W Zlobie Lezy | Polish for He lies in the cradle. |
- Come, You People of the Promise
- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Wabash | The river in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. | I Am Willing |
Wachet auf | German for wake up. |
- Glorious Majesty
- Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee
- Rise! To Arms!
- Sleepers, Wake! the Watch Cry Pealeth
- Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
- Wake, O Wake, with Tidings Thrilling
Waco | Waco, Texas. | Christmas Bells Are Gaily Ringing |
Waikiki | Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii. | As a Little Child |
Waith | | All Things Praise Thee |
Waits’ Song | |
- Behold the Wretch Whose Lust and Wine
- Child for Us Is Born This Day, A
- Death and Resurrection (Thompson)
- He Comes! He Comes! To Judge the World
- How Strong Thine Arm Is, Mighty God!
- My Life Declines, My Strength Is Gone
- Thou God of Love, Thou Ever Blessed
- Waits’ Song, The
Wakefield | | No, No, It Is Not Dying |
Waken | | Waken! Christian Children |
Walder | Composer Johann Walder. | How Precious Is the Book Divine |
Waldo | | As Pants the Wearied Hart |
Wall Street | The New York City avenue. | What Can I Do Without Jesus? |
Wallace (Baker) | | What Shall I Render to the Lord? |
Wallace (Hamilton) | | Kings of the East Are Riding, The |
Wallhead | Composer Thomas Wallhead. | Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us |
Wallin | | Again Thy Glorious Sun Doth Rise |
Walmisley | | O Perfect God, Thy Love |
Walpurga | The 8th Century Anglo Saxon missionary to the Frankish Empire. | Jesus, Hear My Prayer |
Walsall | Wasall, England. |
- No Man, nor Angel, Can Compare
- Oh Lord, We Tremble at Thy Frown
- When Came in Flesh the Incarnate Word
Waltham (Albert) | | Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying |
Waltham (Calkin) [Camden, Doane] | |
- Fling Out the Banner
- God Will Our Strength and Refuge Prove
- High on a Hill of Dazzling Light
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
- Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now
- O Mighty Man, Why Wilt Thou Boast?
- O Thou to Whom, in Ancient Time
- Press On, Press On, Ye Sons of Light
- Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New
- Stand Up, My Soul
- We Praise, Thee, God, for Harvests Earned
Waltham (Monk) | | Not for Our Sins Alone |
Waltham Abbey | | My Lord, in Glory Reigning |
Walton | | See Germany |
Wanamaker | Probably hymnal editor John Wanamaker. | I Wish That I Had Never Sinned |
Wanderer | | See Invitation (Hastings) |
Wär’ Gott nicht mit uns | | If God Had Not Been on Our Side |
Waratah | | Jesus, the Calm That Fills My Breast |
Ward [Healing Balm] | |
- God Is the Refuge of His Saints
- Jesus! Dear Name, How Sweet It Sounds!
- Let All That Breathe, Jehovah Praise
- O Lord of Hosts, We Seek to Raise
Warden | | For the Beauty of the Earth |
Wardle | Composer Thomas Wardle. | Christ Was Born on Christmas Night |
Ware | | Blest Be the Lord! |
Wareham [All Saints, Blandford] | Birthplace of composer William Knapp. |
- All Souls Are Mine
- Be Still, My Heart! These Anxious Cares
- Christmas Time Draws on Apace, The
- Dawn Is Sprinkling in the East, The
- Eternal Father, When to Thee
- Eternal Glory of the Sky
- Eternal Source of Every Joy
- Father of Mercies, Bow Thine Ear
- How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair
- In Pleasant Lands
- Laborer’s Noon-Day Hymn, The
- Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose
- Lo! Golden Light Rekindles Day
- Lord Jesus Christ, All Praise to Thee
- Lord Jesus, with Thy Presence Bless
- Now to the Lord, That Makes Us Know
- O Savior, Lord, to Thee We Pray
- O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright
- O Wondrous Sight!
