NameNamed AfterUsed By
St. Ael­redFierce Raged the Tem­pest o’er the Deep
St. Ag­nesA Ro­man Chris­tian wo­man mar­tyred in 304 in the reign of Dio­cle­tian. She was sen­tenced to death for re­fus­ing to mar­ry a no­ble­man to whom she said, I am al­rea­dy en­gaged to Christ.
  1. Be Known to Us in Break­ing Bread
  2. Bounteous and Che­rished Is This Grace
  3. Bride of the Lamb, Awake, Awake
  4. Calm on the Lis­ten­ing Ear of Night
  5. Christ and His Cross Is All Our Theme
  6. Chistmas Le­gend, A
  7. Clothe Your­self with hu­mil­ity
  8. Come Ho­ly Spir­it, Hea­ven­ly Dove
  9. Did Christ Des­cend from Ma­jes­ty
  10. Faith Is the Bright­est Evi­dence
  11. Father of Love
  12. Fountain of All the Good We See
  13. God, as We Stand Amid Your World
  14. God of the Na­tions, Near and Far
  15. Happy the Home When God Is There
  16. I Know Not How That Beth­le­hem’s Babe
  17. If I Must Die
  18. Jesu, at Whose Su­preme Com­mand
  19. Jesus, the Ve­ry Thought of Thee
  20. Jesus, Unit­ed by Thy Grace
  21. List to the Clang­ing Bells of Time
  22. Lord, Thou in All Things Like Wast Made
  23. Man That Doth in Sec­ret Place, The
  24. ’Mid All the Traf­fic of the Ways
  25. My God! How Per­fect Are Thy Ways!
  26. None Is Like God
  27. O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink
  28. O for the Faith in Je­su’s Name
  29. O Hope of Ev­ery Con­trite Heart
  30. Once More We Come Be­fore Our God
  31. Witness, Ye Men and An­gels Now
  32. Zeal Is That Pure and Heav’n­ly Flame

Also see Lan­gran

St. Ag­nes (Aus­ten)We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
St. Ag­nes’ SchoolThe school in Al­ba­ny, New York, where com­pos­er J. Al­bert Jef­frey was mu­sic di­rect­or.O God of God
St. Ai­danThe 7th Cen­tu­ry Ir­ish monk.
  1. O God of Life, Whose Pow­er Be­nign
  2. Why Should I Fear the Dark­est Hour?
St. Al­ban (Haydn)
  1. Jesus, King of Glo­ry
  2. Standing at the Por­tal
St. Al­ban (Pley­el)Jesus, Wher­e’er Thy Peo­ple Meet
St. Al­ban (Steg­gall)O Scorned and Out­cast Lord
St. Al­ban’sSee Mor­ley
St. Al­binusJesus Lives!
St. Alk­mundO Source Di­vine, and Life of All
St. Al­phe­ge [Mon­arch]
  1. Brief Life Is Here Our Por­tion
  2. O Hea­ven­ly Je­ru­sa­lem
  3. O That the Lord’s Sal­va­tion
St. Am­brose (Ce­cil)Probably Am­brose of Mi­lan.
  1. From the Depths of Sin and Fail­ure
St. Am­brose (Feill­ée)
  1. God Whom Earth, and Sea, and Sky, The
  2. Praises of That Saint We Sing, The
  3. Receive, O Lord, in Hea­ven Above
St. Ana­tol­ius (Brown)Day Is Past and Over, The
St. Ana­tol­ius (Dykes)Day Is Past and Over, The
St. An­drew (Barn­by)
  1. Beside the Gos­pel Pool
  2. Not to Our­selves Again
  3. Spirit in Our Hearts, The
  4. Sweet Is Thy Mer­cy, Lord
  5. To Thee, O God, in Hea­ven
  6. Year Be­gins with Thee, The
St. An­drew (Tan­s’ur) [Bar­by]
  1. Come, Hea­ven­ly Love, In­spire My Song
  2. Like Zi­on’s Stead­fast Mount Are They
  3. Sin, Like a Ven­om­ous Dis­ease
St. An­drew (Thorne)God, Cre­at­or and Pre­serv­er
St. An­drew of CreteChristian, Dost Thou See Them?
St. An­drews (Barn­by)Beside the Gos­pel Pool
St. AnneSt. Anne’s Church, So­ho, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Will­iam Croft was or­gan­ist.
  1. Behold the Sure Foun­da­tion Stone
  2. Come, Let Us Lift Our Voic­es High
  3. Come un­to Me, All Ye Who Mourn
  4. Eternal So­ver­eign of the Sky
  5. Great King of Glo­ry and of Grace
  6. Hail Fa­ther, Son and Spir­it Great
  7. Hail, Sac­red Morn! When from the Tomb
  8. Heav’n Has Con­firmed the Great De­cree
  9. Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee
  10. Lord Who Has Re­mem­bered Us, The
  11. Lovers of Plea­sure More Than God
  12. Mercies of My God and King, The
  13. O God, Our Words Can­not Ex­press
  14. O God, the Help of All Thy Saints
  15. O God, the Strength of Those Who War
  16. O God, Who Lov­est to Abide
  17. O Lord and Mas­ter of Us All
  18. Our God, Our Help in Ag­es Past
  19. Rush May Rise, The
  20. Savior Comes, The
  21. Sing to the Lord Je­ho­vah’s Name
St. An­selm [Glad­ness, War­ing]
  1. Dawn of God’s Dear Sab­bath, The
  2. O One with God the Fa­ther
  3. Thine Ho­ly Day’s Re­turn­ing
  4. Thy Word, O God, De­clar­eth
St. Asaph (Bam­bridge)
  1. At Thy Feet, Our God and Fa­ther
  2. Lord of Light, Whose Name Out­shin­eth
St. Asaph (Gi­or­no­vi­chi)How Bright These Glo­ri­ous Spir­its Shine
St. Atha­na­si­usLord, We Come with Hearts Aflame
St. Au­gus­tineThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Dear Mas­ter, in Thy Way
St. Aus­tellFor Thy Mer­cy and Thy Grace
St. Aus­tinSaint Au­gus­tine of Can­ter­bu­ry (al­so known as Aus­tin), the first Arch­bi­shop of Can­ter­bu­ry.
