man Grows Bold in Sin
Benediction (Haydn) [Corinth]Of the Glo­ri­ous Bo­dy Tell­ing
Benediction (Mann)
  1. Come, Thou Soul Trans­form­ing Spir­it
  2. Darkness Long Hath Veiled the Na­tions
  3. Fly, Ye Sea­sons
  4. God Has Said, For­ev­er Bless­èd
  5. God of Our Sal­va­tion! Hear Us
  6. Heav’nly Truth in Love Dis­pens­èd
  7. Lo! He Com­eth!
  8. ’Mid the Splen­dors of the Glo­ry
  9. Savior, Send a Bless­ing to Us
  10. See, Ye Heirs of Sure Sal­va­tion
  11. Sing with Joy­ful Ac­cla­ma­tion
  12. Yes! We Trust the Day Is Break­ing
BeneventoBenevento, Ita­ly.
  1. Dust to Dust, the Mor­tal Dies
  2. Happy Souls That Christ Obey
  3. Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord (Wes­ley)
  4. Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
  5. Saw Ye Not the Cloud Arise?
  6. See the Gloomy Ga­ther­ing Cloud
  7. Sion, Haste to Meet Thy King
  8. While with Cease­less Course the Sun
BengaluruBengaluru, India (ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು).Will You Go? (Jukes)
BenghaziBenghazi, Li­bya.
  1. I’m Stand­ing on the Rock of Ag­es
  2. Say, Is This Wild Cor­rupt­ed Na­tion?
BeninBenin, Af­ri­ca.Day Is Fast Ap­proach­ing, The
BenjaminThe Is­ra­el­ite tribe.Praise, My Soul, the King of Hea­ven
BenningtonBennington, Ne­bras­ka.Whosoever Means Me
BenkeThere’s a Chor­us Ev­er Ring­ing
BensonHymnist Lou­is Ben­son.Clearly in the East It Shone
  1. Come un­to Me, Ye Wea­ry
  2. I Know No Life Di­vid­ed
  3. When Shall the Voice of Sing­ing
BentonThou Who Didst Stoop Be­low
  1. From Na­za­reth
  2. How Kind the Good Sa­ma­ri­tan
  3. Lord, When in Si­mon’s House of Yore
  4. O Thou to Whose All Search­ing Sight
  5. Say, Sin­ner! Hath a Voice With­in
  6. Signs Which God to Gi­de­on Gave, The
  7. This Spa­cious Earth Is All the Lord’s
  8. Thou, O Je­ho­vah, Shalt En­dure
  9. ’Tis Night—But O the Joy­ful Morn
  10. Way of So­rrows, The
  11. While I Keep Si­lence, and Con­ceal
  12. With Firm Re­solve I Held My Peace
BerdianskBerdiansk, Ukraine (Бе­рдянськ).Thou Re­main­est
Bereden väg för Her­ranPrepare Thy Way, O Zi­on!
BergamoBergamo, It­aly.Watch by Day­light
Bergen Må Vi­kaCurrently un­used (score)
BerggrenLord, Let Thy Spir­it
BerkeleyBerkeley, Ca­li­for­nia.Everlasting Arms, The
BerkshireBerkshire, Eng­land.To Us a Child of Roy­al Birth
Berlin (Gou­di­mel)Jesus Christ, My Sure De­fense
Berlin (Har­mo­nia)I Send the Joys of Earth Away
BermudaBermuda, North At­lan­tic.
  1. Favor and Peace on Earth
  2. God Will Take Care of You (Cros­by)
BernBern, Swit­zer­land.Avançons-Nous Jo­yeux
Bernal HeightsBernal Heights, Ca­li­for­nia.I’m Glad I Count­ed the Cost
BernardHymnist Ber­nard of Morlaix.For Thee, O Dear, Dear, Coun­try
BernoO Word of God In­car­nate
BerthaBreak, Day of God, Oh Break
BertholdSee Tours
BertschJe Veux Ex­al­ter la Gloire
BesançonBesançon, France.Shepherds! Shake off Your Drow­sy Sleep
Best Choice, TheI Love My Je­sus Quite Alone
BethaniaSee Be­tha­ny (Smart)
Bethany (Ma­son) [Ex­cel­si­or]The town where Je­sus raised La­za­rus from the dead (John 11:11).
