The Cyber

NameNamed AfterUsed By
W Zlo­bie Le­zyPolish for He lies in the cra­dle.
  1. Come, You Peo­ple of the Pro­mise
  2. Infant Ho­ly, In­fant Low­ly
WabashThe riv­er in Ohio, In­di­ana and Il­li­nois.I Am Will­ing
Wachet aufGerman for wake up.
  1. Glorious Ma­jes­ty
  2. Now Let Ev­ery Tongue Adore Thee
  3. Rise! To Arms!
  4. Sleepers, Wake! the Watch Cry Peal­eth
  5. Wake, Awake, for Night Is Fly­ing
  6. Wake, O Wake, with Tid­ings Thrill­ing
WacoWaco, Tex­as.Christmas Bells Are Gai­ly Ring­ing
WaikikiWaikiki Beach, Ho­no­lu­lu, Ha­wa­ii.As a Lit­tle Child
WaithAll Things Praise Thee
Waits’ Song
  1. Behold the Wretch Whose Lust and Wine
  2. Child for Us Is Born This Day, A
  3. Death and Re­sur­rect­ion (Thomp­son)
  4. He Comes! He Comes! To Judge the World
  5. How Strong Thine Arm Is, Migh­ty God!
  6. My Life De­clines, My Strength Is Gone
  7. Thou God of Love, Thou Ev­er Blessed
  8. Waits’ Song, The
WakefieldNo, No, It Is Not Dy­ing
WakenWaken! Chris­tian Child­ren
WalderComposer Jo­hann Wal­der.How Pre­cious Is the Book Di­vine
WaldoAs Pants the Wear­ied Hart
Wall StreetThe New York Ci­ty ave­nue.What Can I Do With­out Je­sus?
Wallace (Bak­er)What Shall I Ren­der to the Lord?
Wallace (Ham­il­ton)Kings of the East Are Rid­ing, The
WallheadComposer Tho­mas Wall­head.Savior, Like a Shep­herd Lead Us
WallinAgain Thy Glo­ri­ous Sun Doth Rise
WalmisleyO Per­fect God, Thy Love
WalpurgaThe 8th Cen­tu­ry Ang­lo Sax­on mis­sion­ary to the Frank­ish Em­pire.Jesus, Hear My Pray­er
WalsallWasall, Eng­land.
  1. No Man, nor An­gel, Can Com­pare
  2. Oh Lord, We Trem­ble at Thy Frown
  3. When Came in Flesh the In­car­nate Word
Waltham (Al­bert)Thou to Whom the Sick and Dy­ing
Waltham (Cal­kin) [Cam­den, Doane]
  1. Fling Out the Ban­ner
  2. God Will Our Strength and Ref­uge Prove
  3. High on a Hill of Daz­zling Light
  4. I Heard the Bells on Christ­mas Day
  5. Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voic­es Now
  6. O Migh­ty Man, Why Wilt Thou Boast?
  7. O Thou to Whom, in An­cient Time
  8. Press On, Press On, Ye Sons of Light
  9. Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New
  10. Stand Up, My Soul
  11. We Praise, Thee, God, for Har­vests Earned
Waltham (Monk)Not for Our Sins Alone
Waltham Ab­beyMy Lord, in Glo­ry Reign­ing
WaltonSee Ger­ma­ny
WanamakerProbably hym­nal ed­it­or John Wa­na­mak­er.I Wish That I Had Nev­er Sinned
WandererSee In­vi­ta­tion (Hast­ings)
Wär’ Gott nicht mit unsIf God Had Not Been on Our Side
WaratahJesus, the Calm That Fills My Breast
Ward [Heal­ing Balm]
  1. God Is the Ref­uge of His Saints
  2. Jesus! Dear Name, How Sweet It Sounds!
  3. Let All That Breathe, Je­ho­vah Praise
  4. O Lord of Hosts, We Seek to Raise
WardenFor the Beau­ty of the Earth
WardleComposer Tho­mas War­dle.Christ Was Born on Christ­mas Night
WareBlest Be the Lord!
Wareham [All Saints, Bland­ford]Birthplace of com­pos­er Will­iam Knapp.