  1. Come, Ye Souls by Sin Af­flict­ed
  2. Day of Judg­ment! Day of Won­ders!
  3. Fixed the Co­ve­nant Is, and Cer­tain
  4. Go, Ye Her­alds of Sal­va­tion
  5. God, Our Hope and Strength Abid­ing
  6. Lo, He Comes, Ar­rayed in Ven­geance
  7. Lo He Comes, the King of Glo­ry
  8. O That Day of Dread and Won­der
  9. Saints, Be­hold the Mighty An­gel
  10. They Who Hate Thee, Oh My Fa­ther
  11. Who Is This That Comes from Ed­om?
St. Bar­ba­raBarbara Heck, af­ter whom Heck Hall at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty is named.Deem Not That They Are Blest Alone
St. Bar­na­bas (Braine)St. Bar­na­bas Church, Ken­sing­ton, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Will­iam Braine was organist.No, Not Des­pair­ing­ly
St. Bar­na­bas (Cho­pin)Composer Fré­dé­ric Cho­pin.O Son of God, Our Cap­tain of Sal­va­tion
St. Bar­na­bas (Gaunt­lett)O Son of God, Our Cap­tain of Sal­va­tion
St. Bar­tho­lo­mew (Dun­calf)O Thou Who Cam­est from Above
St. Bar­tho­lo­mew (Thorne)God of My Life, to Thee I Call
St. Ba­sil (Stain­er)Now Join We All with Ho­ly Mirth
St. Ba­sil the GreatWe Hail Thee Now, O Je­su
St. Ba­vonThe pa­tron saint of Ghent, Bel­gium.Church of God a King­dom Is, The
St. Be­atriceSower Went Forth Sow­ing, The
St. BedeGracious Sav­ior, Gen­tle Shep­herd
St. BeesThe vill­age in Cum­bria, Eng­land.
  1. Come, Thou Ev­er­last­ing Lord
  2. Hark, My Soul, It Is the Lord!
  3. Savior, Let Thy Gos­pel Light
  4. Wait, My Soul, up­on the Lord
  5. Who Is This in Beth­le­hem’s Town?
  6. Who Will Roll Away the Stone?
St. Be­ne­dictSavior, Teach Me Day by Day
St. Ber­nard (Monk)
  1. Dear Lord, on This Thy Ser­vant’s Day
  2. Jesu, the Vir­gins’ Crown
St. Ber­nard (Ri­chard­son)
  1. All That I Was
  2. All Ye Who Seek for Sure Re­lief
  3. Blest Be Our Ev­er­last­ing Lord
  4. Thou, Who Our Faith­less Hearts Can Read
  5. Wake, Harp of Zi­on
St. Bo­ni­face (Barn­by)How Sweet­ly Flowed the Gos­pel’s Sound
St. Bo­ni­face (Gads­by)
  1. Forward! Be Our Watch­word
  2. Hark, the Voice Eter­nal
  3. Over Track­less Re­gions
St. Bride [St. Bridg­es]St. Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Sam­uel How­ard was or­gan­ist.
  1. And Wilt Thou Par­don, Lord?
  2. Come, Lord, and Tar­ry Not
  3. Dread and Sol­emn Hour, A
  4. Far from My Hea­ven­ly Home
  5. Have Mer­cy, Lord, on Me
  6. Lord of the Har­vest, Hear
  7. O’erwhelmed in Depths of Woe
  8. Our Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther, Hear
  9. Tho’ Scorn­ers Thee De­fy
St. Ca­si­mirLittle Child­ren, Ad­vent Bids You
St. Ca­the­rine (Dale)O Je­sus, Thou Art Stand­ing
St. Ca­the­rine (Wal­ton)Fourth Cen­tu­ry mar­tyr Ca­the­rine of Al­ex­an­dria.
  1. Faith of Our Bro­thers
  2. Faith of Our Fa­thers
  3. Faith of Our Mo­thers
  4. Forth from the Dark and Stormy Sky
  5. From Whence These Dire Por­tents Around?
  6. Give Me, O Lord, Right Views of Thee
  7. God of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea!
  8. Jesus, Thy Bound­less Love to Me
  9. Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwell­ing Place
  10. Now Weigh the An­chor
  11. O Hadst Thou Known, in This Thy Day
  12. O Je­sus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear
  13. O Lord of Glo­ry! Who Couldst Leave
  14. Our Earth We Now La­ment to See
  15. Perfect in Love! Lord, Can It Be?
  16. Rise, All Who Seek the Cru­ci­fied
  17. See, Sin­ners, in the Gos­pel Glass
  18. This Sol­emn Hour O Let Us Be
St. Ca­ther­ine’s CourtIn Our Day of Thanks­giv­ing
St. Ce­cil­ia (Hamp­ton)The 3rd Cen­tu­ry Ro­man mar­tyr.Royal Ban­ners For­ward Go, The
St. Ce­cil­ia (Hayne)The 3rd Cen­tu­ry Ro­man mar­tyr.
  1. Bridegroom Meets His Bride, The
  2. I Yield My­self to Thee
  3. O Love That Casts Out Fear
  4. My Spir­it Longs for Thee
  5. Thy King­dom Come, O God
  6. Thy King­dom Come, O Lord
  7. Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
St. Ce­cil­ia (Sew­all)Rest of the Wea­ry
St. CeledoniusThe mar­tyred Ro­man le­gion­naire.Jesu, Our Cap­tain and Our King
St. Ce­phasAt the Name of Je­sus
St. Cha­va­raKuriakose Eli­as Cha­va­ra (കുര്യാക്കോസ് ഏലിയാസ് ചാവറ).Shall I Be Among That Throng?
St. Chris­to­pher
  1. Beneath the Cross of Je­sus (Cle­phane)
  2. Desire of Ev­ery Na­tion
  3. In Hai­ti, There is An­guish
  4. Man Named Ni­co­de­mus, A
St. Chry­sos­tomJohn Chry­sos­tom (Χρυσόσ­το­μος), 4th Cen­tu­ry Arch­bi­shop of Con­stan­ti­no­ple.Also see Ado­ro Te
St. Chry­sos­tom (Fil­by)Come, O Thou Tra­vel­er Un­known
St. Chry­sos­tom (Ohl)Jesus, Mas­ter, Whose I Am
St. Clare
  1. Lo, the Clouds of Night Are Rend­ing
St. Cle­ment
  1. O Lord, Our God, in Ado­ra­tion
  2. Our Fa­ther’s Love
  3. Day Thou Gav­est, Lord, Is End­ed, The
St. Co­lumbFrom Glo­ry unto Glo­ry
St. Co­lum­baThe Ir­ish ab­bot and mis­sion­ary ev­an­gel­ist cred­it­ed with spread­ing Chris­ti­an­ity in Scot­land.