  1. Help Me, My Lord to Grow
  2. Jesus, My All
  3. Light of the Wan­der­ing
  4. Nearer, My God, to Thee
  5. Savior! I Fol­low On
  6. When Shall I See the Day?
Bethany (Smart) [Be­than­ia, Cru­ci­fer]
  1. Son of God, Eter­nal Sav­ior
  2. Sow the Seed Be­side All Wa­ters
BethelLet Si­on and Her Sons Re­joice
Bethlehem (Fink) [Ev­an­gel, Ser­aph]
  1. All Na­ture’s Works His Praise De­clare
  2. Arise, Sad Heart, Arise in Haste
  3. Behold a Sow­er! from Afar
  4. Bethlehem (Frost)
  5. Father, We Come Not as of Old
  6. Hidden Years at Na­za­reth, The
  7. Lift Up Your Heads in Joy­ful Hope
  8. Lord, Who at Ca­na’s Wed­ding Feast
  9. Newborn King Who Comes To­day, The
  10. O God, Whose Love Is ov­er All
  11. O Je­sus, Once a Na­za­reth Boy
  12. There’s Joy in Hea­ven
  13. Thy Word Is Like a Gar­den, Lord
  14. Two Ad­vents, The
  15. While Hum­ble Shep­herds Watched Their Flocks
  16. Whom Je­sus’ Blood Doth Sanc­ti­fy

Also see Don­cas­ter

Bethlehem (Main)Glory in the High­est (Walk­er)
Bethlehem-Ju­dahSoftly up­on Beth­le­hem’s Plains
Bethlehem’s StarSilent Night! Hal­lowed Night!
Bethnal GreenThe ar­ea in Lon­don’s East End.Thanks We Give
BettendorfBettendorf, Io­wa.Let the Child­ren Come (Hel­mer)
Better Land
  1. Christ Is Come
  2. Land to Which We Go, The
  3. Praise Je­ho­vah for His Love
Better WorldWhy This Dole­ful Wail?

Also see Hay­hurst

Bettever’s ChantFaint Falls the Gen­tle Voice of Pray­er
BeulahWe Have Not Seen, We Can­not See
BevanSupported by the Word
BeverleyThou Art Com­ing, O My Sav­ior
Beverly ParkHear Him Plead­ing
BewdleyChildren of the Hea­ven­ly King
BezaleelThe man in Exo­dus 31:2.Come, Je­sus, and Bless Me
BéziersBéziers, France.On Christ­mas Day (Cooke)
BhāratThe name for In­dia in se­ver­al In­di­an lang­uag­es.God’s Best
BhutanThe As­ian coun­try.Resting in Je­sus
BiałystokThe Po­lish ci­ty.Sound the Trum­pet (West)
BiberachBirth place of com­pos­er Jus­tin Knecht.Christian, the Morn Breaks
BickleighLo! The Migh­ty God Ap­pear­ing
BickleyO Fa­ther, in Whose Great De­sign
BidefordFrom North and South and East and West
BielefeldBielefeld, Ger­ma­ny.Jesus, Gen­tle Sav­ior
Big BenThe great bell of the clock at the north end of the Pal­ace of West­min­ster in Lon­don.Advent Song
Big BendThe na­tion­al park in west Tex­as.Star of Beth­le­hem (Ray)
Big SurCan a Boy For­get His Mo­ther?
BiharBihar, In­dia (बिहार).Had I the Tongues of Greeks and Jews
BijakovićiThe vil­lage in Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Hark! Up­on the Morn­ing Breez­es
BijeljinaThe ci­ty in Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.I Love to Hear the Sto­ry
BilbaoThe Span­ish ci­ty.Yielded to God
BilecikThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Wonderful Love (Yea­man)
BiloxiThe Mis­sis­sip­pi ci­ty.Jesus Will Save You
BinchesterHappy Are They, They That Love God
  1. Give Me the Wings of Faith
  2. Help, Lord, for Men of Vir­tue Fail
  3. Let World­ly Minds the World Pur­sue
  4. O Lord, How Are My Foes In­creased
  5. There is a Lit­tle Lone­ly Fold
  6. Why Did the Gen­tiles Tu­mults Raise?
BinghamtonThe New York town where com­pos­er John Sum­ner died.Child of the King, A
BingölBingöl, Tür­ki­ye.How Sweet to Trust in Je­sus
BirdComposer G. W. Bird.Take Me, O My Fa­ther, Take Me
BirdstownLord un­to His Christ Has Said, The
BirkdaleDay Is End­ed, The
BirkenheadThe town in Che­shire, Eng­land.If I Come to Je­sus
Birmingham (Cunn­ing­ham)Abide in Thee
Bis will­kom­menKing Might Miss the Guid­ing Star, A
BishopSee Ills­ley
Bishop (Hol­brook)Teach Me, O Lord
  1. Ask, and Ye Shall Re­ceive
  2. For My Sake, and the Gos­pel’s
  3. To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise
  4. Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode
  1. Before Thy Mer­cy Seat, O Lord
  2. How Love­ly Are Thy Dwell­ings Fair
  3. Soon as I Heard My Fa­ther Say
  4. What Though No Flow­ers the Fig Tree Clothe?
BismarckThe North Da­ko­ta ci­ty.No Oth­er Now but Je­sus
BissauThe ca­pi­tal of Gui­nea-Bis­sau.Come Now, Sa­ith the Lord
BitlisThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Will the An­gels Come for Me?