  1. All Souls Are Mine
  2. Be Still, My Heart! These An­xious Cares
  3. Christmas Time Draws on Apace, The
  4. Dawn Is Sprink­ling in the East, The
  5. Eternal Fa­ther, When to Thee
  6. Eternal Glo­ry of the Sky
  7. Eternal Source of Ev­ery Joy
  8. Father of Mer­cies, Bow Thine Ear
  9. How Pleas­ant, How Di­vine­ly Fair
  10. In Plea­sant Lands
  11. Laborer’s Noon-Day Hymn, The
  12. Let Thought­less Thou­sands Choose
  13. Lo! Gold­en Light Re­kin­dles Day
  14. Lord Je­sus Christ, All Praise to Thee
  15. Lord Je­sus, with Thy Pres­ence Bless
  16. Now to the Lord, That Makes Us Know
  17. O Sav­ior, Lord, to Thee We Pray
  18. O Splen­dor of God’s Glo­ry Bright
  19. O Won­drous Sight!
  20. Powerful Word That Reared the Skies, The
  21. Proud Ba­by­lon Yet Waits Her Doom
  22. Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might
  23. Star of Our Hope
  24. Thine, Lord, Is Wis­dom, Thine Alone
  25. This Ship We Now Com­mend to Thee
  26. Thou Glo­ri­ous God, Be­fore Whose Face
  27. Whom Oceans Part, O Lord, Unite
  28. Wingèd Her­ald of the Day, The
  29. Within My Heart, O Lord, Ful­fill
  30. Ye Clouds and Dark­ness, Hosts of Night
WaringSee St. An­selm
WarnboroughThey Whose Course on Earth Is O’er
WarnerWith Brok­en Heart and Con­trite Sigh
WarningStop, Poor Sin­ner, Stop and Think
  1. Arise, My Soul, Awake and Sing
  2. Disowned of Heav’n, by Man Op­pressed
  3. Exert Thy Pow­er
  4. Founded on Thee
  5. Give to Our God Im­mor­tal Praise
  6. Not to Con­demn the Sons of Men
  7. Now That the Day­light Fills the Sky
  8. O Christ, Our Joy, to Whom Is Giv­en
  9. Oh! Seize This Hour
  10. Sweet Is the Sol­emn Voice That Calls
WarriorUprouse You! Sol­diers of the Cross
WarsawHark! Hark! the Notes of Joy
Wartburg Cas­tleFar off, O God, and Yet Most Near
Warum sind die Thrä­nen [Swa­hi­li]Praise the Lord of Heav­en
Warum sollt’ ich mich den Gräb­enSee Ebe­ling
  1. Beyond the Glit­ter­ing, Star­ry Skies
  2. Lord, in the Morn­ing Thou Shalt Hear
  3. Lord, Thou Shalt Ear­ly Hear
  4. With Rev­er­ence Let the Saints Ap­pear
Was frag’ ich nach der Welt?German for What do I ask about the world?
  1. Joy to the World! Sound Forth
  2. Now Are the Days Ful­fill­ed
  3. Now Yield We Thanks and Praise
  4. O God, Thou Faith­ful God
  5. What Is the World to Me?
Was mein Gott willWill of God Is Al­ways Best, The
Was le­bet, was schwe­betO Wor­ship the Lord in the Beau­ty of Ho­li­ness
WashingtonMy Hope, My All
WasillaThe Alas­kan town.Christ Shall Come Again, The
Watchman (Leach)My God! Per­mit My Tongue
Watchman (Ma­son)Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
WatchwordTruehearted, Whole­heart­ed, Faith­ful and Loy­al
Water StreetSee Ke­no­sis
WaterbankThe town in wes­tern Aus­tra­lia.Heaven with Ro­sy Morn Is Glow­ing
WaterfordBirthplace of com­pos­er Will­iam Wall­ace.When Saints Ga­ther Round Thee
WatermanThe lu­nar im­pact cra­ter.Shelter Near the Cross
WatfordO Show Me Not My Sav­ior Dy­ing
WaughSee Cam­bridge
WaveStar of Peace to Wan­der­ers Wea­ry
  1. O Light That Knew No Dawn
  2. O Thou That Hear­est Pray­er
WavertreeSurrounded by Un­num­bered Foes
Way of the CrossWay of the Cross Leads Home, The
WaymanJust as I Am, With­out One Plea
Wayfaring Strang­er
  1. From High­est Heav­en
  2. I Am a Poor Way­far­ing Strang­er
We Are Go­ingWe Are Go­ing
We Give Thee but Thine OwnWe Give Thee but Thine Own
We Praise Thee
  1. Lord Is My Shep­herd (Or­rock), The
  2. Pilgrim’s Song, The
  3. We Praise Thee (Cros­by)
WealdenOh for the Death of Those
Webb [Morn­ing Light]Composer James Webb.