  1. As Now the Sun’s De­clin­ing Rays
  2. Dear Ref­uge of My Wea­ry Soul
  3. From Whence These Dire Por­tents Around?
  4. Heavenly Song, The
  5. How Sweet and Awe­some Is This Place
  6. King of Love My Shep­herd Is, The
  7. My Life’s Fount­ain
  8. Now, Gra­cious Lord, Thine Arm Re­veal
  9. O Joy of Earth!
  10. Of All the Hap­py Gold­en Days
  11. Our Mes­si­ah Came
St. Co­lum­ba (Ir­ons)Sun Is Sink­ing Fast, The
St. Con­stan­tineJesus, Meek and Gen­tle
St. Cris­pinThe Chris­tian mar­tyr be­head­ed dur­ing the reign of Ro­man em­per­or Dio­cle­tian.
  1. Awe-Full Mys­te­ry Is Here, An
  2. And Is the Gos­pel Peace and Love?
  3. Behold the Pot­ter and the Clay
  4. Buried in Sha­dows of the Night
  5. Can Thought­less Sin­ners Hope for Heav’n?
  6. Claims of the Poor, The
  7. Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, Raise Our Songs
  8. God Loved the World so That He Gave
  9. He Liv­eth Long Who Liv­eth Well
  10. Hiding Place, The
  11. Ho! Ev­ery One That Thirsts, Draw Nigh
  12. Oft as the Bell, with Sol­emn Toll
  13. Say Then, Ye Worms of Earth
  14. Strong Son of God, Im­mor­tal Love
  15. Thus the Eter­nal Fa­ther Spake
  16. ’Twas for Thy Sake, Eter­nal God
St. CroixCall to Arms Is Sound­ing, The
St. CrossLo—On the In­glo­ri­ous Tree
St. Cross (Dykes)
  1. Deep in Our Hearts Let Us Re­cord
  2. Hell! ’Tis a Word of Dread­ful Sound
  3. My Harp Un­tuned, and Laid Aside
  4. My Soul Pur­sues No Vul­gar Theme
  5. O Come and Mourn with Me
  6. Show Pi­ty, Lord, O Lord, For­give
  7. That Day of Wrath
  8. ’Twas on That Dark, That Dole­ful Night
  9. While Life Pro­longs Its Pre­cious Light
  10. World of Sin­ners Once Was Drowned, A
St. Cuth­bertOur Blest Re­deem­er, Ere He Breathed
St. Cy­pri­an (Chope)Lord, Thy Word Abid­eth
St. Cy­pri­an (Goss)
  1. Poor Esau Re­pent­ed Too Late
  2. Weep Not for a Bro­ther De­ceased
St. Cy­pri­an (Stain­er)Weary of Earth, and La­den with My Sin
St. Cyr­ilThe pa­tri­arch of Al­ex­an­dria, 412–44.Approach, My Soul, the Mer­cy Seat
St. Da­vid (Cal­kin) [Cal­kin, Our Lead­er, Shep­herd, Whit­ing]Jesus Christ Our Sav­ior (Whit­ing)
St. Da­vid (Ra­vens­croft)
  1. Christ Is Gone Up
  2. Lord, Who Hast Sought Us Out, Un­sought
St. De­nio [Jo­an­na]The ce­pha­lo­phore St. De­nis of Pa­ris.
  1. Be Firm and Be Faith­ful
  2. Hear, Hear, O Ye Na­tions
  3. Immortal, In­vi­si­ble, God On­ly Wise
  4. Lord Ev­er An­swer Your Cries of Dis­tress, The
  5. Love Song, A
  6. Night’s Ca­no­py ov­er Ju­dea Now Hung
  7. O Thou Who the Shep­herd of Is­ra­el Art
  8. O Zi­on, Af­flict­ed with Wave up­on Wave
  9. Roman Cen­tu­ri­on Sought Out the Lord, A
  10. Sound ov­er All Wa­ters
  11. Sweet Spic­es They Brought
  12. Though Trou­bles As­sail Us
  13. We Wel­come Glad East­er
St. Denys (Monk)Now, My Soul, Thy Voice Up­rais­ing
St. De­nys (Spin­ney)O Love That Casts Out Fear
St. Do­ro­theaTo the Ha­ven of Thy Breast
St. Dros­tane
  1. Daughters of Si­on, Come, Be­hold
  2. Now Let Us Raise Our Cheer­ful Strains
St. Dun­stan’s
  1. He Who Would Val­iant Be
  2. When Shall We Meet Again?
St. Ean­swythBlessèd Night, When First That Plain
St. Ed­ith [St. Hil­da, Me­re­dith]
  1. O Christ, Thy Con­stant Bless­ing
  2. Christmas Re­joic­ing, A
  3. O Hap­py Band of Pil­grims
  4. O Je­sus, Thou Art Stand­ing
  5. O Mas­ter, When Thou Call­est
  6. Sing to the Lord of Har­vest
St. Edmund (Gild­ing)See De­di­ca­tion (Gild­ing)
St. Ed­mund (Hoyte)Lord, When We Bend Be­fore Thy Throne
St. Ed­mund (Steg­gall)Songs of Thank­ful­ness and Praise
St. Ed­mund (Sul­li­van)
  1. Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ
  2. I’m but a Stran­ger Here
  3. Let Not Thy Hands Be Slack
St. Eligi­usThe bi­shop of Noy­on-Tour­nai, France (588–660).Kind Fram­er of the Fir­ma­ment
St. En­ochLo! He Comes with Clouds Des­cend­ing
St. Eth­el­dre­da
  1. Bright Was the Guid­ing Star That Led
  2. Let All Adore the Im­mor­tal King
  3. Shepherd Di­vine, Our Wants Re­lieve
  4. Within the Church­yard, Side by Side
St. Eth­el­waldSoldiers of Christ, Arise
St. Eu­phra­siaBethlehem Song, The
St. Fa­bi­an [St. Po­ly­carp (Barn­by), Jux­ta Cru­cem]Jesus, Lov­er of My Soul
St. FaithEvery Morn­ing the Red Sun
St. Fla­vi­anThe 5th Cen­tu­ry arch­bi­shop of Con­stan­ti­no­ple.