BixbyComposer Sam­uel Bix­by.Spirit of God, Des­cend up­on My Heart
Black For­estThe re­gion in south­west­ern Ger­ma­ny.Blessèd Sav­ior, Thee I Love
Black HillsThe South Da­ko­ta mount­ain range.Good News (Bil­horn)
BlackburnMy Spir­it Looks to God Alone
BlacklandsHe Giv­eth More Grace
BlackpoolThe city on the Irish Sea coast of Eng­land.Children, Hearken
BlacksburgThe Vir­gin­ia town.Awake, Ye Sol­diers
Blackwater FallsThe wa­ter­fall in the Black­wa­ter Ri­ver of West Vir­gin­ia.He’s Lead­ing Me
BlackwellThe Ok­la­ho­ma ci­ty.Song of Con­se­cra­tion, A
BlaencefnThe town in Wales.O’er Those Gloomy Hills of Dark­ness
BlaenhafrenBlaenhafren, Wales.
  1. Battle of Cal­va­ry, The
  2. Dread Je­ho­vah, God of Na­tions
  3. Humbly Now, with Deep Con­tri­tion
  4. Jesus Comes, the Judge of All
  5. Jesus, Full of Grace and Mer­cy
  6. Judge Me, God of My Sal­va­tion
  7. We Are Liv­ing, We Are Dwell­ing
  8. We Were Crowd­ed in the Ca­bin
BlaenwernA farm in Pem­broke­shire, Wales, where com­pos­er Will­iam Row­lands con­va­lesced as a youth.What a Friend We Have in Je­sus
BlagdonO Je­ru­sa­lem the Bliss­ful
BlagnacThe French ci­ty.Truehearted, Whole­heart­ed, Faith­ful and Loy­al
Blairgowrie [Hart­ford, Union Square]The town in Perth­shire.
  1. Hasten the Time Ap­point­ed
  2. Lord Je­sus, Bless­èd Giv­er
  3. O Love Di­vine and Gold­en
  4. O Sing Ye Hal­le­lu­jah
  5. O Young and Fear­less Pro­phet
  6. Today Thy Mer­cy Calls Me
BlakeThou On­ly So­ver­eign of My Heart
BlandfordSee Ware­ham
BlaydonWhere Is Thy God, My Soul?
Bleecker StreetThe New York Ci­ty street.Fully Per­suad­ed
BlendenHow Bless­èd, from the Bonds of Sin
BlendonJesus, and Shall It Ev­er Be
Bless the LordO Thou My Soul, Bless God the Lord
Blessèd Be the NameBlessèd Be the Name
Blessèd CityBlessed Ci­ty, Hea­ven­ly Sa­lem
Blessed Home, TheLift Up Your Heads, Re­joice
Blessed InfancyThy Life I Read
Blessed LightAs Light, O Christ
Blessèd LordSee Caersa­lem
Blessed SaviourSavior, Bless­èd Sav­ior
BlessingThy Bless­ing, O Lord
BlissComposer Phil­ip Bliss.I Bring My Sins to Thee
BlockleyThe town in Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.Father of Hea­ven
BloemfonteinBloemfontein, South Af­ri­ca.What of the Fu­ture?
BloisMy Mak­er and My King
BlomqvistComposer Jo­el Blom­qvist.O Breath of Life
BlomstertidHow Mar­vel­ous God’s Great­ness
Blood Root Val­leyThe park on Sta­ten Island, New York.O Je­ho­vah, Hear My Words
BloomfieldAlas, My Ach­ing Heart
BloomingtonThe In­di­ana ci­ty.Reach Out Thine Hand
Blott en DagSwedish for just a day.
  1. Count It Joy
  2. Day by Day
  3. Gather Jew­els for the King
  4. Lord, How Sweet Thy Joy That Ev­er Flow­eth
Blue GrassBeautiful Morn­ing
BlumenGerman for flow­ers.Here, Lord, We Of­fer Thee
BlumenthalComposer Ja­cob Blu­men­thal.