  1. Ashamed to Be a Chris­tian
  2. Christmas Sto­ry
  3. Day of Glo­ry Bear­ing, The
  4. He Rose! O Morn of Won­der!
  5. In Lands Across the Sea
  6. Morning Light Is Break­ing, The
  7. O Thou Whose Hand Hath Brought Us
  8. Precious Sto­ry, The
  9. Our Coun­try’s Voice Is Plead­ing
  10. Stand Up, Stand Up for Je­sus
  11. Thy Might Sets Fast the Mount­ains
  12. We Come with Song Re­joic­ing
  13. We Hail the Ris­ing Day Star
WeberO That I Could for Ev­er Dwell

Also see Sey­mour

WebsterAwake, and Sing the Song
Webster GrovesThe St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri, suburb.Like the Sound of Ma­ny Wa­ters
Wedding DayVoice That Breathed o’er Eden, The
WedlockGod Is My Strong Sal­va­tion
WeehawkenThe New Jer­sey town­ship.Dear Je­sus, Ev­er at My Side
Weil ich Je­su Schäf­lein binI Am Je­sus’ Lit­tle Lamb
  1. Lo! Now Is Our Ac­cept­ed Day
  2. O Je­sus, Lamb of God, Thou Art
WeinlandSong writ­er Ma­ry Wein­land.Joy Com­eth in the Morn­ing!
Weisse Flag­genGerman for white flags.Son of God, Eter­nal Sav­ior

Also see All Saints Old

WeissingerElizabeth Ca­ther­ine Weis­sing­er (1828–1871).Come, Come to Je­sus
Welcome Sab­bath Morn­ingWelcome, Sab­bath Morn­ing
Welcome VoiceO Lord, My Earn­est Cry
  1. Dreadful, Pride Chas­tis­ing Word
  2. Give Me the En­larged De­sire
  3. Glorious God, Ac­cept a Heart
  4. Meet and Right It Is to Sing
  5. Savior, Whom Our Hearts Adore
WellesleyWellesley Col­lege, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. Don’t You See My Je­sus Com­ing?
  2. Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!
  3. Holy Babe, Our Great Sal­va­tion
  4. There’s a Wide­ness in God’s Mer­cy
Wellington (Gaunt­lett)Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love
Wellington (Lamp­lough)Work with All Your Might, Boys
Wells (Bort­ni­an­sky)From the Cross
Wells (Monk)
  1. Grant to This Child the In­ward Grace
  2. Not by the Mar­tyr’s Death Alone
  3. O Je­su, Bless­èd Lord, to Thee
  4. Thrice Hap­py Man Who Fears the Lord
WeltonThe vil­lage and ci­vil par­ish in the East Rid­ing of York­shire, Eng­land.Return, My Rov­ing Heart, Re­turn
WelwynThe Hert­ford­shire vil­lage where com­pos­er Alf­red Scott-Gat­ty was bur­ied.
  1. Christ! I Am Christ’s
  2. Hark, What a Sound
  3. Lord God of Hosts, Whose Pur­pose, Nev­er Swerv­ing
  4. Lord of True Light
  5. O Bro­ther Man
  6. O Hap­py Home
WembleyThe area in the Lon­don bor­ough of Brent.Anniversary Hymn (Gib­son)
WendellFar from Mor­tal Cares Re­treat­ing
Wenn meine Sünd
  1. O Lord, When My Sins Grieve Me
  2. When o’er My Sins I Sorrow
Wenn wir in höch­sten Nöt­en
  1. All Man­kind Fell in Ad­am’s Fall
  2. Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains
  3. I Come to Thee, O Bless­èd Lord
  4. O Faith­ful God, Thanks Be to Thee
  1. My God, I Thank Thee
  2. Sun Is on the Land and Sea, The
WenzhouThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Thousand Years, O Bless­èd Sto­ry, A
Wer da wo­netGerman for who lives there.Hymn for Con­quer­ing Mar­tyrs Raise, The
Wer nur den lieb­en GottSee Neu­mark
Wer weiss, wie nahe (Bron­ner)Unto the Lord of All Cre­ation
Wer weiss, wie nahe (Möck)When Sin­ners See Their Lost Con­di­tion
Werde mun­terGerman for cheer up.