  1. Awake, Awake! Thou Migh­ty Arm
  2. Behold Us, Lord, a Lit­tle Space
  3. Fish in Wave, the Bird on Wing, The
  4. Have Mer­cy on Us, God Most High
  5. He Pray­eth Best Who Lov­est Best
  6. In Full As­sur­ance of Thy Grace
  7. Jesus, in Thee Our Eyes Be­hold
  8. Lord, We Con­fess Our Nu­mer­ous Faults
  9. Lord, Who Throug­hout These For­ty Days
  10. My Soul with Ex­pec­ta­tion
  11. Now That the Day­light Dies Away
  12. O God, Un­seen Yet Ev­er Near
  13. Search Me, O God! (Bot­tome)
  14. Teach Me the Mea­sure of My Days
  15. We Can­not Think of Them as Dead
  16. With Wea­ry Feet and Sad­dened Heart
St. Fran­ces [Co­lum­bia]
  1. Enslaved to Sense, to Plea­sure Prone
  2. Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love
  3. Long Have I Seemed to Serve Thee, Lord
St. Fran­cis (But­ton)None Other Lamb
St. Fran­cis (Sul­li­van)O Fa­ther, Thou Who Hast Cre­at­ed All
St. Fran­cis Xa­vi­erO God, to Know That Thou Art Just
St. Frid­es­wideRound the Sac­red Ci­ty Ga­ther
St. Ful­bertFulbert of Chartres.
  1. Eternal Fa­ther, Who Can Tell?
  2. Jesu, Thy Mer­cies Are Un­told
  3. My God, I Love Thee
  4. Praise Ye the Lord! On Ev­ery Height
  5. Ye Choirs of New Je­ru­sa­lem
  6. Ye Dis­tant Lands, and Na­tions Near
St. Ga­bri­el (Great­or­ex)How Rich Thy Boun­ty, King of Kings!
St. Ga­bri­el (Ouse­ley)Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The
St. Gall
  1. O Fa­ther Who Didst All Things Make
  2. When Shades of Night Around Us Close
St. George (Gaunt­lett)
  1. Come, King­dom of Our God
  2. Commit Thou All Thy Griefs
  3. For All Thy Saints
  4. God from on High Hath Heard
  5. How Wel­come Was the Call
  6. Make Haste, O Man, to Live
  7. Praise We the Lord This Day
  8. To Christ, the Prince of Peace
  9. Voice by Jor­dan’s Shore, A
  10. Ye Peo­ple, Cease from Tears
St. George’s Bol­tonDawn of God’s Dear Sab­bath, The
St. George’s Ed­in­burghYe Gates, Lift Up Your Heads on High
St. George’s Wind­sorSt. George’s Cha­pel, Wind­sor, Eng­land.
  1. Change Your Church, O God, to Be
  2. Christ the Lord Is Risen To­day (Lee­son)
  3. Come, Ye Thank­ful Peo­ple, Come
  4. Great and Fair Is She
  5. Hark! the Song of Jubilee
  6. Jacob’s Lad­der (New­ton)
  7. Lord, Be­neath Whose Equal Hand
  8. Mercy Tri­umphs, Christ Is Born
  9. Saved by Blood, I Live to Tell
  10. Songs of Thank­ful­ness and Praise
  11. Sweetest Joy the Soul Can Know
  12. Swell the An­them, Raise the Song
  13. Thou, O Lord, Art God Alone
  14. Warned of That Vin­dic­tive Day
  15. When Two Friends on East­er Day
St. Ger­mansThe Cor­nish vil­lage.Marching Song, A
St. Ger­trudeMrs. Ger­trude ClayKer-Seymer, friend of com­pos­er Ar­thur Sul­li­van; he wrote the tune at her home in Han­ford, Dor­set­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Christ Shall Have Do­min­ion
  2. Forward Through the Ag­es
  3. If You Would Come Af­ter Me
  4. Onward, Child­ren, On­ward
  5. Onward, Chris­tian Sol­diers
St. God­ric
  1. How Beau­ti­ful the Sight
  2. One Sole Bap­tis­mal Sign
St. Gre­go­ry
  1. Creator of the Earth and Sky
  2. Creator of the World, to Thee
  3. Let Ev­er­last­ing Glor­ies Crown
St. Hel­enLord, En­throned in Hea­ven­ly Splen­dor
St. Hel­en’sBlessèd Mas­ter, I Have Pro­mised
St. Hel­ena (Al­len)Fierce Was the Wild Bil­low
St. Hel­ena (Mil­grove)
  1. Glory to Thee, O Lord (Bea­don)
  2. Glory to Thee, O Lord (Toke)
  3. Lord Je­sus, God and Man
  4. O Word of God Above
St. Hi­la­ry (Dykes)Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
St. Hil­daSee St. Ed­ith
St. Hil­da (Barn­by)Hail, Thou Once Des­pis­èd Je­sus
St. Hill [Pas­tor Bo­nus]Christ, Who Once Among Us
St. Hil­aryCome, Thou Long Ex­pec­ted Je­sus
St. Hugh (Eng­lish)Sing to the Lord the Child­ren’s Hymn
St. Hugh (Hop­kins)
  1. Now Let Us See Thy Beau­ty, Lord
  2. O God of Beth­el, by Whose Hand
  3. Sing We the Glo­ry of Our God
St. Ig­na­ti­us (Barn­by)
  1. Day, O Lord, Is Spent, The
  2. Thou Say’st, Take Up Thy Cross
St. Ig­na­ti­us (Beau­mont)Once Pledged by the Cross
St. In­gridThou Hid­den Love of God
St. Is­seyFierce Was the Wild Bil­low
St. JamesSt. James’ Tab­er­na­cle, West­min­ster, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Ralph Courte­ville was or­gan­ist.
  1. For All Thy Saints, a Noble Throng
  2. Fountain of Mer­cies, God of Love
  3. Highest and the Ho­li­est Place, The
  4. Lost in the Wil­der­ing Maze of Sin
  5. My God, the Cov­en­ant of Thy Love
  6. O God of Truth
  7. One Ho­ly Church of God Ap­pears
  8. Thou Art the Way
  9. Ye Sons of Earth Pre­pare the Plough
St. James Stock­holmThe church in Stock­holm, Swe­den, where Ol­of Åhl­ström was or­ganist.
St. Je­rome (Champ­neys)Lo, God Is Here!