  1. Lo! The Day of Days Is Here
  2. Savior, Who Thy Life Didst Give
  3. Savior, When in Dust to Thee
  4. Shepherd of the Ho­ly Hills
Boa VistaThe Cape Verde is­land.Nacelle en Si­lence, Une
  1. Chosen Three, on Mount­ain Height, The
  2. Christian Mis­sion­ary, The
  3. Earth, with All That Dwell There­in, The
  4. There Was No An­gel
BöblingenBöblingen, Ger­ma­ny.Land Im­mor­tal, The
Boca RatonThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.I Can­not Be Idle
BochumThe Ger­man ci­ty.These Are the Crowns That We Shall Wear
Bocking [Words­worth]The ci­ty in Es­sex, Eng­land.Son of Thy Sire’s Eter­nal Love
BodøThe Nor­we­gian ci­ty.
  1. I Know
  2. Now Rests Her Soul in Je­su’s Arms
  3. Salvator Mun­di
BogotáThe Co­lom­bi­an ci­ty.Coming One, The
Bognor Re­gisBognor Re­gis, Eng­land.Lost Soul, The
BohemiaIn the Win­try Hea­ven
Bohemia No. 11See O du Liebe
BoiseThe Ida­ho ci­ty.Enough for Me
BoliviaLord Is My Shep­herd (John­ston), The
BolognaThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.On the Field of Work
BoltonNot I, but Christ
BoluThe Turk­ish ci­ty.I Will Sing of Thy Re­demp­tion
BolwellThou to Whom the Sick and Dy­ing
BolzanoThe It­al­ian ci­ty.He Leads Us On
Bona Pa­triaFor Thee, O Dear, Dear Coun­try
BonaireThe Dutch Ca­rib­be­an i­sland.I Thirst
Bonar (Brunk)I Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
Bonar (Cal­kin)Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar.
  1. Easter Morn­ing
  2. In Her Lord His Church Re­joic­es
  3. In Thy Glo­ri­ous Res­ur­rec­tion
  4. Upward Where the Stars Are Burn­ing
Bonar (Steg­gall)Members of Christ Are We
Bone PastorSee Faith (Dykes)
BonhamThe Tex­as ci­ty where com­pos­er James Ro­se­crans lived at one time.Buckle on the Ar­mor
BonifacioThe strait be­tween Cor­si­ca and Sar­din­ia where John New­man’s ship was be­calmed be­fore he wrote Lead Kindl­y Light.Hark the Bells (Reed)
Bonita SpringsThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Hark! I Hear the Sav­ior Call­ing
BonnThe Ger­man ci­ty.To the Hills I Lift Mine Eyes
BonnerPraise Him, All Ye Lit­tle Child­ren
Book Di­vineHoly Bi­ble, Book Di­vine
BopfingenBopfingen, Ger­ma­ny.Gott will’s mach­en
BorThe Ser­bi­an town.Look Up! Be­hold, the Fields Are White
BordeauxThe French ci­ty.Prayer Song
BorneoThe In­do­ne­si­an is­land.Stars of Glo­ry, Shine More Bright­ly
BornoBorno, Ni­ger­ia.Only Be­lieve (Tut­tle)
BosniaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Hail, Thou Glo­ri­ous East­er Morn­ing
BorrowComposer Will­iam H. Bor­row.
  1. In the Ear­ly Morn­ing
  2. Now the Green Blade Ris­es
  3. Slowly Fall the Snow­flakes
BossineyHoly Ghost, Come Down up­on Thy Child­ren
Boston (Bill­ings)Boston, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Shepherds, Re­joice! Lift Up Your Eyes

Also see Ham­burg

Boston (Bur­nap)To Thee, O God, We Ren­der Thanks
BotafogoThe neigh­bor­hood in Rio de Jan­ei­ro, Bra­zil.Complete in Christ
BothellThe town in Wash­ing­ton State.He Set the Joy-bells Ring­ing
BotswanaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Just for You
Bouches-du-RhôneThe French dé­parte­ment.Blind Bartimeus
BoulogneThe French ci­ty.The Ang­els Sang Around the Stall
Boundless Mer­cyCome, O Spir­it
BountyO Lord of Heav’n and Earth and Sea
BourbonFrom Deep Dis­tress and Trou­bled Thoughts
Bourbon StreetThe New Or­leans street.We’ll Meet in Hea­ven
BourgeoisComposer Lou­is Bour­geois.’T Hij­gend Hert, der Jacht Ont­ko­men, Schreeuwt
BourgesThe French com­mune on the river Yèvre.I Love to Think of Hea­ven
BoveyFestal Morn, My God, Is Come, The
BovinaProbably Bovina, New York.Amid the Throng­ing Wor­ship­ers
Bow Brick­hillBow Brick­hill, Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land.We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
BowdlerI Love to Hear the Sto­ry
Bowen [Ot­ter­bourne]
  1. My God, Now I from Sleep Awake
  2. With One Con­sent Let All the Earth
BowieThe Ma­ry­land ci­ty.Reflect the Christ
Boyce (Shar­on)See Hal­ton Hol­gate
BoylstonThe Mas­sa­chu­setts town.