  1. Comfort, Com­fort Ye My Peo­ple
  2. Dearest Je­sus, Draw Thou Near Me
  3. Like the Gold­en Sun As­cend­ing
  4. Send, O Lord, Thy Ho­ly Spir­it
  5. Speak, O Lord, Thy Ser­vant Hear­eth
  6. Thou, Whose Com­ing Seers and Sag­es
  7. Wherefore Dost Thou Long­er Tar­ry?
WesleyMy Song Is Love Un­known
Wesley (Ma­son)
  1. Hail to the Bright­ness of Zi­on’s Glad Morn­ing!
  2. Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise
WessexThe Ang­lo-Sax­on king­dom in south­ern Bri­tain.
  1. Brood o’er Us with Thy Shel­ter­ing Wing
  2. Lord of My Life!
  3. When Trou­bles, Like a Whelm­ing Sea
WestbourneWe Have Not Known Thee as We Ought
WestenhangerThe vill­age in Kent, Eng­land.Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
WestgateO Lord of Life, and Love, and Pow­er
Westminster (Cooke)O Tri­ni­ty of Bless­èd Light
Westminster (Turle)Sweet Is the Pray­er Whose Ho­ly Stream
Westminster Ab­beyChrist Is Made the Sure Foun­da­tion
Westminster Col­legeSee Old 113th
Westminster NewLord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee
WestmorelandThy Way Is on the Deep, O Lord
WestonFriend of Sin­ners, Lord of Glo­ry
WestwoodHail to the Lord’s Anoint­ed
  1. Above Me Hangs the Si­lent Sky
  2. Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
  3. O Thou Who Through This Ho­ly Week
WetterlingJesus, Ref­uge of the Wea­ry
WeybridgeThe town in Sur­rey, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Wal­ter Sang­ster was or­gan­ist at St. James Church.And Now the Wants Are Told
WharncliffeThe area north­west of Shef­field, Eng­land.Jesus, Thou Hast Willed It
WheatonThe Il­li­nois ci­ty.It Was Spok­en for the Mas­ter
WhelptonComposer George Whel­pton.Hear Our Pray­er, O Lord
When I See My Sav­iorWhen I See My Sav­ior
Whidbey Is­landThe is­land near Ev­er­ett, Wash­ing­ton.Co-Laborers
WhistlerThe ci­ty in Brit­ish Co­lum­bia, Ca­na­da.My Com­ing King
WhitburnSee Hes­per­us
Whitby Ab­beyThe ab­bey in York­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Consecration Hymn
  2. Go, Said the Voice of Heav­en­ly Love
  3. Had Not the Lord, May Is­ra­el Say
  4. How Sweet It Is in Ear­ly Youth
White PlainsThe ci­ty in New York.Safe at Home
White RobesWhen on Her Mak­er’s Bo­som
WhitechapelThe dis­trict in Lon­don, Eng­land.Crown Him (Ad­ams)
  1. Martyr of God, Whose Strength Was Steeled
  2. O Light of Light, by Love In­clined
WhitehorseThe Ca­na­di­an ci­ty.Immortality
WhitelandGreat God, to Thee My Ev­en­ing Song
WhitesideSee Shoe­mak­er
  1. I Saw the Cross of Je­sus
  2. My Lord, I Did Not Choose You
WhitingSee St. Da­vid (Cal­kin)
WhitmanFount of Ev­er­last­ing Love
WhittinghamEpiscopal bi­shop Will­iam Whit­ting­ham.Jerusalem! High Tow’r Thy Glo­ri­ous Walls!
WhittleHymnist Da­ni­el Whit­tle.
  1. Moment by Mo­ment
  2. Since Through God’s Mer­cy
WhitwellLife Which God’s In­car­nate Word, The
Whoever WillO Thou That Hear’st When Sin­ners Cry
Wie schön leuch­tet [Frank­fort]German for How beau­ti­ful it shines.
  1. All Hail to Thee, O Bless­èd Morn!
  2. Hallelujah! Let Prais­es Ring!
  3. He Is Aris­en! Glo­ri­ous Word!
  4. How Bright Ap­pears the Morn­ing Star
  5. How Bright­ly Beams the Morn­ing Star!
  6. How Love­ly Shines the Morn­ing Star
  7. How Love­ly Shines the Morn­ing Star (Cox)
  8. O Ho­ly Spir­it, En­ter In
  9. O Lord Most Ho­ly!
  10. Rejoice, Re­joice, This Hap­py Morn
Wie soll ichGerman for how shall I.Light of the Gen­tile Na­tions
Wie wohl ist mir
  1. My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy and Bless­ing
  2. Rest Re­main­eth for the Wea­ry, A
WiegenliedThe name given by (ap­parent­ly) the com­pos­er, Jo­hannes Brahms.See Brahms’ Lul­la­by.