St. Je­rome (Hors­ley)When All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
St. John (Ce­cil)Gracious Spir­it, Dwell with Me
St. John (Dykes)Behold the Lamb of God (Bridg­es)
St. John (Gre­go­ry)How Heavy Is the Night
St. John (Pa­rish)
  1. Around the Throne of God
  2. Christ Is Our Cor­ner­stone
  3. Jehovah Is Our Strength
  4. Let Earth and Heaven Com­bine
  5. Within Thy Tem­ple, Lord
St. John Da­mas­ceneCome, Ye Faith­ful, Raise the Strain
St. John’s Col­legeThis Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
St. John’s High­lands
  1. Ascend, My Soul, to Pis­gah’s Hill
  2. Come, Wea­ry Souls with Sin Dis­tressed
  3. He That Hath Made His Ref­uge God
  4. From Lands That See the Sun Arise
  5. Jesus, from Whom All Bless­ings Flow
  6. Let Mor­tal Tongues At­tempt to Sing
  7. Lord Is Great, The
  8. Sinners, Obey the Gos­pel Word
  9. To God Most Aw­ful and Most High
  10. Within Thy Tem­ple’s Sac­red Courts
St. John’s, West­min­sterWe Praise Thee, Lord, for Hours of Bliss
St. Jo­sephJesus Wept! Those Tears Are Over
St. JudeO the Bit­ter Shame and Sor­row
St. Ken­elmO Fa­ther, Bless the Child­ren
St. Ke­vinThe 7th Cen­tu­ry Ir­ish her­mit in the Vale of Glen­dal­ough.
  1. Come, O Spir­it
  2. Come, Ye Faith­ful, Raise the Strain
  3. Let Our Choir New An­thems Raise
  4. We Have Heard the Joy­ful News
St. KjeldThe 12th Cen­tu­ry Dan­ish priest.Doers of the Word
St. Law­renceBehold, the Mas­ter Pass­eth By
St. Leo­nard (Hiles)
  1. O God Be­yond the Ev­en­ing Hills
  2. O God, Whose Law from Age to Age
  3. O Sing a New Song to the Lord
  4. Shadows of the Ev­en­ing Hours, The
  5. Shall Fool­ish, Weak, Short-Sight­ed Man
  6. Son of Man Goes Forth To­day, The
  7. Thou Art My Hid­ing Place, O Lord
  8. ’Twixt Gleams of Joy and Clouds of Doubt
St. Leo­nard (Ir­ons)Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The
St. Leo­nard (Smart)
  1. Lord, I Would Own Thy Ten­der Care
  2. Race That Long in Dark­ness Pined, The
St. Leo­nardsMay the Mind of Christ, My Sav­ior
St. Lou­is
  1. Little Ser­vice Hymn
  2. O Lit­tle Town of Beth­le­hem
St. Lu­cieThe Flo­ri­da coun­ty.Inside the Gold­en Gate
St. LukeSee In­ter­ces­sion
St. Luke (Clarke)
  1. Lord, When My Thoughts De­light­ed Rove
  2. Thy Ways, O Lord, with Wise De­sign
  3. Yea, as I Live, Je­ho­vah Sa­ith
St. Luke (Hey­wood)Time by Hea­ven Fore­told Is Come, The
St. Luke (Lampe)Recall, My Heart, That Dread­ful Hour
St. Ma­bynSouls of Men, Why Will Ye Scat­ter
St. Mag­nus [Not­ting­ham]St. Mag­nus Church, Low­er Thames Street, Lon­don.
  1. Afflictions, Though They Seem Se­vere
  2. How Hurt­ful Was the Choice of Lot
  3. Head That Once Was Crowned, The
  4. In All My Vast Con­cerns with Thee
  5. Let Chris­tian Faith and Hope Dis­pel
  6. Now, Lord, Thy Chos­en Her­alds Bless
  7. O That Thy Sta­tutes Ev­ery Hour
  8. O Thou Whose Feet Have Climbed Life’s Hill
  9. O Will of God Be­neath Our Life
  10. Two Bro­thers Free­ly Cast Their Lot
St. Ma­mer­tusThe bi­shop of Vi­enne in Gaul (?-cir­ca 375).O King Most High of Earth and Sky
St. Mar­ga­ret (Booth)Holy Fa­ther, Thou Hast Giv­en
St. Mar­ga­ret (Peace)
  1. Lord Al­migh­ty Is My Light, The
  2. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
St. Mar­guer­iteO Mean May Seem This House of Clay
St. Mark
  1. Early, My God, With­out De­lay
  2. O Still in Ac­cents Sweet and Strong
  3. O Ve­ry God of Ve­ry God
  4. Think Gent­ly of the Err­ing One
St. Mar­tinJesu, Meek and Low­ly
St. Mar­tin Or­garChristians, Sing Out with Ex­ul­ta­tion
St. Mar­tin’s
  1. Great Rul­er of All Na­ture’s Frame
  2. Thy Ser­vant, Blessed by Thee
St. Ma­ry
  1. Adore and Trem­ble, for Our God
  2. O Lord, Turn Not Thy Face from Me
  3. O Thou, the Eter­nal Son of God
  4. Why Are Not Sin­ners, Lord, Con­sumed?
St. Ma­ry Mag­da­leneSon of the High­est, Deign to Cast

Also see Je­boult, Ma­ry Mag­da­lene (Dykes)