  1. And Let Our Bo­dies Part
  2. Charge to Keep I Have, A
  3. His Be the Vic­tor’s Name
  4. Holy Ghost Is Here, The
  5. My Few Re­volv­ing Years
  6. Let Par­ty Names No More
  7. Lord, at This Clos­ing Hour
  8. O Save Me by Thy Name
  9. Our Sol­diers’ Graves
  10. Resignation, The
BoyntonHad Not the Lord Been Is­ra­el’s Help
BoxelderBoxelder Creek, Ne­bras­ka.Welcome to Christ­mas
BrabantNoord-Bra­bant, Ne­ther­lands.Christian Sol­dier’s East­er Hymn, The
BracondaleBracondale, Nor­wich, Eng­land.My Soul, Awake
BradburyComposer Will­iam Brad­bu­ry.Savior, Like a Shep­herd Lead Us
BradfordBradford, Eng­land.
  1. I Know That My Re­deem­er Lives
  2. O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s De­sire
BradnorBradnor Hill, Here­ford­shire, Eng­land.Behold Thy Wait­ing Ser­vant, Lord
Brahms’ Lul­la­by [Wieg­en­lied]Composer Jo­han­nes Brahms.
  1. Bethlehem Lul­la­by
  2. Savior! Hear Us, We Pray
BraintreeBraintree, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Love of Je­sus On­ly, The
BramcoateOld spell­ing for Bramcote, Not­ting­ham, Eng­land.Time Is Near, The
BrañaviejaBrañavieja, Spain.Holy Name of Je­sus
BranscombeBranscombe, Eng­land.Father, Whose Love We Have Wronged by Trans­gres­sion
BrantfordBrantford, Ca­na­da.Day by Day in Love and Fa­vor
BrasilThe South Ame­ri­can coun­try.Loved Ones Gone (Con­nat­ser)
BrasíliaBrasília, Bra­zil.Always Cheer­ful
BrașovBrașov, Ro­ma­nia.New Hap­py Land, The
BrastedBrasted, Eng­land.Children of the Hea­ven­ly King
BratislavaBratislava, Slo­va­kia.Everywhere with Je­sus
Brattle StreetThe Bra­ttle Street Col­lect­ion, by Na­hum Mitch­ell, Jo­seph Buck­min­ster et al. (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1810).While Thee I Seek, Pro­tect­ing Pow­er
BraunAll Men on Earth That Live
BraunschweigThe Ger­man ci­ty.I Looked to Je­sus
BrazoriaThe in Tex­as coun­ty.Jesus, Sav­ior, Friend of Sin­ners
BrazosThe Tex­as ri­ver.Hope Cheers Us On
BrazzavilleThe ci­ty in the Re­pu­blic of the Con­go.I Am Com­ing Back
Bread of Hea­venSprings and Streams No Long­er Bless
Bread of Life
  1. Break Thou the Bread of Life
  2. Here at Thy Ta­ble, Lord
Breaking MornChristian, the Morn Breaks
BrecknockFormer name of Bre­con, Wales.
  1. Thus Far on Life’s Be­wild­er­ing Path
  2. Who Knows How Near My End May Be?
BreconBrecon, Wales.Spirit Di­vine, At­tend Our Pray­er
BréguetWith Joy the Morn Is Wak­ing
Bremen (Hast­ings)Bremen, Ger­many.I’ll Bless Je­ho­vah’s Glo­ri­ous Name
Bremen (Neu­mark)
  1. As Oft, with Worn and Wea­ry Feet
  2. O Love, Who Formedst Me to Wear
BremertonBremerton, Wash­ing­ton.After Death—What Then?
BrentO God, Hear Thou the Na­tion’s Pray­er
Brent TorThe hill on the west­ern edge of Dart­moor, Engl­and.Currently un­used (score)
BrentfordTurf Shall Be My Frag­rant Shrine, The
Brentwood (Nichol)Come Ho­ly Spir­it, Dove Di­vine (Hic­kok)
Brentwood (Small­wood)Full of Pro­vi­den­tial Love
BresciaBrescia, It­aly.Babe of Beth­le­hem (Dy­er), The
BreslauFormer name of Wro­cław, Po­land.
  1. Behold, My Soul, Thy Sav­ior King
  2. Behold, There Comes an Hour Un­known
  3. God Call­ing Yet
  4. God Who Sits En­throned on High, The
  5. If So­lo­mon for Wis­dom Prayed
  6. It Is the Lord! Be­hold His Hand
  7. Lord Ap­pears to Earth Again, The
  8. Murder of the In­no­cents
  9. O Christ, Our True and On­ly Light
  10. O Hea­ven­ly Word
  11. Renew Me, O Eter­nal Light
  12. Repent, the King­dom Draw­eth Nigh
  13. We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
  14. What Va­ri­ous Hin­dranc­es We Meet
  15. When Sa­tan Saw His Re­bel Host
BrestDay of Judg­ment! Day of Won­ders!