WienVienna, Aus­tria.Ring the Joy-Bells, Christ Has Ris­en
Wigan (Gra­ham)The town in Great­er Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.Giver of the Per­fect Gift
Wigan (Wes­ley)The town in Great­er Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.Behold the Lamb of God
WigglesworthThe vil­lage and ci­vil par­ish in the Cra­ven district of North York­shire, Eng­land.While It Is Day
Wigtown [Wig­ton]
  1. Hear What the Voice from Heav’n Pro­claims
  2. One Who Is All Un­fit to Count
WilbrahamThe Mas­sa­chu­setts town.Give Thanks to God, He Reigns Above
Wild BellsRing Out the Old, Ring in the New
Wildersmouth [Pa­rou­sia]
  1. O’er the Gloomy Hills of Dark­ness
  2. See the Vi­vid Light­nings Flash­ing
WilhelmYe Faint­ing Souls, Lift Up Your Eyes
Will You Go? (Em­bry)Will You Go? (Jukes)
WillardAwake! Ye Saints of God! Awake!
WillerbyMy Sav­ior, ’Mid Life’s Var­ied Scene
WilliamsLord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through
WillibrordThe 8th Cen­tu­ry North­um­bri­an mis­sion­ary.Jesus Died for Me (Ab­bott)
Willingham (Abt)
  1. Seek Not Afar for Beau­ty
  2. Trust the Eter­nal
Willingham (Wes­ley)Savior, and Can It Be
WillingtonCome Hi­ther, All Ye Wea­ry Souls
Willow GroveThe Penn­syl­va­nia town.Now un­to Je­ho­vah, Ye Sons of the Migh­ty
WilmarThere’s Not a Bird with Lone­ly Nest
WilmoreThe Ken­tuc­ky ci­ty.When You Think of the Judg­ment Day
  1. Lord, Thy Word to Me Re­mem­ber
  2. Onward, Chris­tian, Though the Re­gion
  3. Praise to Thee, Thou Great Cre­at­or
WilsonCome, Thou Long Ex­pect­ed Je­sus
WiltonLight of the World! For­ev­er, Ev­er Shin­ing
Wiltshire (Smart)The ce­re­mo­ni­al coun­ty in south­west Eng­land.
  1. Happy the Heart Where Grac­es Reign
  2. Since All the Down­ward Tracts of Time
Wiltshire (Ste­phen­son)
  1. From Thee, My God, My Joys Shall Rise
  2. Who Are These, and Whence Came They?
WiltzI Weep, but Do Not Yield
WimbledonThe Lon­don sub­urb.Round the Cross
  1. Compass, The
  2. Lord, How Se­cure and Blest Are They
WinchcombeThe Cots­wold town in Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.The Bride­groom Comes
Winchester (Croft)My Soul, Thy Great Cre­at­or Praise
Winchester New
  1. Almighty God, Thy Lof­ty Throne
  2. Come in, Thou Bless­èd, Hon­ored Lord
  3. Creation’s Lord, We Give Thee Thanks
  4. Eternal One, Thou Liv­ing God
  5. Go Fa­vored Chris­tians, and Pro­claim
  6. God’s Bound­less Love
  7. Happy the Ci­ty
  8. Holy as Thou, O Lord, Is None
  9. No More, Dear Sav­ior, Will I Boast
  10. On Jor­dan’s Bank the Bap­tist’s Cry
  11. This Day at Thy Cre­at­ing Word
  12. ’Tis Done! the New and Heav­en­ly Birth
  13. Uprising from the Dark­some Tomb
Winchester Old
  1. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Our Hearts In­spire
  2. Join, All Ye Ran­somed Sons of Grace
  3. Lift Up Your Heads, Eter­nal Gates!
  4. Savior Died, but Rose Again, The
  5. When God of Old Came Down from Heav’n
Windermere (Kroe­ger)Within Thy Tem­ple, Lord
Windermere (So­mer­vell)We Give Thee but Thine Own
WindhamBroad Is the Road
WindhoekThe Na­mi­bi­an ci­ty.Jesus Is Mer­ci­ful
WindsorThe town in Berk­shire, Eng­land.