St. Mat­thew
  1. Although on Mas­sy Pil­lars Built
  2. Believing Souls, Re­joice and Sing
  3. Come, Let Us Rise with Christ
  4. Earth Be­longs un­to the Lord, The
  5. Fountain of Nev­er Ceas­ing Grace
  6. Hear Me O God, nor Hide Thy Face
  7. How Vast the Be­ne­fits Di­vine
  8. O God, No Long­er Hold Thy Peace
  9. Purple Robe, A
  10. Who Will Arise and Plead My Right?
St. Mat­thi­asBehold Us, Lord, Be­fore Thee Met
St. Me­danJesus, in Thy Dy­ing Woes
St. Mi­chael
  1. Above the Star­ry Spheres
  2. Ancient Law De­parts, The
  3. How Beau­te­ous Are Their Feet
  4. Let Sigh­ing Cease and Woe
  5. Lord, Bless and Pi­ty Us
  6. Lord God, the Ho­ly Ghost
  7. Lord Is Ris­en In­deed, The!
  8. Make Haste, O God, to Save
  9. O Bless the Lord, My Soul
  10. O Come and Dwell in Me
  11. O Day of God, Draw Nigh
  12. O Praise Our God To­day
  13. O Thou Who Art My King
  14. Oh! What, If We Are Christ’s
  15. Stand Up and Bless the Lord
  16. Thy Ta­ble I Ap­proach
  17. To God the On­ly Wise
St. Mi­chael NewO Cap­tain of God’s Host
St. Mi­chel’sSee Go­shen
St. Na­than­ielO God of Hosts, the Mighty Lord
St. Ne­re­usThe mar­tyred Ro­man sol­dier.Storm of Sor­row Howls Around, The
St. Ni­ca­si­usThe 5th Cen­tu­ry bi­shop of Reims.Lo! The De­sert Depths Are Stirred
St. Ni­cho­las (Greene)
  1. Complaint of Na­ture, The
  2. Lo! In the Last of Days Be­hold
  3. O Thou My Soul, Bless God the Lord
  4. To God I Cried with Mourn­ful Voice
St. Ni­chol­as (Hoyte)Herald, in the Wil­der­ness
St. Ni­cho­las (Pearce)See Cam­bria
St. Ni­cho­las (Schole­field)O Bright­ness of the Im­mor­tal Fa­ther’s Face
St. Ni­cho­lasSee Lang­dale (Red­head)
St. Ni­ni­anBrightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
St. Ol­ave (Barn­by)Jesus, the First and Last
St. Ol­ivesFather, I Stretch My Hands to Thee
St. Om­erFain Would I, Lord of Grace
St. Os­mundAngels from the Realms of Glo­ry
St. Os­waldComposer John Dykes’ vic­ar­age in Dur­ham, Eng­land.
  1. Christ, Above All Glo­ry Seat­ed
  2. Hail! My Ev­er Bless­èd Je­sus
  3. Hark! Ten Thou­sand Voic­es
  4. Praise Je­ho­vah, All Ye Na­tions
St. Pan­crasStand Up, My Soul
St. Pan­te­lej­mon [Gor­don]Approach, My Soul, the Mer­cy Seat
St. Pat­rick (Ho­gan)How Blest the Ma­tron, Who, En­dued
St. Pat­rick (Stan­ford)St. Pat­rick’s Breast­plate
St. Pat­rick (Sul­li­van)He Is Gone, a Cloud of Light
St. PaulHe That Be­lieves and Is Bap­tized
St. Paul (Sta­ni­forth)Infinite God, to Thee We Raise
St. Paul (Stor­er)
  1. Coming Mil­len­ni­um, The
  2. Stand Fast for Christ Thy Sav­ior
St. Paul’s (Ers­kine)Tarry with Me (Smith)
St. Paul’s (Greene)Before Je­ho­vah’s Aw­ful Throne
St. Paul’s (Stain­er)Lord Je­sus, Think on Me
St. Paul’s Col­legeO Where Shall Rest Be Found?
St. Pe­ter (De­ci­us)God Is Our Ref­uge and De­fense
St. Pe­ter (Rein­agle)St. Pe­ter’s Church, Ox­ford, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Al­ex­an­der Rein­agle was or­gan­ist.
  1. Almighty Fa­ther of Man­kind
  2. Awake, My Soul! to Sound His Praise
  3. Come, O Thou All Vic­to­ri­ous Lord
  4. From Thee All Skill and Sci­ence Flow
  5. How Shall the Young Se­cure Their Hearts?
  6. How Sweet the Name of Je­sus Sounds
  7. In Christ There Is No East or West
  8. In Me­mo­ry of the Sav­ior’s Love
  9. Lord, May the Spir­it of this Feast
  10. My God, Ac­cept My Heart This Day
  11. My Sav­ior, My Al­migh­ty Friend
  12. O Come and Sing to God, the Lord
  13. O God, Be­fore Thy Sun’s Bright Beams
  14. O God, Pre­serve Me
  15. O Hap­py Is the Man Who Hears
  16. O Sav­ior! When Thy Lov­ing Hand
  17. O Seed of Da­vid
  18. O Thou Who Hast Thy Ser­vants Taught
  19. With So­lemn Joy We Come
  20. Ye That Obey th’Im­mor­tal King
St. Pe­ter’s, West­min­sterJesus, Lord of Our Sal­va­tion
St. Pe­ters­burgThe Rus­sian ci­ty.
  1. Another Year of Life Is Gone?
  2. Come, O Thou Trav­el­er Un­known
  3. Day the Christ Child’s Ten­der Eyes, The
  4. From Hence­forth No More Twain, But One
  5. How Good It Is to Thank the Lord
  6. Inspirer of the An­cient Seers
  7. Mighty God, Je­ho­vah, Speaks, The
  8. O Come Be­fore the Lord
  9. O God, of Good the Un­fa­thom­ed Sea
  10. O Light, Whose Beams Il­lum­ine All
  11. O Lit­tle One Who Art So Great
  12. O Lord, Who in Thy Love Di­vine
  13. ¡Oh, Pan del Cie­lo Dul­ce Bien!
  14. On This My Pa­tient Soul I Stay
  15. Shining of the Ear­li­est Star, The
  16. Thou Hid­den Source of Calm Re­pose
  17. Watched by the World’s Ma­lig­nant Eye
  18. Weary of Wan­der­ing from My God
  19. Where Shall My Won­der­ing Soul Be­gin?
  20. Whether the Word Be Preached or Read
St. Pet­roxFrom Out the Cloud of Am­ber Light
St. Phil­ip (Dykes)Now the Day Is Over
St. Phil­ip (Monk)
  1. Even So, Lord Je­sus, Come
  2. Holy Ghost, My Com­for­ter
  3. Holy Spir­it, Lord of Light
St. Phil­ip and St. JamesThere Is One Way
St. Pi­erreThe is­land in the Sey­chelles.Our Sun of Right­eous­ness
St. Pöl­tenSt. Pöl­ten, Aus­tria.I Would Be Thine
St. Po­ly­carp (Barn­by)See St. Fa­bi­an
St. Po­ly­carp (Pley­el)See Grace Church
St. Pris­ca [Man­ton]
  1. In the Lord’s Aton­ing Grief
  2. When Our Heads Are Bowed with Woe
St. Ra­ph­aelSee Ra­pha­el (Hop­kins)
St. RotolfTo Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
St. Sa­cra­mentThee We Adore, O Hid­den Sav­ior, Thee
St. Sav­iour (Bak­er)St. Sav­iour’s Church, Shank­lin, Isle of Wight.