BrewerWhat Hap­py Men, or Ang­els, These?
Bridal Chor­usSee Glo­ry to God (Wag­ner)
Bride of ChristBride of Christ, Whose Glo­ri­ous War­fare
Bridegroom (Cutts)
  1. As the Bride­groom to His Chos­en
  2. Like the Mur­mur of the Dove’s Song
Bridegroom (Mac­far­ren)Behold the Bride­groom Com­eth (Moul­trie)
BridgetownThe ci­ty in Bar­ba­dos.I Live for Those Who Love Me
Bridehead [Lons­dale]O Lord! How Hap­py Should We Be
BridgeportThe Con­nec­ti­cut ci­ty.Only Je­sus Feels and Knows
Bridgewater (Wes­ley)Tho’ Wick­ed Men Grow Rich or Great
BridgmanBird, Let Loose in East­ern Skies, The
BridgwaterSee Him in Rai­ment Rent
BriesenAll My Heart This Night Re­joic­es
BrignallThe vil­lage in Coun­ty Dur­ham, Eng­land.When We Can­not See Our Way
BriggsWhy Stand­est Thou Afar, O Lord?
BrightnessBehold the Sun
BrightonThe ci­ty in East Sus­sex, Eng­land.O God, Thy Right­eous­ness We Own
Brighton (Sab­bath)
  1. How Free the Fount­ain Flows
  2. My Soul! Weigh Not Thy Life
Brighton (Wes­ley)Lord of the Worlds Above
BrindisiThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.Be Rea­dy To­day
Bringhurst StreetPossibly the street in Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.O Lord, Our King, How Ex­cel­lent
Brink [Tow­ner]Composer Da­ni­el Town­er.Help Me to Be Ho­ly
BrisbaneThe Aus­tra­li­an ci­ty.
  1. Easter Li­lies (Plantz)
  2. Trim Thy Lamp
Bristol (Hodg­es)The ci­ty in south­west Eng­land.Hark, the Glad Sound!
Bristol (Ra­vens­croft)
  1. Down from the Worlds of Ra­di­ant Light
  2. How Long Wilt Thou Con­ceal Thy Face?
  3. Show Mer­cy, Lord, Re­veal Thy Pow­er

Also see Broc­kham

Bristol RoadThe road in Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land, where com­pos­er E. J. T. Pit­man lived.Ye Crowned Kings, Ap­proach Ye
British Gre­na­diers
  1. Going Home
  2. Joyful Morn Is Break­ing, The
BrixenThe town in South Ty­rol, It­aly.When Mar­shaled on the Night­ly Plain
BrnoThe ci­ty in Czechia.Thou Dost Love Us Ev­er
Brockham [Bris­tol]
  1. How Glo­ri­ous Is the Life Above
  2. Lord, I Will Bless Thee All My Days
  3. Lord, If Thou Dost Not Soon Ap­pear
  4. Lord Je­sus, Let Thy Watch­ful Care
  5. Lord, Thou Hast Seen My Soul Sin­cere
  6. My Mas­ter
  7. On Ol­iv­et a Lit­tle Band
  8. Saint Who First Found Grace to Pen, The
  9. To Realms Bey­ond the Sound­ing Sea
BrocklesbyBrocklesby, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Char­lotte Bar­nard’s hus­band was a par­son.
  1. Always with Us
  2. Christmas Mes­sage, A
  3. Crown His Head with End­less Bless­ing
  4. He That Go­eth Forth with Weep­ing
  5. Long Ago the Li­lies Fad­ed
  6. Lord, We Know That Thou Art Near Us
  7. Lord, We See the Day Ap­proach­ing
  8. Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feed­ing
BromhamSinging for Je­sus, Our Sav­ior and King
Bromley (Clarke)
  1. O Blest Cre­at­or of the Light
  2. O Tri­ni­ty of Bless­èd Light
Bromley (Lon­don)
