NameNamed AfterUsed By
UfaUfa, Rus­sia (Уфа).Courage, Bro­ther, Cour­age
UffinghamWe Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
UgandaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Sinless Land, A
Ulm (Wesley)Ulm, Ger­ma­ny.Lord of Hosts, How Love­ly Fair
UlsterSee All the Way
UluruUluru, Aus­tral­ia (al­so known as Ay­ers Rock).Canaan Land of Per­fect Love, The
UmbriaUmbria, It­aly.Le Ciel A Vi­si­té la Terre
UmeåUmeå, Swe­den.Vi Ha en Bar­na­vän Så Kär
Unde et Mem­or­es
  1. And Now, O Fa­ther, Mind­ful of the Love
  2. O Holy Fa­ther, Who in Ten­der Love
Under His Wings
  1. Under His Wings (Cush­ing)
  2. Under the Care of My God
Under the BloodStep Out on the Pro­mise (Pot­ter)
Under Thy WingsHelp Me, My Lord to Grow
UnderwoodUnderwood, Io­wa.Promised Grace
UlmannComposer Au­gust Ul­mann.Christ Is Ris­en, All Tri­um­phant
Ultor Om­ni­po­tensGod, the Om­ni­po­tent!
Unde et Mem­or­esAnd Now, O Fa­ther, Mind­ful of the Love
Union (Bill­ings)From Whence Doth This Un­ion Arise?
Union SquareSee Blair­gow­rie
Union Sta­tionThough Sor­rows Rise and Dan­gers Roll
UnityOne Sole Bap­tis­mal Sign
Universal PraiseLet All the World in Ev­ery Cor­ner Sing
  1. Church of God a King­dom Is, The
  2. God of Love My Shep­herd Is, The
  3. Lord, in the Full­ness of My Might
University Ci­tyThe sub­urb of St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri.Go and Tell Jesus
University Col­legeCaptains of the Saint­ly Band
Ünnep a Föl­dön, Ün­nep a Men­ny­benHungarian for Feast on Earth, Feast in Hea­ven.Christmas Day Joy­ous
UnseldComposer Ben­ja­min Un­seld.Remember in Youth Thy Cre­at­or
Unser Herr­scher [Ne­an­der, Pa­ran]German for our Lord.
  1. All Ye Gen­tile Lands Awake!
  2. Come, Ye Faith­ful, Raise the An­them
  3. Christ Is Com­ing!
  4. God of Love and God of Pow­er
  5. He Is Ris­en
  6. In a Mo­ment, Oh! How Won­drous
  7. In the Bonds of Death He Lay
  8. Jesus, Bright­ness of the Fa­ther
  9. Lamb of God, Thy Right We Own
  10. Listen to Those Hap­py Voic­es
  11. Open Now Thy Gates of Beau­ty
  12. Rise, Ye Child­ren of Sal­va­tion
  13. Sinners, Will You Scorn the Mes­sage?
  14. Thee, O Christ, the Fa­ther’s Splen­dor
Up in Hea­venUp in Hea­ven
UphamFather of Je­sus Christ, My Lord
Upheld by HopeUpheld by Hope (Wer­de­baugh)
Upp, Min Tun­gaPraise the Sav­ior, Now and Ev­er
UppsalaUppsala, Swe­den.
  1. Hush, My Soul, What Voice Is Plead­ing?
  2. I Have Heard Thy Voice, Lord Je­sus
UptonCome, Sav­ior, Je­sus, from Above
Upton CressettUpton Cres­sett, Shrop­shire, Eng­land.Father, Ho­ly Fa­ther
Upton PyneUpton Pyne, De­von, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Fred­er­ick Her­vey was rec­tor.Now a New Year Op­ens
UrLet Every Mo­rtal Ear At­tend
Urbs Be­ataLight’s Abode, Ce­les­ti­al Sa­lem
UrmiaUrmia, Ir­an (ارومیه).Jesus, Smile up­on Us
UrswickeUrswicke, Cum­bria, Eng­land.At the Name of Je­sus
UşakUşak, Tür­ki­ye.Watch and Pray (Whit­tle)
UthupComposer Joe Uthup.Right Shall Rule, The
UtrechtUtrecht, Ne­ther­lands.Exile for the Faith, An
Uttar Pra­deshUttar Pra­desh, In­dia (उत्तर प्रदेश).Only Trust the Sav­ior’s Pro­mise
UttarakhandUttarakhand, In­dia.In Yon­der Home
UxbridgeUxbridge, Lon­don, Eng­land.
  1. Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near
  2. Because Thy Trust Is God Alone
  3. Behold the Ex­pect­ed Time Draw Near
  4. Deceived by Sub­tle Snares of Hell
  5. Heavens De­clare Thy Glo­ry, The
  6. O Where­fore Do the Na­tions Rage?
  7. Stay, Thou In­sult­ed Spir­it, Stay
  8. When Is­ra­el Through the Des­ert Passed