  1. All Praise to Him Who Dwells in Bliss
  2. Glory of the Spring How Sweet!, The
  3. Hark, the Glad Sound
  4. In All My Trou­bles, Sharp and Long
  5. Laden with Guilt, and Full of Fears
  6. O God of Hosts, the Migh­ty Lord
  7. So Ends the Ag­es’ Vi­gil
  8. There’s Not a Tint That Paints the Rose
  9. When Christ Was Born in Beth­le­hem
  10. Where Shall My Soul Be­gin to Sing
St. Sav­iour (Barn­by)Thou Life With­in My Life
St. Savi­our (Gaul)
  1. Day of An­ger, That Dread Day
  2. Mighty Fa­ther, Bless­èd Son
  3. Thou Didst Toil My Soul to Gain
St. SebaldThe pa­tron saint of Nur­em­berg, Ger­many.Savior, Like a Shep­herd Lead Us
St. Se­bas­ti­anSing Al­le­lu­ia Forth in Du­te­ous Praise
St. Se­pul­chreThe church where com­pos­er George Coop­er was or­gan­ist.
  1. Deep Are the Wounds That Sin Has Made
  2. Happy the Man Whose Cau­tious Feet
  3. When at Thy Foot­stool, Lord, I Bend
St. So­phro­ni­usFierce Was the Wild Bil­low
St. Ste­phen
  1. All Ye That Love the Lord, Re­joice
  2. Awake, Glad Soul
  3. Behold the Am­az­ing Gift of Love
  4. God’s Glo­ry Is a Won­drous Thing
  5. How Are Thy Glor­ies Here Dis­played!
  6. In To­ken, That Thou Shalt Not Fear
  7. It Is the Blood That Wash­es White
  8. King Shall Come When Morn­ing Dawns, The
  9. Lord Ap­pears My Help­er Now, The
  10. Now Joy­ful Strains We Lift on High
  11. O Light, from Age to Age the Same
  12. To Our Re­deem­er’s Glo­ri­ous Name
  13. Yet, Sa­ith the Lord
St. Sul­piceAnother Year Hath Fled
St. SwithinThe bi­shop of Win­ches­ter, Eng­land (?–862).We Give Im­mor­tal Praise
St. Syl­ves­ter
  1. Days and Mo­ments Quick­ly Fly­ing
  2. Father, Hear the Pray­er We Offer
  3. Hear Thy Child­ren, Gen­tle Je­sus
  4. In Thy Wrath and Hot Dis­plea­sure
  5. Praise the Lord, When Blush­ing Morn­ing
  6. Tarry with Me
St. Theo­dulphAll Glo­ry, Laud and Hon­or
St. The­re­saBrightly Gleams Our Ban­ner
St. Tho­mas (Wade)Come, Lord Je­sus, O Come Quick­ly
St. Tho­mas (Will­iams)
  1. Behold the Throne of Grace
  2. Built by Je­hov­ah’s Hand
  3. By Faith, I See Up­laid
  4. Great God, We Give Thee Praise
  5. I Love Thy King­dom, Lord
  6. In Bon­dage to the Law
  7. Jehovah Reigns Su­preme
  8. My Heart Is Fixed, O God (Psal­ter)
  9. O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Mont­go­me­ry)
  10. To Bless Thy Chos­en Race
St. Tho­mas (Webbe) [Ho­ly­wood]
  1. Saint of God, Elect and Pre­cious
  2. Sing, My Tongue, the Sav­ior’s Glo­ry
St. Ti­mo­thyO Ho­ly Ghost, Thy Peo­ple Bless
St. Ur­su­laO Praise Our Great and Gra­cious Lord
St. Va­le­ri­usProbably Va­le­ri­us of Za­ra­go­za (?–315) or Va­le­ri­us of Trèves (?–320).Hark! The Clear Voice
St. Ve­nan­ti­usThe 3rd Cen­tu­ry mar­tyr from Camerino, It­aly.
  1. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, with God the Son
  2. When the Great Sun Sinks to His Rest
  3. Why, Im­pi­ous Her­od, Shouldst Thou Fear?
St. Ve­ro­ni­caHail to the Lord Who Comes
St. Vic­torO Je­sus, Thou Art Stand­ing
St. Vin­cent (Gaunt­lett)Day Is Past and Over, The
St. Vin­cent (Ug­low)
  1. Heavenly Word Pro­ceed­ing Forth, The
  2. High on His Ev­er­last­ing Throne
St. Wer­burghThe An­glo-Sax­on prin­cess who be­came an Eng­lish saint & pa­tron saint of the ci­ty of Ches­ter.Nearer, My God, to Thee
St. Wi­ni­fredCradled in a Man­ger, Mean­ly
St. Wul­stanI Lift My Heart to Thee
Stabat Ma­ter (Dykes)Latin for the m­other stood.
  1. At the Cross, Her Sta­tion Keep­ing
  2. By the Cross of Je­sus Stand­ing
  3. Jesu, Si­on’s King, We Greet Thee
  4. Father, in High Hea­ven Dwell­ing
Stabat Ma­ter (Knight)Near the Cross Was Ma­ry Weep­ing
Stabat Ma­ter (Mech­lin)Near the Cross, Her Vi­gil Keep­ing
StacyLaura Jane Sta­cy.Come, Thou Wea­ry
Staff of Faith, The [Faith, Mus­well Hill]My Faith, It Is an Oak­en Staff
StaffordFirmly I Be­lieve and Tru­ly
StaffordshireThe coun­ty in Eng­land.Rest in the Lord
StaincliffeTeach Me, O Lord, Thy Ho­ly Way
StainforthLord, in the Full­ness of My Might
StairShine on Our Land
StamfordGlory Be to Him Who Loved Us
Stand UpStand Up, Stand Up for Je­sus
Stand Up for Je­susStand Up, Stand Up for Je­sus
Standing on the Pro­mis­esStanding on the Pro­mis­es
StanfordThe Ca­li­for­nia city.Master Says, Go!, The
StanleyHe Is Gone, a Cloud of Light
Stanley Pont­largeStanley Pont­large, Tewkes­bu­ry, Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.O Dear­est Lord, Thy Sac­red Head
Star in the EastBrightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
Star of Beth­le­hem (Funk), TheWhen Mar­shaled on the Night­ly Plain
Star of Beth­le­hem (Wor­rell)Star of Beth­le­hem (Wor­rell)
