NameNamed AfterUsed By
ZacatecasThe Mexi­can state.O That Sweet Day
ZadokThe priest in 2 Samuel 8:17.In the Cleans­èd Tem­ple
ZagrebThe Cro­a­tian ci­ty.Whom Have I in Hea­ven?
ZambiaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.I Be­lieve (Ray)
ZamoraThe Span­ish ci­ty.Some Day (Rex­ford)
ZaneCrowns of Glo­ry
ZapopanThe Mexican ci­ty.Evening Light, The
ZaporizhzhiaThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.No Oth­er Name (Shac­klock)
ZaragozaThe Span­ish ci­ty.Lofty Hills of Mo­ab
ZarephathThe ci­ty where Eli­jah re­vived the widow’s dead son (1 Kings 17:22).God Speed Them On
ZeboimOne of the ci­ties de­stroyed with So­dom and Go­mor­rah (Deu­ter­o­no­my 29:23).Trusting in Je­sus (Hol­sing­er)
ZebulonThe sixth son of Bib­li­cal pa­tri­arch Ja­cob and his wife Le­ah.
  1. Work That Saves, The
  2. Ye Dy­ing Sons of Men
  3. Ye Wait­ing Souls, Arise
Zebulun [St. Phil­ip]The Is­ra­el­ite tribe.Father, if Thou My Fa­ther Art
Zeige mir dein An­ge­sichtGerman for Show me your face.When My Lips Can Frame No Sound
ZelekOne of King Da­vid’s migh­ty men (1 Chron­i­cles 11:39).When Thick­ly Beat the Storms of Life
ZenanaCry, as of Pain, A
ZenicaThe Bos­ni­an ci­ty.In That Ci­ty
ZennorThe town in Corn­wall.He Leads Us On
ZenoLord, Re­buke Me Not in An­ger
  1. So Fades the Love­ly, Bloom­ing Flow­er
  2. Stretched on the Cross, the Sav­ior Dies
  3. Why Should We Start, and Fear to Die?
ZerahEsau’s grand­son (Ge­ne­sis 36:17).
  1. Advent, The
  2. Awake, Ye Saints, and Raise Your Eyes
  3. Glorious Gates of Righ­teous­ness, The
  4. To Ju­dah’s Rug­ged Lof­ty Land
ZerubbabelGovernor of the Per­sian prov­ince of Ju­dah (Haggai 1:1).He Is So Pre­cious to Me
Zeuch einGerman for draw in.Oh, En­ter, Lord, Thy Tem­ple
Zeuch michSee All Saints
ZhejiangThe Chi­nese prov­ince.Have You Found the Sav­ior?
ZhengzhouThe Chi­nese ci­ty.When the Fire Came Down (Oat­man)
Zielona Gó­raThe Po­lish ci­ty.Jesus Nev­er Will Change
  1. Souls in Hea­then Dark­ness Ly­ing
  2. Speed Thy Ser­vants, Sav­ior
  3. Watchmen on the Walls of Zi­on
  4. Zion, by Her God For­sak­en
  5. Zion Stands by Hills Sur­round­ed
Zion klagtGerman for Zi­on com­plains.
  1. Ever by My Love Be Own­èd
  2. Zion Mourns in Fear and Ang­uish
Zion’s LightThat Glo­ri­ous Day Is Draw­ing Nigh
ZlínThe ci­ty in the Czech Re­pub­lic.Send Forth Thy Workers
ZoanThe city in Egypt’s east­ern Nile del­ta (Num­bers 13:22).Leaves Around Me Fall­ing, The
ZonguldakThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Rivers of Song
ZorinskyThe lake in Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Child of Beth­le­hem, The
  1. Encamping An­gels
  2. Glory in the High­est! (Brown­lie)
  3. Whence Those Sounds Sym­phon­i­ous?
Zu mein­em HerrnO Word of Pi­ty, for Our Par­don Plead­ing

See also As­cend­it De­us

ZugThe Swiss can­ton.
  1. Jesus, with Thy Church Abide
  2. Litany of the Pas­sion
Zum Fried­enHark! The Trum­pet, Earth’s Four Re­gions
ZundelComposer John Zun­del.From the East­ern Mount­ains
ZürichThe Swiss ci­ty.
  1. Sweet Feast of Love Di­vine
  2. Thy Name, Al­migh­ty Lord
  3. To Keep the Lamp Alive
ZvirovićiThe vil­lage in Herz­e­gov­i­na.Jesus Bursts the Bars of Death
ZwolleThe Dutch ci­ty.Yes, We Come