  1. Jesu, Great Re­deem­er, Hear
  2. Where Shall True Be­liev­ers Go?
BromsgroveBromsgrove, Eng­land.These Glo­ri­ous Minds, How Bright They Shine
BrondesburyThere Is a Ho­ly Land
BronxThe New York Ci­ty bo­rough.In the Vine­yard of Our Fa­ther
  1. Almighty Rul­er of the Skies
  2. Ambassadors of God
  3. Awake, My Zeal; Awake, My Love
  4. Give Me, O Lord, a Heart of Grace
  5. Go Forth to Life, O Child of Earth
  6. Help, Lord, for Those Who Love Thee Fail
  7. It Is a Thing Most Won­der­ful
  8. O Hap­py Time! Aus­pi­cious Morn!
  9. O Love of God, How Strong and True
  10. O Son of Man, Thou Mad­est Known
  11. O Thou, Who Gav’st Thy Ser­vant Grace
  12. Peace Which God Alone Re­veals, The
  13. Thy Won­drous Tes­ti­mo­nies, Lord
  14. While o’er the Deep Thy Ser­vants Sail
BrooklineThe Mas­sa­chu­setts ci­ty.O Low­ly, Sac­red Sta­ble
BrooklynThe New York Ci­ty bo­rough.
  1. Fair Shines the Morn­ing Star
  2. We Can­not Build Alone
BroomsgroveHark! ’Tis the Watch­man’s Cry
Brother James’ Air [Ma­ro­sa]Composer James Bain.Awake, Awake to Love and Work
BrothertonConsider the Li­lies
BroughtonCome, Soul, and Find Thy Rest
BrovaryThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.Behold the Lamb of God (Shack­lock)
BrowardThe Flo­ri­da coun­ty.Voyage of Life
  1. Attend, My Peo­ple, to My Law
  2. Awake with Joy­ful Strains of Mirth
  3. Behold He Comes!
  4. Grave It­self a Gar­den Is, The
  5. I Am the Life
  6. I Ask My Dy­ing Sav­ior Dear
  7. Jesus, the Word of Mer­cy Give
  8. Sweet Is the Friend­ly Voice Which Speaks
  9. Winds Were Howl­ing o’er the Deep, The
  10. With Joy We Hail the Sac­red Day
  1. All Glo­ry to Our Gra­cious Lord
  2. Band of Herds­men Tar­ried Late, A
  3. Eye Hath Not Seen, Ear Hath Not Heard
  4. I Call the World’s Re­deem­er Mine
  5. Jesu, the Grow­ing Work Is Thine
  6. Jesus, Thou Art That Morn­ing Star!
  7. Plea for Ser­vice, A
  8. Sinners, Be­lieve the Gos­pel Word
  9. That Man Is Blest Who Stands in Awe
  10. ’Tis Come, the Time So Oft Fore­told
  11. They Seek the Babe
  12. What Shall I Do, My God to Love?
BrownvilleThe Tex­as ci­ty.I Come to Thee (Cros­by)
BroxburnThe town in Scot­land.Be Thou My Help­er in the Strife
  1. Lord, We Wait
  2. Thine Are All the Gifts, O God
BruggeThe Bel­gian ci­ty.Master Call­eth, The
Bruneau DunesThe sand dunes in south­west Id­aho.Thy Praise, Dear Lord, We’ll Sing
BrunswickFormer name of Braun­schweig, Ger­ma­ny.Dismiss Me Not Thy Ser­vice, Lord

Also see Dor­ches­ter

BrusselsBrussels, Bel­gi­um.Glorious Day When Christ Shall Come
BruxellesBrussels, Bel­gi­um.Tell, O Tell the Wond­rous Sto­ry
BryanDay of Christ, the Day of God, The
BryantWilliam Cul­len Bry­ant.O Mak­er of the Migh­ty Deep
Bryce CanyonThe area in Utah.On Thee My Heart Is Rest­ing
Bryn Cal­fa­riaWelsh for Cal­va­ry Hill.
  1. Blessèd Lord, in Thee Is Ref­uge
  2. Come, Ye Sin­ners, Poor and Wretch­ed
  3. Hark! the Voice of Love and Mer­cy
  4. Look, Ye Saints! the Sight Is Glo­ri­ous
  5. Lord, En­throned in Hea­ven­ly Splen­dor
  6. Take Me as I Am, O Sav­ior
Bryniau Cas­sia
  1. How Long Wilt Thou For­get Me, O Lord?
  2. We Stand in Deep Re­pen­tance
  1. Cursed Be the Man, For­ev­er Cursed
  2. Jehovah Reigns, Let Earth Be Glad
  3. Methinks the Last Great Day Is Come
  4. Now May the God of Pow­er and Grace
  1. Christ, En­throned in High­est Hea­ven
  2. While We Low­ly Be­fore Thee
BrynywawrO God, Would I Might Bring to Thee
BucaramangaThe Col­om­bi­an ci­ty.O Lord, Re­mem­ber Me
BucharestBucharest, Ro­man­ia. Race That Long in Dark­ness Pined, The
Buckhurst HillThe town in Ep­ping Forest, Es­sex, Eng­land.Nowell! Now­ell!