Star of Morn and EvenStar of Morn and Ev­en
Star Span­gled Ban­nerBlest Gos­pel Ban­ner, The
Star of PeaceBook of Grace and Book of Glo­ry
StarkComposer Ed­ward Stark.Happy Is the Man
Starlight (Beat­son)From the East­ern Mount­ains
Starlight (Cru­si­us)No Seio De Abraão
StarsDo You Know How Ma­ny Stars
Stars All BrightStars All Bright Are Beam­ing
Stars of Ev­en­ingStars of Ev­en­ing Soft­ly Gleam­ing
State Street
  1. And Canst Thou, Sin­ner, Slight?
  2. Baptized into the Name
  3. Church of the Liv­ing God
  4. Now Let Our Voic­es Join
  5. Our Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther Calls
Staten Is­landStaten Is­land, New York Ci­ty.Watchman on the Walls of Zi­on
StavangerStavanger, Nor­way.My Fa­ther Knows (Ben­ton)
  1. Our God, to Whom We Turn
  2. Rise from Your Graves, Ye Dead
SteeleNow from La­bor and from Care
SteinerHome at Last (Cro­zier)
Stella (He­my)The vill­age near New­cas­tle-up­on-Tyne, Eng­land.
  1. Behold, What Won­drous Love and Grace
  2. Come, Fa­ther, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost
  3. Father, Who Dost Thy Child­ren Feed
  4. My Soul, In­spired with Sac­red Love
  5. Ye Fair Green Hills of Ga­li­lee
Stella (Par­ker)All My Heart This Night Re­joic­es
Stella (Wat­hall)There’s a Song in the Air
Step by StepStep by Step (Car­ley)
StepanakertKhankendi, Az­er­bai­jan (Ստեփանակերտ).Unseen Hand, The
StephanosA ne­phew of John of Da­mas­cus.
  1. Art Thou Wea­ry, Art Thou Lan­guid?
  2. Jesus, Lord, We Joy Be­fore Thee
  3. Master, We Thy Foot­steps Fol­low
  4. Thee We Praise, Our God and Fa­ther
StephensonWe Now Have Met to Wor­ship Thee
Sterling [Stir­ling]Tremendous God, with Hum­ble Fear
StevensonSavior, to Thy Mer­cy Seat
StewardGo, Mes­sen­ger of Christ, Pro­claim
  1. I Hear a Voice That Comes from Far
  2. Thou Vis­it­eth the Earth with Show­ers
Still NearerNearer, Still Near­er
Stilla Stun­derSwedish for qui­et mo­ments.Take the World, but Give Me Je­sus
StillingfleetThe vill­age in the Sel­by dis­trict of North York­shire.My God, My Life, My Love
StillnessCurrently un­used (score)
StirewaltDear Lord, Who Sought at Dawn of Day
StirlingSee Ster­ling
StobellJesus, Thy Name I Love Je­sus, Thy Name I Love
Stock Is­landThe isl­and off Mon­roe Coun­ty, Flo­ri­da.Be Rea­dy, All
StockholmFull Ma­ny Shall Come
StockportSee York­shire
Stockton (Trot­ter)My Song Shall Be of Je­sus
Stockton (Wright)Living Stream, as Crys­tal Clear, A
  1. Now to God, Our Strength and Sav­ior
  2. Silently the Shades of Ev­en­ing

Also see Kay­seri

Stockwell NewWhen the Gold­en Ev­en­ing Ga­thered
StoelSee From­mer
StokeO Lord, Our Strength in Weak­ness
Stoke New­ing­tonThe area in the Lon­don bo­rough of Hack­ney.Jesus Is Call­ing
Stoke-on-TrentThe city in Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.O List to the Notes
Stola Re­giaLatin for roy­al dress.In Roy­al Robes of Splen­dor
StonefieldGive Thanks and Praise to God Above
StoneleighThrough the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us
  1. Hail to the Morn That Dawns on East­ern Hills
  2. Lord, Not for Light in Dark­ness
  3. There Is a Spot of Con­se­crat­ed Ground
  4. Trust (Lew­is)
  1. Believing Fa­thers Oft Have Told
  2. From Ol­iv­et’s Se­ques­tered Seats
StorerComposer Hen­ry Stor­er.O God, That Midst the Part­ed Sea
Stories of Je­susTell Me the Stor­ies of Je­sus
StörlO’er the Dis­tant Mount­ains Break­ing
Storrs [Sax­by]
  1. Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, Calm My Mind
  2. Friend of Sin­ners Dies, The
  3. How Many Ge­ne­ra­tions Dead
  4. To Our Once Fa­vored Na­tive Land
  5. To Thee, O Lord, I Hum­bly Cry
StoweThe town in Ver­mont.Hark, Hark! The Sweet, Sweet Chim­ing
StowellHymn writ­er Hugh Stow­ell.Lord of All Pow­er and Might
StracathroThe town in north­east An­gus, Scot­land.
  1. All as God Wills
  2. O Lord, My God, Most Ear­nest­ly
Straf mich nichtGerman for pun­ish me not in Thine ang­er.
  1. Father, Son and Ho­ly Ghost
  2. O Do Not Against Me, Lord
  3. Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
Strait GateDestruction’s Dan­ger­ous Road
StrattnerComposer Ge­org Stratt­ner.Father, Lead Me Day by Day
StraubComposer So­lo­mon Straub.Near­er Home
Strength and Stay
  1. My Lord, My Mas­ter, at Thy Feet Ador­ing
  2. O Strength and Stay
StroudwaterLord For­ev­er Sits as King, The
Studio Ci­tyThe neigh­bor­hood in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.There’s No Oth­er Way
StukelyO Lord, Our Fa­thers Oft Have Told
SturgisThe South Da­ko­ta ci­ty.Come un­to Me (Shack­lock)
StuttgartThe Ger­man ci­ty.
  1. Bethlehem in Land of Ju­dah
  2. Bethlehem, of Nob­lest Ci­ties
  3. Earth Has Ma­ny a No­ble Ci­ty
  4. God, My King, Thy Might Con­fess­ing
  5. Hark! A Voice Is Loud­ly Ring­ing
  6. Jesus, Thou Art Mine For­ev­er
  7. O My Soul, Bless God the Fa­ther
  8. Savior, King, in Hal­lowed Un­ion
StyallO God, the Joy of Heav’n Above