  1. And Must I Be to Judg­ment Brought
  2. Awful Noon­tide Gloom Is O’er, The
  3. Bitter Wa­ters, The
  4. But if Thou Wilt Not Save Us Here
  5. Come, Lord in Mer­cy Come Again
  6. God Bids, and Lo!
  7. Great God, How In­fin­ite Art Thou!
  8. Have Mer­cy, Lord, on Us, We Pray
  9. He Comes, He Comes! The Son of God
  10. He’ll Come, the Judge Will Sure­ly Come
  11. In Grief and Fear, to Thee, O Lord
  12. Jesu, Our Lent­en Fast of Thee
  13. In Thy Great In­dig­na­tion, Lord
  14. Lord, I Would Spread My Sore Dis­tress
  15. My God, How Ma­ny Are My Fears
  16. O Lord of Life and Death
  17. That Aw­ful Day Will Sure­ly Come
  18. Today, O Lord, a Ho­li­er Work
  19. Why Has My God My Soul For­sook?
  20. Why Should I Vex My Soul?
  21. Ye Sons of Men, a Fee­ble Race
WinfieldAll Ye Na­tions, Praise the Lord
WingateHymnist Mary Win­gate.Just One Glimpse
WinklerThe town in Ma­ni­to­ba, Ca­na­da.I’m Not Ash­amed
WinnipegWinnipeg, Ca­na­da.Land That’s Far Away, The
Winona Lake [But­ler]Winona Lake, In­di­ana.Sinner Like Me, A
WinscottAlmighty Mak­er of My Frame
WinterO Hap­py Soul That Lives on High
Winter Cold’Twas in the Win­ter Cold
Winter ParkWinter Park, Flo­ri­da.Only a Riv­er Be­tween Us
WinterthurWinterthur, Swit­zer­land.Dan Tes Bras Éter­nels
WintertonSavior, Thy Dy­ing Love
Wir dan­ken dirLord Je­sus, We Give Thanks to Thee
Wir glau­ben allWe All Be­lieve in One True God
Wir pfl­ügen [Dres­den]We Plow the Fields
Wirksworth [Ayles­bury]The town in Der­by­shire, Eng­land.
  1. I Saw, Be­yond the Tomb
  2. Soon Shall The Trum­pet Spread
WirthJehovah Hear Thee in the Day
WisdomNow Sweep­ing Down the Years Un­told
Wise MenSaw You Nev­er, in the Twi­light?
WitherspoonTo Thee Our God We Fly
WittenbergWittenberg, Ger­ma­ny.Time to Watch, a Time to Pray, A

Also see Er­furt

WittenburgWittenburg, Ger­ma­ny.See Nun dank­et
Wo Gott zum HausGerman for Where God to the house.
  1. Star Proc­laims the King Is Here, The
  2. We Have a Sure Pro­phet­ic Word
Wo ist Je­sus, mein Ver­lang­enGerman for where is Je­sus, my de­sire?Stricken, Smit­ten, and Af­flic­ted
Wo soll ich flie­hen hinGerman for where shall I flee?O Bride of Christ, Re­joice
Wohlauf, thut nicht ver­za­gen
  1. Another Year Com­plet­ed
  2. Lord and King of All Things, The
WolfsburgThe Ger­man ci­ty.Can Ye Not Watch One Lit­tle Hour?
WolvercoteThe lo­ca­tion in Ox­ford, Eng­land.O Fa­ther, by Whose Ser­vants
WolverhamptonThe ci­ty in the West Mid­lands, Eng­land.O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink
Wonderful Love (Wat­son)Come, Let Us a Sing of a Won­der­ful Love
Wonderful StarWonderful Star, The
Wonderful WordOh, Won­der­ful Word!
Wondrous SightI’ve Seen the Face of Je­sus
WonnbergerComposer C. Wonn­ber­ger.Beside Thy Man­ger Here I Stand
WŏnsanThe Ko­re­an city.Song of Home, A
WoodO Lord, to Thee I Cry
Wood Riv­erThe Il­li­nois ci­ty.As Wan­der­ing on Life’s Jour­ney
WoodbirdHail to the Lord’s An­oint­ed
WoodbrookJesus, Ten­der Sav­ior
WoodburyHo! Reap­ers of Life’s Har­vest
WoodlandThere Is an Hour of Peace­ful Rest
WoodlandsThe head­mas­ter’s board­ing house at Gresh­am’s School, Holt, Nor­folk, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Wal­ter Great­or­ex was mu­sic mas­ter.