- Powerful Word That Reared the Skies, The
- Proud Babylon Yet Waits Her Doom
- Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might
- Star of Our Hope
- Thine, Lord, Is Wisdom, Thine Alone
- This Ship We Now Commend to Thee
- Thou Glorious God, Before Whose Face
- Whom Oceans Part, O Lord, Unite
- Wingèd Herald of the Day, The
- Within My Heart, O Lord, Fulfill
- Ye Clouds and Darkness, Hosts of Night
Waring | | See St. Anselm |
Warnborough | | They Whose Course on Earth Is O’er |
Warner | | With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh |
Warning | | Stop, Poor Sinner, Stop and Think |
Warrington | |
- Arise, My Soul, Awake and Sing
- Disowned of Heav’n, by Man Oppressed
- Exert Thy Power
- Founded on Thee
- Give to Our God Immortal Praise
- Not to Condemn the Sons of Men
- Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky
- O Christ, Our Joy, to Whom Is Given
- Oh! Seize This Hour
- Sweet Is the Solemn Voice That Calls
Warrior | | Uprouse You! Soldiers of the Cross |
Warsaw | | Hark! Hark! the Notes of Joy |
Wartburg Castle | | Far off, O God, and Yet Most Near |
Warum sind die Thränen [Swahili] | | Praise the Lord of Heaven |
Warum sollt’ ich mich den Gräben | | See Ebeling |
Warwick | |
- Beyond the Glittering, Starry Skies
- Lord, in the Morning Thou Shalt Hear
- Lord, Thou Shalt Early Hear
- With Reverence Let the Saints Appear
Was frag’ ich nach der Welt? | German for What do I ask about the world? |
- Joy to the World! Sound Forth
- Now Are the Days Fulfilled
- Now Yield We Thanks and Praise
- O God, Thou Faithful God
- What Is the World to Me?
Was mein Gott will | | Will of God Is Always Best, The |
Was lebet, was schwebet | | O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness |
Washington | | My Hope, My All |
Wasilla | The Alaskan town. | Christ Shall Come Again, The |
Watchman (Leach) | | My God! Permit My Tongue |
Watchman (Mason) | | Watchman, Tell Us of the Night |
Watchword | | Truehearted, Wholehearted, Faithful and Loyal |
Water Street | | See Kenosis |
Waterbank | The town in western Australia. | Heaven with Rosy Morn Is Glowing |
Waterford | Birthplace of composer William Wallace. | When Saints Gather Round Thee |
Waterman | The lunar impact crater. | Shelter Near the Cross |
Watford | | O Show Me Not My Savior Dying |
Waugh | | See Cambridge |
Wave | | Star of Peace to Wanderers Weary |
Waverton | |
- O Light That Knew No Dawn
- O Thou That Hearest Prayer
Wavertree | | Surrounded by Unnumbered Foes |
Way of the Cross | | Way of the Cross Leads Home, The |
Wayman | | Just as I Am, Without One Plea |
Wayfaring Stranger | |
- From Highest Heaven
- I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger
We Are Going | | We Are Going |
We Give Thee but Thine Own | | We Give Thee but Thine Own |
We Praise Thee | |
- Lord Is My Shepherd (Orrock), The
- Pilgrim’s Song, The
- We Praise Thee (Crosby)
Wealden | | Oh for the Death of Those |
Webb [Morning Light] | Composer James Webb. |
- Ashamed to Be a Christian
- Christmas Story
- Day of Glory Bearing, The
- He Rose! O Morn of Wonder!
- In Lands Across the Sea
- Morning Light Is Breaking, The
- O Thou Whose Hand Hath Brought Us
- Precious Story, The
- Our Country’s Voice Is Pleading
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- Thy Might Sets Fast the Mountains
- We Come with Song Rejoicing
- We Hail the Rising Day Star
Weber | | O That I Could for Ever Dwell Also see Seymour |
Webster | | Awake, and Sing the Song |
Webster Groves | The St. Louis, Missouri, suburb. | Like the Sound of Many Waters |
Wedding Day | | Voice That Breathed o’er Eden, The |
Wedlock | | God Is My Strong Salvation |
Weehawken | The New Jersey township. | Dear Jesus, Ever at My Side |
Weil ich Jesu Schäflein bin | | I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb |
Weimar | |
- Lo! Now Is Our Accepted Day
- O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou Art
Weinland | Song writer Mary Weinland. | Joy Cometh in the Morning! |
Weisse Flaggen | German for white flags. | Son of God, Eternal Savior
Also see All Saints Old |
Weissinger | Elizabeth Catherine Weissinger (1828–1871). | Come, Come to Jesus |
Welcome Sabbath Morning | | Welcome, Sabbath Morning |
Welcome Voice | | O Lord, My Earnest Cry |
Weld | |
- Dreadful, Pride Chastising Word
- Give Me the Enlarged Desire
- Glorious God, Accept a Heart
- Meet and Right It Is to Sing
- Savior, Whom Our Hearts Adore
Wellesley | Wellesley College, Massachusetts. |
- Don’t You See My Jesus Coming?
- Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
- Holy Babe, Our Great Salvation
- There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
Wellington (Gauntlett) | | Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love |
Wellington (Lamplough) | | Work with All Your Might, Boys |
Wells (Bortniansky) | | From the Cross |
Wells (Monk) | |
- Grant to This Child the Inward Grace
- Not by the Martyr’s Death Alone
- O Jesu, Blessèd Lord, to Thee
- Thrice Happy Man Who Fears the Lord
Welton | The village and civil parish in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. | Return, My Roving Heart, Return |
Welwyn | The Hertfordshire village where composer Alfred Scott-Gatty was buried. |
- Christ! I Am Christ’s
- Hark, What a Sound
- Lord God of Hosts, Whose Purpose, Never Swerving
- Lord of True Light
- O Brother Man
- O Happy Home
Wembley | The area in the London borough of Brent. | Anniversary Hymn (Gibson) |
Wendell | | Far from Mortal Cares Retreating |
Wenn meine Sünd | |
- O Lord, When My Sins Grieve Me
- When o’er My Sins I Sorrow
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten | |
- All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall
- Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains
- I Come to Thee, O Blessèd Lord
- O Faithful God, Thanks Be to Thee
Wentworth | |
- My God, I Thank Thee
- Sun Is on the Land and Sea, The
Wenzhou | The Chinese city. | Thousand Years, O Blessèd Story, A |
Wer da wonet | German for who lives there. | Hymn for Conquering Martyrs Raise, The |
Wer nur den lieben Gott | | See Neumark |
Wer weiss, wie nahe (Bronner) | | Unto the Lord of All Creation |
Wer weiss, wie nahe (Möck) | | When Sinners See Their Lost Condition |
Werde munter | German for cheer up. |
- Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
- Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me
- Like the Golden Sun Ascending
- Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit
- Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth
- Thou, Whose Coming Seers and Sages
- Wherefore Dost Thou Longer Tarry?
Wesley | | My Song Is Love Unknown |
Wesley (Mason) | |
- Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning!
- Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise
Wessex | The Anglo-Saxon kingdom in southern Britain. |
- Brood o’er Us with Thy Sheltering Wing
- Lord of My Life!
- When Troubles, Like a Whelming Sea
Westbourne | | We Have Not Known Thee as We Ought |
Westenhanger | The village in Kent, England. | Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord |
Westgate | | O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power |
Westminster (Cooke) | | O Trinity of Blessèd Light |
Westminster (Turle) | | Sweet Is the Prayer Whose Holy Stream |
Westminster Abbey | | Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation |
Westminster College | | See Old 113th |
Westminster New | | Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee |
Westmoreland | | Thy Way Is on the Deep, O Lord |
Weston | | Friend of Sinners, Lord of Glory |
Westwood | | Hail to the Lord’s Anointed |
Wetherby | |
- Above Me Hangs the Silent Sky
- Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
- O Thou Who Through This Holy Week
Wetterling | | Jesus, Refuge of the Weary |
Weybridge | The town in Surrey, England, where composer Walter Sangster was organist at St. James Church. | And Now the Wants Are Told |
Wharncliffe | The area northwest of Sheffield, England. | Jesus, Thou Hast Willed It |
Wheaton | The Illinois city. | It Was Spoken for the Master |
Whelpton | Composer George Whelpton. | Hear Our Prayer, O Lord |
When I See My Savior | | When I See My Savior |
Whidbey Island | The island near Everett, Washington. | Co-Laborers |
Whistler | The city in British Columbia, Canada. | My Coming King |
Whitburn | | See Hesperus |
Whitby Abbey | The abbey in Yorkshire, England. |
- Consecration Hymn
- Go, Said the Voice of Heavenly Love
- Had Not the Lord, May Israel Say
- How Sweet It Is in Early Youth
White Plains | The city in New York. | Safe at Home |
White Robes | | When on Her Maker’s Bosom |
Whitechapel | The district in London, England. | Crown Him (Adams) |
Whitehall | |
- Martyr of God, Whose Strength Was Steeled
- O Light of Light, by Love Inclined
Whitehorse | The Canadian city. | Immortality |
Whiteland | | Great God, to Thee My Evening Song |
Whiteside | | See Shoemaker |
Whitfield | |
- I Saw the Cross of Jesus
- My Lord, I Did Not Choose You
Whiting | | See St. David (Calkin) |
Whitman | | Fount of Everlasting Love |
Whittingham | Episcopal bishop William Whittingham. | Jerusalem! High Tow’r Thy Glorious Walls! |
Whittle | Hymnist Daniel Whittle. |
- Moment by Moment
- Since Through God’s Mercy
Whitwell | | Life Which God’s Incarnate Word, The |
Whoever Will | | O Thou That Hear’st When Sinners Cry |
Wie schön leuchtet [Frankfort] | German for How beautiful it shines. |
- All Hail to Thee, O Blessèd Morn!