BuckinghamshireThe coun­ty in south­east Eng­landPurple Sha­dows
BucklandSavior, Who Didst Come to Give
BucklandsTrumpet’s So­lemn Sound, The
BuckleburyLa­bor­er’s Noon-day Hymn, The
BuckleyShadow of the Cross (Bo­nar), The
Buckroe BeachThe neigh­bor­hood in Hamp­ton, Vir­gin­ia.Go Ye in­to All the World (Dar­wood)
BucureştiBucharest, Ro­man­ia.
  1. Laudă per Dom­nul, Su­fle­te
  2. Live With­out Sin! It Can­not Be!
  3. Lord Is King, Ye Saints, Re­joice, The
BudaThe Tex­as town.Jesus, My On­ly Hope
BudapestBudapest, Hun­ga­ry.Yule Re­turns
BuddingtonAwake, and Sing the Song
BudeBude, Corn­wall.O for a Heart to Praise My God
BudinMy Soul Is Sad and Much Dis­mayed
BudleighI Lift My Heart to Thee
Buena Vis­taBuena Vis­ta, Co­lo­ra­do.Closer, Lord, to Thee
Buenos Ai­resBuenos Ai­res, Ar­gen­ti­na.Just a Sin­gle Look at Je­sus
BuffaloBuffalo, New York.Easter Song (Spar­row)
BulgariaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Sing We Mer­ry Christ­mas
BullComposer Ole Bull.Asleep in Je­sus
BullingerComposer Eth­el­bert Bul­lin­ger.
  1. Blessèd Mas­ter, I Have Pro­mised
  2. From the Depths My Pray­er As­cen­deth
  3. He Ex­pect­eth
  4. I Am Trust­ing Thee
  5. When Thy Heart, with Joy O’er­flow­ing
BunessanBunessan, Scot­land, near hym­nist Ma­ry Mac­don­ald’s birth­place.
  1. Abraham Jour­neyed to a New Coun­try
  2. Always and Ev­er
  3. Child in the Man­ger
  4. Down from Heav’n Wing­ing
  5. How Good It Is, Lord
  6. Life Through the Son
Bunker HillBunker Hill, Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
BurbankBurbank, Ca­li­for­nia.On the Oth­er Shore
BurdettComposer George Bur­dett.In the Same Coun­try
BurdurBurdur, Tür­ki­ye.Sing Al­le­luia, All Ye Lands!
  1. God of My Life, Look Gent­ly Down
  2. Lord, I Ap­proach Thy Mer­cy Seat
  3. Lord Is in His Ho­ly Place, The
  4. Lord, When We Bend Be­fore Thy Throne
  5. O God, My Ref­uge, Hear My Cries
  6. O Je­su Christ, If Aught There Be
  7. Our Na­tion Seemed to Ru­in Doomed
  8. See, When a Black O’er­spread­ing Cloud
  9. To Cal­va­ry, Lord, in Spir­it Now
BurgThou Art, O God, the God of Might
BurgateBehold the Am­az­ing Gift of Love
BurgosBurgosBurgos, Spain.Birthday of Je­sus, The
Burleigh (Barn­by)Lead Us, O Fa­ther
Burleigh (Weekes)He Has Come, the Christ of God
BurleithBurleith, Wash­ing­ton, DC.
  1. Oh Sav­ior of the Faith­ful Dead
  2. Shine on Our Land
BurlinO Je­sus, at Thy Feet We Wait
  1. Glory Gilds the Sac­red Page, A
  2. How Long Shall Earth’s Al­lur­ing Toys
  3. Jesus, Im­mor­tal King, Arise
  4. What Is the Thing of Great­est Price?
BurnabyBurnaby, Brit­ish Co­lum­bia, Ca­na­da.Christ the Lord Com­eth?
BurnhamPraise God, for He Is Kind
BurnleyBurnley, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.
  1. My Re­deem­er
  2. Oh! Quel Bon­heur de Le Con­naître
BurrHymnist Kate Burr.O Let Me Tell It Once Again
BursaBursa, Tür­ki­ye.I Am Com­ing, Gent­le Sav­ior
BurtonThis Is the Word of Truth and Love
BurundiBurundi, Af­ri­ca.Music of God’s Word, The
  1. And Is Thy Word, O God, a Fire?
  2. With All My Heart I’ll Praise Thy Name

Also see Wi­no­na Lake

By and By (Bliss)By and by (2)
By and By (Tind­ley)We’ll Un­der­stand It Bet­ter by and By
ByefieldThe Sav­ior Bids Us Watch and Pray
ByzantiumThe for­mer name of İstanbul, Tür­ki­ye.See Jack­son
BydgoszczBydgoszcz, Po­land.Christ Was Once a Lit­tle Ba­by