  1. Draw Nigh to Thy Je­ru­sa­lem
  2. Lift Up Your Hearts
  3. Tell Out, My Soul
WoodleighO Migh­ty God, Cre­at­or, King
WoodlynnMy Lord, My Mas­ter, at Thy Feet Ad­or­ing
WoodoaksO Name, All Oth­er Names Above
  1. Goodly Were Thy Tents, O Is­ra­el
  2. Our Lord’s Re­sur­rect­ion
Woodstock (Doane)Will Je­sus Find Us Watch­ing?
Woodstock (Dut­ton)
  1. I Love to Steal Awhile Away
  2. Let Ev­ery Mor­tal Ear At­tend
  3. To Thee, O God, the Shep­herd Kings
Woodward’s Li­ta­nyDay by Day the Man­na Fell
  1. As Once for Jo­nah
  2. As Spring the Win­ter Doth Suc­ceed
  3. Away, My Doubts, Be Gone, My Fear
  4. Blessèd Babe, The
  5. Blest Tri­ni­ty, from Mor­tal Sight
  6. Dear Sav­ior, If These Lambs Should Stray
  7. God of Love Will Sure In­dulge, The
  8. Fairest of All the Lights Above
  9. Halo Rests up­on Thy Brow, A
  10. How Ma­ny Years Has Man Been Driv­en
  11. If Je­sus Rose Not from the Grave
  12. Is This Thy Will?
  13. Just as I Am, With­out One Plea
  14. Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me
  15. My Bird
  16. Praises to Him Who Built the Hills
  17. Rapid My Days and Months Run On
Woolmer’sThey Come, God’s Mes­sen­gers of Love
  1. At First I Prayed for Light
  2. Blest Com­fort­er Di­vine
Worcester (Play­ford)Eternal God, How They’re In­creased
Worcester (Whin­field)Glory Be to the God the Fa­ther
WorcestershireThe his­tor­ic Eng­lish coun­ty.Two Homes, The
WordsworthO Day of Rest and Glad­ness

Also see Bock­ing

Work Song [Di­li­gence]
  1. Where Can One Look for Wis­dom?
  2. Work, for the Night Is Com­ing
WorrellComposer Ed­na Wor­rell.Little Child­ren, Do You Know?
Worship (Craw­ford)Ye Ser­vants of God
Worship (Har­ring­ton)To Thee, Eter­nal Soul, Be Praise!
Worship (Haydn)
  1. Father of Earth and Heav­en
  2. Jesus, the Glo­ry Take!
  3. Worship, and Thanks, and Bless­ing
Worship (Mo­ra­via)We Co­ve­nant with Hand and Heart
Worship (Stew­art)Father, Be­fore Thy Throne of Light
  1. Call Je­ho­vah Thy Sal­va­tion
  2. وصل الرب بنا
WorthingtonSavior, Who Thy Life Didst Give
WrefordHail! Sac­red Day of Earth­ly Rest
WrenthamWhat Cheer­ing Words Are These!
Wrestling Ja­cobCome, O Thou Tra­vel­er Un­known
WrexhamThe Welsh ci­ty.
  1. Daughter of Zi­on, Shout with Joy
  2. Repent, Re­pent, the Bap­tist Cries
Wright Ci­tyThe ci­ty in Mis­sou­ri.O Love­ly Star
WrocławThe Po­lish ci­ty.How Can I Keep from Sing­ing?
WuhanThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Once More Our Grate­ful, Strength­ened Hearts
Wunderbarer Kö­nigGerman for won­der­ful king.See Arns­berg
WuppertalThe Ger­man ci­ty.Coming By and By
WürttembergThe re­gion in Ger­ma­ny.
  1. Childling of a Maid­en Bright
  2. Christ the Lord Is Ris­en Again
  3. Do It Now (Kirk)
WychboldIn the Cross of Christ I Glo­ry
WycliffAll for Je­sus
WyeGreat God! At­tend While Zi­on Sings
Wye Val­leyLike a Riv­er Glo­ri­ous
Wye Val­ley (short)At the Name of Je­sus
WykeO Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
WynnstayGod, That Mad­est Earth and Heav­en
WyomingCome, All Ye Ser­vants of the Lord