- Hallelujah! Let Praises Ring!
- He Is Arisen! Glorious Word!
- How Bright Appears the Morning Star
- How Brightly Beams the Morning Star!
- How Lovely Shines the Morning Star
- How Lovely Shines the Morning Star (Cox)
- O Holy Spirit, Enter In
- O Lord Most Holy!
- Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn
Wie soll ich | German for how shall I. | Light of the Gentile Nations |
Wie wohl ist mir | |
- My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy and Blessing
- Rest Remaineth for the Weary, A
Wiegenlied | The name given by (apparently) the composer, Johannes Brahms. | See Brahms’ Lullaby. |
Wien | Vienna, Austria. | Ring the Joy-Bells, Christ Has Risen |
Wigan (Graham) | The town in Greater Manchester, England. | Giver of the Perfect Gift |
Wigan (Wesley) | The town in Greater Manchester, England. | Behold the Lamb of God |
Wigglesworth | The village and civil parish in the Craven district of North Yorkshire, England. | While It Is Day |
Wigtown [Wigton] | |
- Hear What the Voice from Heav’n Proclaims
- One Who Is All Unfit to Count
Wilbraham | The Massachusetts town. | Give Thanks to God, He Reigns Above |
Wild Bells | | Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New |
Wildersmouth [Parousia] | |
- O’er the Gloomy Hills of Darkness
- See the Vivid Lightnings Flashing
Wilhelm | | Ye Fainting Souls, Lift Up Your Eyes |
Will You Go? (Embry) | | Will You Go? (Jukes) |
Willard | | Awake! Ye Saints of God! Awake! |
Willerby | | My Savior, ’Mid Life’s Varied Scene |
Williams | | Lord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through |
Willibrord | The 8th Century Northumbrian missionary. | Jesus Died for Me (Abbott) |
Willingham (Abt) | |
- Seek Not Afar for Beauty
- Trust the Eternal
Willingham (Wesley) | | Savior, and Can It Be |
Willington | | Come Hither, All Ye Weary Souls |
Willow Grove | The Pennsylvania town. | Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty |
Wilmar | | There’s Not a Bird with Lonely Nest |
Wilmore | The Kentucky city. | When You Think of the Judgment Day |
Wilmot | |
- Lord, Thy Word to Me Remember
- Onward, Christian, Though the Region
- Praise to Thee, Thou Great Creator
Wilson | | Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus |
Wilton | | Light of the World! Forever, Ever Shining |
Wiltshire (Smart) | The ceremonial county in southwest England. |
- Happy the Heart Where Graces Reign
- Since All the Downward Tracts of Time
Wiltshire (Stephenson) | |
- From Thee, My God, My Joys Shall Rise
- Who Are These, and Whence Came They?
Wiltz | | I Weep, but Do Not Yield |
Wimbledon | The London suburb. | Round the Cross |
Wimborne | |
- Compass, The
- Lord, How Secure and Blest Are They
Winchcombe | The Cotswold town in Gloucestershire, England. | The Bridegroom Comes |
Winchester (Croft) | | My Soul, Thy Great Creator Praise |
Winchester New | |
- Almighty God, Thy Lofty Throne
- Come in, Thou Blessèd, Honored Lord
- Creation’s Lord, We Give Thee Thanks
- Eternal One, Thou Living God
- Go Favored Christians, and Proclaim
- God’s Boundless Love
- Happy the City
- Holy as Thou, O Lord, Is None
- No More, Dear Savior, Will I Boast
- On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
- This Day at Thy Creating Word
- ’Tis Done! the New and Heavenly Birth
- Uprising from the Darksome Tomb
Winchester Old | |
- Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire
- Join, All Ye Ransomed Sons of Grace
- Lift Up Your Heads, Eternal Gates!
- Savior Died, but Rose Again, The
- When God of Old Came Down from Heav’n
Windermere (Kroeger) | | Within Thy Temple, Lord |
Windermere (Somervell) | | We Give Thee but Thine Own |
Windham | | Broad Is the Road |
Windhoek | The Namibian city. | Jesus Is Merciful |
Windsor | The town in Berkshire, England. |
- And Must I Be to Judgment Brought
- Awful Noontide Gloom Is O’er, The
- Bitter Waters, The
- But if Thou Wilt Not Save Us Here
- Come, Lord in Mercy Come Again
- God Bids, and Lo!
- Great God, How Infinite Art Thou!
- Have Mercy, Lord, on Us, We Pray
- He Comes, He Comes! The Son of God
- He’ll Come, the Judge Will Surely Come
- In Grief and Fear, to Thee, O Lord
- Jesu, Our Lenten Fast of Thee
- In Thy Great Indignation, Lord
- Lord, I Would Spread My Sore Distress
- My God, How Many Are My Fears
- O Lord of Life and Death
- That Awful Day Will Surely Come
- Today, O Lord, a Holier Work
- Why Has My God My Soul Forsook?
- Why Should I Vex My Soul?
- Ye Sons of Men, a Feeble Race
Winfield | | All Ye Nations, Praise the Lord |
Wingate | Hymnist Mary Wingate. | Just One Glimpse |
Winkler | The town in Manitoba, Canada. | I’m Not Ashamed |
Winnipeg | Winnipeg, Canada. | Land That’s Far Away, The |
Winona Lake [Butler] | Winona Lake, Indiana. | Sinner Like Me, A |
Winscott | | Almighty Maker of My Frame |
Winter | | O Happy Soul That Lives on High |
Winter Cold | | ’Twas in the Winter Cold |
Winter Park | Winter Park, Florida. | Only a River Between Us |
Winterthur | Winterthur, Switzerland. | Dan Tes Bras Éternels |
Winterton | | Savior, Thy Dying Love |
Wir danken dir | | Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee |
Wir glauben all | | We All Believe in One True God |
Wir pflügen [Dresden] | | We Plow the Fields |
Wirksworth [Aylesbury] | The town in Derbyshire, England. |
- I Saw, Beyond the Tomb
- Soon Shall The Trumpet Spread
Wirth | | Jehovah Hear Thee in the Day |
Wisdom | | Now Sweeping Down the Years Untold |
Wise Men | | Saw You Never, in the Twilight? |
Witherspoon | | To Thee Our God We Fly |
Wittenberg | Wittenberg, Germany. | Time to Watch, a Time to Pray, A Also see Erfurt |
Wittenburg | Wittenburg, Germany. | See Nun danket |
Wo Gott zum Haus | German for Where God to the house. |
- Star Proclaims the King Is Here, The
- We Have a Sure Prophetic Word
Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen | German for where is Jesus, my desire? | Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted |
Wo soll ich fliehen hin | German for where shall I flee? | O Bride of Christ, Rejoice |
Wohlauf, thut nicht verzagen | |
- Another Year Completed
- Lord and King of All Things, The
Wolfsburg | The German city. | Can Ye Not Watch One Little Hour? |
Wolvercote | The location in Oxford, England. | O Father, by Whose Servants |
Wolverhampton | The city in the West Midlands, England. | O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink |
Wonderful Love (Watson) | | Come, Let Us a Sing of a Wonderful Love |
Wonderful Star | | Wonderful Star, The |
Wonderful Word | | Oh, Wonderful Word! |
Wondrous Sight | | I’ve Seen the Face of Jesus |
Wonnberger | Composer C. Wonnberger. | Beside Thy Manger Here I Stand |
Wŏnsan | The Korean city. | Song of Home, A |
Wood | | O Lord, to Thee I Cry |
Wood River | The Illinois city. | As Wandering on Life’s Journey |
Woodbird | | Hail to the Lord’s Anointed |
Woodbrook | | Jesus, Tender Savior |
Woodbury | | Ho! Reapers of Life’s Harvest |
Woodland | | There Is an Hour of Peaceful Rest |
Woodlands | The headmaster’s boarding house at Gresham’s School, Holt, Norfolk, England, where composer Walter Greatorex was music master. |
- Draw Nigh to Thy Jerusalem
- Lift Up Your Hearts
- Tell Out, My Soul
Woodleigh | | O Mighty God, Creator, King |
Woodlynn | | My Lord, My Master, at Thy Feet Adoring |
Woodoaks | | O Name, All Other Names Above |
Woodside | |
- Goodly Were Thy Tents, O Israel
- Our Lord’s Resurrection
Woodstock (Doane) | | Will Jesus Find Us Watching? |
Woodstock (Dutton) | |
- I Love to Steal Awhile Away
- Let Every Mortal Ear Attend
- To Thee, O God, the Shepherd Kings
Woodward’s Litany | | Day by Day the Manna Fell |
Woodworth | |
- As Once for Jonah
- As Spring the Winter Doth Succeed
- Away, My Doubts, Be Gone, My Fear
- Blessèd Babe, The
- Blest Trinity, from Mortal Sight
- Dear Savior, If These Lambs Should Stray
- God of Love Will Sure Indulge, The
- Fairest of All the Lights Above
- Halo Rests upon Thy Brow, A
- How Many Years Has Man Been Driven
- If Jesus Rose Not from the Grave
- Is This Thy Will?
- Just as I Am, Without One Plea
- Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me
- My Bird
- Praises to Him Who Built the Hills
- Rapid My Days and Months Run On
Woolmer’s | | They Come, God’s Messengers of Love |
Woolwich | |
- At First I Prayed for Light
- Blest Comforter Divine
Worcester (Playford) | | Eternal God, How They’re Increased |
Worcester (Whinfield) | | Glory Be to the God the Father |
Worcestershire | The historic English county. | Two Homes, The |
Wordsworth | | O Day of Rest and Gladness Also see Bocking |
Work Song [Diligence] | |
- Where Can One Look for Wisdom?
- Work, for the Night Is Coming
Worrell | Composer Edna Worrell. | Little Children, Do You Know? |
Worship (Crawford) | | Ye Servants of God |
Worship (Harrington) | | To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise! |
Worship (Haydn) | |
- Father of Earth and Heaven
- Jesus, the Glory Take!
- Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing
Worship (Moravia) | | We Covenant with Hand and Heart |
Worship (Stewart) | | Father, Before Thy Throne of Light |
Worthing | |
- Call Jehovah Thy Salvation
- وصل الرب بنا
Worthington | | Savior, Who Thy Life Didst Give |
Wreford | | Hail! Sacred Day of Earthly Rest |
Wrentham | | What Cheering Words Are These! |
Wrestling Jacob | | Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown |
Wrexham | The Welsh city. |
- Daughter of Zion, Shout with Joy
Repent, Repent, the Baptist Cries
Wright City | The city in Missouri. | O Lovely Star |
Wrocław | The Polish city. | How Can I Keep from Singing? |
Wuhan | The Chinese city. | Once More Our Grateful, Strengthened Hearts |
Wunderbarer König | German for wonderful king. | See Arnsberg |
Wuppertal | The German city. | Coming By and By |
Württemberg | The region in Germany. |
- Childling of a Maiden Bright
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Again
- Do It Now (Kirk)
Wychbold | | In the Cross of Christ I Glory |
Wycliff | | All for Jesus |
Wye | | Great God! Attend While Zion Sings |
Wye Valley | | Like a River Glorious |
Wye Valley (short) | | At the Name of Jesus |
Wyke | | O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go |
Wynnstay | | God, That Madest Earth and Heaven |
Wyoming | | Come, All Ye Servants of the Lord |